Nachbörsliche Hammermeldung – explodiert die Aktie morgen weiter?

AMAZON WKN: 906866 ISIN: US0231351067 Kürzel: AMZN Forum: Aktien Thema: Hauptdiskussion

172,93 EUR
-0,08 %-0,13
25. Sep, 22:27:57 Uhr, Lang & Schwarz
Kommentare 76.037
Testballon, 5. Sep 21:21 Uhr
Was bringt dir der tolle tageschart wenn es nicht mal bei 162/163 konstant bleibt , morgen geht’s wieder bergab.
Elditore, 5. Sep 19:41 Uhr
Also warum hier gejammert wird weiß ich nicht. Ist doch guter tageschart heute
Testballon, 5. Sep 19:25 Uhr
Dann Kauf doch vor 1 Jahr da hattest du es günstiger:)
luck21, 5. Sep 18:50 Uhr
Kann gerne nochmal runter, würde dann gerne einsteigen😅
Testballon, 5. Sep 18:12 Uhr
Was ein scheiss wieder
FrankyDU, 5. Sep 17:56 Uhr
Amazon scheint nicht mehr so beliebt zu sein.
S.h., 5. Sep 15:17 Uhr
Gibt's einen Grund für den Anstieg oder einfach nur Gegenbewegung?
QuasarPSS, 5. Sep 13:43 Uhr
Ich habe auch gut getroffen hatte 155,80€ getippt heute 280Stück und habe gut getroffen. Hoffe es geht nicht wieder runter um 15:30 sondern zurück min 160€ oder 165 ;-) heute
Micha10000, 5. Sep 8:56 Uhr

Gleich nochmal nachkaufen. Denkt dran, das Geld ist erst weg, wenn Ihr verkauft.

Wenn es lukrativer investiert wird, dann nicht.
ManMachine, 5. Sep 8:05 Uhr
Gleich nochmal nachkaufen. Denkt dran, das Geld ist erst weg, wenn Ihr verkauft.
Testballon, 5. Sep 7:47 Uhr
Hier geht und 2024 gar nix mehr totes kapital
Erer, 4. Sep 20:41 Uhr

Das ist der Grund für den Absturz?

Was für ein Absturz?
Bandit581, 4. Sep 19:30 Uhr
Da ist der Wurm drin ....
Testballon, 4. Sep 16:11 Uhr
Nein, das ist einfach nur eine Investoren/Analystenmeinung
Phantom201126, 4. Sep 16:07 Uhr
Das ist der Grund für den Absturz?
Testballon, 4. Sep 7:55 Uhr
Quelle Seeking Alpha , Myrko Lysek independent investor What is coming next? On AMZN's daily chart, the evidence of a downtrend build-up becomes more visible. The stock just tested the ceiling of the downtrend channel for the second time from the recent highs. AMZN's relative performance to the Nasdaq reference index has worsened, and the stock's momentum, shown by the MACD, is stalling. While the stock is hovering close to its ATH, cautiousness is advised. While the stock has outperformed the border technology market in the past eight months, the falling relative strength is hinting at likely more weakness ahead, an assumption that is also supported by the stalling OBV, which recently crossed its 21-day moving average. This situation has yet to happen consistently since the beginning of the downtrend in November 2021. A retest of the ascending trendline is likely to gauge the stock's direction in the foreseeable future. While these observations are based on AMZN's weekly chart, focusing on lower timeframes and validating the assumptions with the daily chart is crucial. This shorter time frame provides a clearer view of the recent price action structure, which may be less apparent on the weekly chart. By closely analyzing the daily chart, I can better understand the dynamics and assess whether the stock's current trajectory is sustainable or if a corrective phase is likely approaching. What is coming next? On AMZN's daily chart, the evidence of a downtrend build-up becomes more visible. The stock just tested the ceiling of the downtrend channel for the second time from the recent highs. AMZN's relative performance to the Nasdaq reference index has worsened, and the stock's momentum, shown by the MACD, is stalling. While the stock is hovering close to its ATH, cautiousness is advised. Author, using TradingView My assumption is that AMZN will correct from its actual level towards the ascending trendline around $162-$164, filling an open gap between $173.94 and $172.42 on its way down and the confluence with a liquidity pool between $167.50 and $159.50, an area that has some volume imbalance. Here, two likely scenarios are essential to consider. In the first scenario, AMZN could fall further and reach the critical support area between $155.45 and $149.60, where the stock would need to find support, at risk of falling significantly further along the downtrending channel. Failure to hold this support would open the downside towards the annual pivot point around $129. While AMZ has left two significant gaps open between $125.52 and $121.80 and between $108.08 and $106.90, I don't see these being filled anytime soon. A second scenario would see AMZN confirm the uptrend support and continue its ascent towards the recent peak. Overcoming the ATH would open up the opportunity to reach $204 and a further $213. Technically, the stock is in a short-term downtrend and is trying to break out from its EMA55, which has been an essential trailing support and resistance in the past, as observed in the daily chart. As a long-term investor, I would not add any significant position while focusing on protecting my gains. To avoid substantial losses, the support needs to be confirmed; therefore, I would set an appropriate stop-loss below the discussed support levels. AMZN could again be considered a buy if the stock confirms its uptrend by forming strong support and reverting by breaking out from the down-trending channel. From a short-term perspective, the assumptions offer an exciting trading range. Still, I want to see the bottom confirmed and positive momentum building up before considering a swing-trade position.
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