Issuer: SphingoTec GmbH
/ Key word(s): Corporate Action/Personnel
Hennigsdorf/Berlin, Germany, February 23, 2023 – Diagnostic company SphingoTec is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Florian Uhle as the company's new Medical Director. Dr. Uhle is a subject matter expert in translating innovations into routine clinical practice with a broad experience in both clinical and corporate settings.
Dr. Uhle brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the role, having spent 15 years in healthcare. In his new position, he will work cross-functionally to perfect the clear applications of the company's innovative diagnostic biomarkers while focusing on expanding their use for added value in clinical practice. SphingoTec recognizes the importance of addressing unmet needs in critical care settings with clear applications that can improve decision-making and patient management while reducing healthcare cost. Jörg Menten, Managing Director and CEO of SphingoTec, comments, "We are thrilled to welcome Dr. Uhle to our team as our new Medical Director. His experience in the medical field and passion for innovation make him the perfect candidate for this role. He will support our goal of increasing awareness and demand for our biomarker-based diagnostic innovations within the acute and critical care community." Dr. Florian Uhle said, "I am excited to join SphingoTec and work with such a talented and innovative team. The company's diagnostic portfolio has the potential to meet the growing need for effective diagnostic tools in critical care settings. I am eager to apply my knowledge and expertise to help bring the company's biomarkers to the forefront of clinical practice and to work towards improving patient outcomes." Before joining SphingoTec, Florian Uhle, Ph.D., was Director of Medical Affairs at Inflammatix Inc., a development-stage diagnostic company focusing on acute and critically ill patients. Prior to that, he held several leadership roles within the University Hospitals Heidelberg and Giessen, focusing on leading diagnostic research activities and innovation-oriented initiatives. He has a diploma in Biology from the Justus-Liebig University, a Master of Science from the University of Leipzig in Clinical Research and Translational Medicine, and a Ph.D. in Human Biology from the Justus-Liebig University. He completed the International Graduate School „Molecular Biology and Medicine of the Lung“ at the Universities of Giessen and Marburg Lung Center. About SphingoTec SphingoTec GmbH ("SphingoTec"; Hennigsdorf near Berlin, Germany) is a commercial-stage diagnostic company focusing on innovative critical care biomarkers for the diagnosis, prediction, and monitoring of acute medical conditions. SphingoTec’s innovative markers are made available on different IVD platforms. SphingoTec's proprietary biomarker portfolio includes Proenkephalin A 119-159 (penKid), a biomarker for the assessment of kidney function in critical diseases, and bioactive Adrenomedullin 1-52 (bio-ADM), a biomarker for the assessment of endothelial function in conditions like sepsis. Media contact: Ruxandra Lenz Head of Marketing and Communication SphingoTec GmbH Neuendorfstr. 15 A 16761 Hennigsdorf Tel. +49-3302-20565-0
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EQS-News: SphingoTec Appoints Dr. Florian Uhle as Medical Director 23.02.2023, 10:00 Uhr von EQS News Jetzt kommentieren: 0
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