Cyberkrieg 2.0
Diese Tech-Aktie könnte Ihr Portfolio revolutionieren – und die nächste große Sicherheitslücke schließen
#Rank Wert Perf.
337 Euronext ESG Biodiversity Screened Transatlantic 80 Dec 5% (EUR) +0,77 %
338 Euronext Equileap Gender Equality Eurozone 100 NR Index (Net Total Retunr EUR) +0,44 %
339 Euronext Earth Focus 40 NR Index (Net Total Return EUR) +0,44 %
340 Euronext Earth Focus 40 GR Index (Gross Total Return EUR) +0,44 %
341 Euronext Developed Asia Total Market GR Index -0,12 %
342 Euronext CDP Water Eurozone EW NR +0,44 %
343 Euronext CDP France Environnement Decrement 5% Index (EUR) -0,06 %
344 Euronext Aerospace and Defense GR Index +0,02 %
345 CAC SBT 1.5 GR Decrement 4% Index (Gross Total Return EUR) +0,23 %
346 AEX Utilities -1,71 %
347 Euronext World Sustainability and Climate Screened Dec 50P (EUR) +0,66 %
348 Euronext USA Total Market NR Index -0,10 %
349 Euronext US Screened Climate Ambition 35 EW NR EUR (EUR) +0,90 %
350 Euronext UK Total Market NR Index +0,18 %
351 Euronext Transatlantic Financials NR Index -1,17 %
352 Euronext S Stellantis 070322 GR Decrement 1.04 Index (Gross Total Return EUR) -0,39 %
353 Euronext S Kering 070322 PR 12 Index (Price Return EUR) -3,02 %
354 Euronext Positive Impact Water World Index (EUR) +0,57 %
355 Euronext PAB Transatlantic 50 NR INDEX (Net Total Return EUR) +0,32 %
356 Euronext PAB North America 50 Index (EUR) +0,55 %
357 Euronext JPN Screened Climate Ambition 30 EW Index (JPY) -0,79 %
358 Euronext Invest In France Low Volatility GR Index (Gross Total Return EUR) +0,88 %
359 Euronext Invest In France 40 NR Index (Net Total Return EUR) +0,73 %
360 Euronext G Societe Generale 310523 PR 1.30 Index (Price Total Return EUR) +0,38 %
361 Euronext G Societe Generale 010622 GR 1.65 Index (Gross Total Return) +0,38 %
362 Euronext G Societe Generale 010622 Decrement 1.65 (EUR) +0,36 %
363 Euronext G Eni SPA 010622 GR 0.91 Index (Gross Total Return EUR) +0,63 %
364 Euronext G Credit Agricole 310523 Decrement 1.05 Index (EUR) -0,02 %
365 Euronext G Credit Agricole 010622 GR Decrement 0.84 Index (Gross Total Return EUR) -0,02 %
366 Euronext French Employment 40 EW Index (EUR) -0,35 %
367 Euronext France Climate Screened NR Decrement 5% Index (Net Total Retrun EUR) +0,20 %
368 Euronext EZ Transatlantic GR Index +0,76 %
369 Euronext Eurozone Technology GR Index -0,91 %
370 Euronext Eurozone Focus 40 PAB Decrement 4% Index (EUR) +0,67 %
371 Euronext Europe Luxury Index -0,21 %
372 Euronext ESG Biodiversity Screened Transatlantic 80 Dec 4% (EUR) +0,77 %
373 Euronext Equileap Gender Equality France 40 NR Index (Net Total Return EUR) +0,10 %
374 Euronext Equileap Gender Equality Eurozone 100 Index (EUR) +0,44 %
375 Euronext Earth Focus 40 Decrement 5% Index (EUR) +0,43 %
376 Euronext Developed Pacific Total Market NR Index +0,17 %
377 Euronext Developed Pacific Total Market GR Index +0,17 %
378 Euronext Developed North America Total Market Index -0,10 %

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