However, her loyal followers are disappointed - not to see any new photo of Tia. Instead, she has deleted all her posts and uploaded a mysterious black six-square-grid with a dark-blue strike through the middle! What does all the deletion mean? And why the dramatic strike through on the grid? Tia's profile icon was also replaced with a broken tiara? For the past three years, Tia has kept herself out of the spotlight and away from the public eye. Before this shocking deletion on Tia's IG, she may have been immensely disappointed by all the negative news surrounding the announcement of her new single 'Goodbye Princess' release at the Golden Melody Awards 2022 in July. Since then, she has disappeared from the entertainment and fashion scenes. Is this the trigger for her latest move on IG? All of these have sparked widespread speculation about her next move. "Tia is finally updating her Instagram! Is it a comeback? Why all the posts disappeared" "What happened Tia" "When are you releasing a new song, is this a new teaser or what? Goodbye Princess" "It has been quite some time since your last song, miss you so much, looking forward to seeing your new release" "I love you, my girl welcome back!! Have been waiting for your appearance for so long already! I miss ya so much" "Your new song was on Golden Melody Awards.... Very brainwashing indeed!" .... Fans are going wild with speculations! Yet, there has been rumour saying Tia was spotted in Bangkok, working on her upcoming project. If this is true, then followers of Tia should be seeing Tia again very soon! Tia Lee 李毓芬Official Channels: Instagram @leeyufen: YouTube: Facebook: Weibo: Hashtag: #TiaLee The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. About Tia Lee:Tia Lee (李毓芬), born in Taipei, is an Asian pop singer, film and television actress, model, and former member of the girl band Dream Girls. In addition to her acting roles and musical career, Tia appears frequently at major fashion shows. As a fashion icon and trend-setter, Tia has graced the covers of fashion, beauty and lifestyle magazines such as Vogue, Elle, Marie Claire, and shares her beauty and fashion tips through a number of Vogue's social media channels. News Source: Media OutReach
07/11/2022 Dissemination of a Financial Press Release, transmitted by EQS News. |
Tia Lee Deletes All Instagram Photos, Puts up Mysterious Square Grid on Instagram 07.11.2022, 07:00 Uhr von EQS News Jetzt kommentieren: 0
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