Hot Stock
Microsofts, Googles und Amazons nukleares Wettrennen macht diese Uranaktie zu einem Muss!
#Rank Wert Perf. Branche Zweig
2647 Fountainhall Capital -10,77 %
2648 Star Royalties +1,75 %
2649 Sustainable Power & Infrastructure Split 5.0 % Cum Red Pfd +0,19 %
2650 Sonoran desert Copper Corporation +5,30 %
2651 Northstar Gaming Holdings +20,00 %
2652 Mongoose Mining -20,00 %
2653 Integral Metals +7,69 %
2654 Vision Marine Technologies -1,81 %
2655 Spartan Delta +0,80 %
2656 Rover Critical Minerals -33,33 %
2657 Lionsgate Studios +0,14 %
2658 Kirkland Lake Discoveries -19,12 %
2659 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Non Cum Red Pfd Registered (A) +0,04 % Finanzdienstleistung Banken-Diversifiziert
2660 Volta Metals -25,00 %
2661 Capitan Silver +4,26 %
2662 Canadian Metals Registered -83,33 %
2663 Brookfield 2-Registered form +1,80 %
2664 Ubique Minerals -8,33 %
2665 Pharmacorp Rx +1,61 %
2666 Partners Value Split 4.45 % Cum Red Pfd Registered -AA- -0,96 %
2667 Nexus Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust Trust Units +0,98 %
2668 IM Cannabis -6,01 %
2669 Fuse Battery Metals +6,67 %
2670 Avanti Helium +0,66 %
2671 Rain City Resources +14,29 %
2672 EarthLabs -3,05 %
2673 Nickel Creek Platinum -4,05 %
2674 Brookfield Cum Pref Registered (A) +0,24 %
2675 Aimia Cum Pfd -1,10 % Finanzdienstleistung Vermögensmanagement
2676 Quadro Resources +5,00 %
2677 Power of Canada 5.35 % Non Cum Pfd (B) +0,23 %
2678 Everybody Loves Languages +11,76 %
2679 Elemental Altus Royalties +0,32 %
2680 Beyond Lithium +4,51 %
2681 Royal Bank of Canada Non Cum 1st Red Pfd +0,21 %
2682 Oracle Commodity Holdings +0,93 %
2683 Hercules Metals +3,16 %
2684 Golden Rapture Mining Corporation -6,67 %
2685 Edge Total Intelligence -2,17 %
2686 BlueRush -33,33 %
2687 Blue Horizon Capital -2,44 %
2688 Tana Resources +50,00 %

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