HONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach Newswire - 28 November 2024 - The cashback model has gained popularity over the last decade, and Live4Well has recently enhanced this idea by introducing the VIV PASS ecosystem for exercise rewards. This innovative approach enables users to earn Sweat Points just by working out, without needing to make any purchases. Since its launch in 2023, Live4Well has built a community of over 250,000 users and formed partnerships with more than 200 brands, including gyms such as 24/7 Fitness, Anytime Fitness, World GYM, and Fit24. This initiative is fostering a new fitness culture that prioritizes flexibility and eliminates contracts.
Ultimate Points-Earning Guide Steps to Sweat & Earn Step 1: Register Live4Well Account (3 Minutes) (1) Download the Live4Well App (Apple Store) (Play Store) (2) Create Account - Enter email to register, or sign up using Google or Apple account. A verification code will be sent to the registered email (check the spam folder if needed). Copy the code and paste it in the app to complete the registration. (3) Set Up Profile - Fill in basic information, including name and password. Be sure to enter the invitation code to receive a fantastic welcome points package! (Code: L4WPR2024) (4) Create Health Database - Input the height, weight, and other health details. (5) Set Up an Encrypted Wallet - Unlocking wallet will provide access to additional redemption options. This step can be skipped for later set up. Step 2: Earn Points The current plan allows global users to participate with no barriers. Five main activities earn Sweat Points: (1) Daily Exercise: Complete daily walking for calorie-burning challenges. Sync the health data by clicking the update icon in the top left corner. The points will be added when targets are met. (2) Participate in Competitions: Upload proof of participation in specified sports activities along with the required information. Points will be granted after the details are being verified. (3) Purchase Health & Fitness Products & Services: Submit receipts of specified sports or health-related purchases and the necessary information. Points will be awarded after submission is approved. (4) Personal Trainer Certificates: Upload any valid personal trainer certificates and earn points after approval. (5) In-App Gamified Exercise Training: Users earn points by completing the in-app exercise challenges. Creating a Sustainable Exercise Reward Ecosystem and Establishing a Pioneer Position in the Sports Market Exercise rewards are a key component of Live4Well's vision to build a sustainable reward ecosystem that consistently adds value for both merchants and users. Every user who registers for free will receive an entry level Earth VIV PASS, providing access to enjoy the aforementioned earning rights. The real excitement lies in the option to upgrade to a Galaxy VIV PASS, which unlocks all features of the Live4Well app. One of the most appealing aspects of the Galaxy level is its AI-driven gamified workout training system. This feature allows users to engage in fitness games across eight virtual planets anytime and anywhere, all while earning significant rewards. When it comes to redeeming points, Earth level users can exchange their points for rewards through brand collaborations organized by Live4Well. After upgrading, Galaxy level users gain access to the entire rewards marketplace, which includes offerings from over a thousand sports brands, health products, gym memberships, professional training courses, wellness programs, and personal training resources. This enables users to fully immerse themselves in the culture of "earning rewards while exercising." Points-Earning Tips The Live4Well team highlights that the effectiveness of this ecosystem depends on strong user participation and brand engagement. Early-stage initiatives focus on attracting more fitness enthusiasts to increase the ecosystem's appeal to sports brands. Users with previous records of sports competitions, purchases, or certificates should definitely join the ecosystem and actively redeem points; they are sure to be pleasantly surprised! Hashtag: #Live4Well #VIVPASS #sweattoearn #web3 #sports #globalsportsalliance #wellness #NFT #sweatpoint The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. Incentivising Wellness Al & Sports Membership PlatformLive4Well aims to create a reward-driven wellness platforms that merges health and technology. Utilizing AI, we focus on both individual wellness and sports, fostering a community-based economy that incentivizes healthy behavior. News Source: Live4Well
28/11/2024 Dissemination of a Financial Press Release, transmitted by EQS News. |
Earn Rewards while Exercising Five activities to Earn Sweat Points 28.11.2024, 06:59 Uhr von EQS News Jetzt kommentieren: 0
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