Dufry International AG / Key word(s): Mergers & Acquisitions
Dufry announces new Global Executive Committee

07.02.2023 / 07:00 CET/CEST

Dufry today announced its new organizational structure, setting up the joint company to drive the Travel Experience Revolution.

The Global Executive Committee (GEC) of the combined Group between Dufry and Autogrill will have the following members as of today, February 7th, 2023.

  • Xavier Rossinyol: Chief Executive Officer   
  • Yves Gerster: Chief Financial Officer 
  • Freda Cheung: President and CEO Asia Pacific (APAC)
  • Steve Johnson: President and CEO North America (NA)
  • Luis Marin: President and CEO Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) & Interim President and CEO Latin America (LATAM) 
  • Pascal Duclos: Group General Counsel & Chief Legal Officer
  • Camillo Rossotto: Chief Public Affairs & ESG Officer 
  • Vijay Talwar1: Chief Digital & Customer Officer 
  • Katrin Volery: Chief People & Culture Officer 

The newly constituted GEC will be instrumental in delivering Dufry’s long-term strategy “Destination 2027” including the full integration between Dufry and Autogrill. 

Eugenio Andrades will leave the GEC due to personal reasons. He shall continue to play a leading role in the success of the Group upon his return from his current leave of absence. 

We thank the departing GEC members for their significant contributions: Andrea Belardini, who leaves to pursue new challenges, and Sarah Branquinho, who retires and will keep leading several global travel-related associations.

Xavier Rossinyol, CEO of Dufry, commented: "With the new organizational setup we are best placed to drive the new strategy Destination 2027, with revolutionary Travel Experience and digitalization, focus on geographical diversification, and strong emphasis on our people and ESG. 

I am thanking all former members of the GEC for their tremendous work and commitment to Dufry, and welcome all new members. TOGETHER AS ONE TEAM we aim to shape the future of our joint company and our industry.

An aligned, diverse and focused team is the key to deliver the long-term strategy as well as the day-to-day execution. The new team reflects the competencies and experience we need for each new strategic priority and each geographical focus area.”

1 As of March 1st 2023

For further information:


Global Head Investor Relations Global Head Corporate Communications & Public Affairs
Phone : +41 79 563 18 09 Phone : +41 79 461 23 34
kristin.koehler@dufry.com renzo.radice@dufry.com

End of Media Release

Language: English
Company: Dufry International AG
Brunngässlein 12
4010 Basel
Phone: +41612664444
E-mail: Headoffice@dufry.com
Internet: www.dufry.com
ISIN: CH0023405456
Listed: SIX Swiss Exchange
EQS News ID: 1553051

End of News EQS News Service

1553051  07.02.2023 CET/CEST

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