Original-Research: HAEMATO AG - von GBC AG

Einstufung von GBC AG zu HAEMATO AG

Unternehmen: HAEMATO AG

ISIN: DE000A289VV1

Anlass der Studie: Research Note

Empfehlung: BUY

Kursziel: 37.55 EUR

Kursziel auf Sicht von: 31.12.2023

Letzte Ratingänderung:

Analyst: Cosmin Filker; Marcel Goldmann

1st HY 2022: Declining sales and earnings development as expected due to

discontinuation of sales with corona rapid tests, earnings forecast

confirmed, price target reduced to EUR 37.55 (previously: EUR 49.00) after

increase of risk-free interest rate; rating: BUY

As expected, HAEMATO AG showed an overall decline in business development

in the first half of 2022 with a decrease in sales revenues by 20.2% to EUR

120.97 million (PY: EUR 151.53 million). The main reason for this is the

loss of revenue from the sale of COVID-19 lay tests, which had led to an

extraordinary increase in revenue, particularly in the first half of 2021.

Due to the oversupply on the market, HAEMATO's managecment had discontinued

the sale of rapid antigen tests in the middle of the last business year.

According to the company, this generated sales revenues of around EUR 25

million in the same period of the previous year, leaving only a 4.4%

decline in adjusted sales.

The decline in earnings in connection with the discontinuation of corona

self-tests had led to an overall decline in EBIT to EUR 4.39 million

(previous year: EUR 7.23 million). However, the fact that HAEMATO AG, with

the acquisition of M1 Aesthetics GmbH and the concentration on higher-

margin products in the Specialty Pharma segment, has a noticeably higher

level of profitability is evident by comparison with the previous half-

years. In the first half of 2020, significantly lower values were achieved

with an EBIT of EUR 1.23 million and an EBIT margin of 1.1 %.

With the publication of the half-year report, the management of HAEMATO AG

has confirmed the guidance published in the 2021 annual report. At least at

EBIT level, the Executive Board expects to be able to achieve an unchanged

range of EUR 8 million to EUR 10 million. The revenue guidance, which was

announced in the 2021 annual report at a range of EUR 250 million to EUR

280 million, was no longer specifically mentioned in the current half-year


The development of the first half of 2022 can be summarised as follows:

even though we had expected a declining sales development, sales revenues

were slightly below our expectations, but at the EBITDA and EBIT level our

expectations were met. In particular, the high gross profit of the

Speciality Pharma segment and generally low operating costs had increased

profit margins more than expected. To reflect this development, we are

reducing our revenue forecast for the current financial year 2022 to

EUR243.86 million (PY: EUR264.36 million) but leaving our operating profit

estimates almost unchanged, implying an improvement in profit margins.

Taking into account the higher depreciation on financial assets, we reduce

our after-tax earnings estimate to EUR 5.00 million (GBC estimate

previously: EUR 6.51 million).

Based on the lower revenue level, we are also adjusting our forecasts for

the coming financial years. In doing so, we are taking into account the

further deterioration of the consumer climate in Germany, which could have

a negative impact on the self-pay segment 'Lifestyle & Aesthetics' in

particular. In addition, the GKV-Finanzstabilisierungsgesetz is a new draft

law to stabilise the financial situation of statutory health insurance

funds. One component of this law is the planned increase in the discount

for patent-protected medicines by 5.0% from 2023, which could also have a

negative impact on the 'Specialty Pharma' segment.

Despite the reduction of our sales forecasts for the financial years 2023

and 2024, we assume that the company will be able to increase their higher

profitability level more than expected. Here we have taken into account the

stronger growth of the high-margin 'Lifestyle & Aesthetics' segment, which

is in the strategic focus of the company. In addition, the portfolio

adjustment in the 'Specialty Pharma' segment has borne fruit faster than


Within the framework of our DCF valuation model, we have determined a new

target price of EUR 37.55 (previously: EUR 49.00). The reduction in the

target price is due to the increase in the risk-free interest rate and thus

in the discount rate as well as to our forecast reduction. We continue to

assign the rating BUY.

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Date (time) Completion: 13.09.22 (7:10 am)

Date (time) first transmission: 13.09.22 (2:30 pm)

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Quelle: dpa-AFX