
Original-Research: ZEAL Network SE - von NuWays AG

Einstufung von NuWays AG zu ZEAL Network SE

Unternehmen: ZEAL Network SE


Anlass der Studie: Update

Empfehlung: BUY

seit: 22.11.2023

Kursziel: EUR 51,00

Kursziel auf Sicht von: 12 Monaten

Letzte Ratingänderung:

Analyst: Henry Wendisch

Lucrative "Games" business metrics

In Q3, ZEAL's games business showed first meaningful impacts, but more

importantly provided some tangible KPIs. Hence, we evaluate those metrics

to compare Games with Lottery.

New KPI 'Pay-Ins': ZEAL introduced this new KPI to better compare Lottery

and Games. Pay-in refers to the amount of cash customers deposit in their

accounts at ZEAL to play Lottery or Games. One would assume that pay-ins

are equal to billings, as players use that money to play. However, players

win back a certain percentage of their stakes (Q3 average RTP: 50% at

Lottery, 88% at Games), which can be used to play a second time and create

more billings than pay-ins (see p. 2). This is the key differentiator of

Games, as users play at a much higher frequency than Lottery players,

leading to a strong pay-in to billings ratio of 4.9x (vs. only 1.3x at


Higher pay-in margin: The pay-in margin (sales in % of pay-in) is 2x higher

(35.3% in Q3 vs. 15.8% at Lottery), which shows the better monetization of

Games users. The comparably lower gross margin of 7.1% (vs. 12.5% at

Lottery) is overcomepansation by the strong billings to pay-in ratio, which

in sum led to a strong effect in Q3: ARPU stood at EUR 22.02 for Games vs. EUR

7.67 for Lottery.

Improving profitability: Games should contribute with an incremental EBITDA

margin of 85%, as one-off development costs are mostly incurred already, no

substantial marketing expenses are planned (targeting of existing Lottery

users) and only few additional OpEx should arise.

No cannibalization so far: Prior to launch of Games, the company expected

some cannibalization of the Lottery business. However, the average spend on

Lottery remained stable (-0.8% qoq), showing lower than expected

cannibalization and that players tend to spend additional money on Games.

Lots of catch-up potential: Back in 2018, ZEAL accounted for 404k MAU in

total with EUR 13.6m sales generated from Games (Q3'23: EUR 1.2m sales). Once

monthly active users rise to more meaningful levels (only 18k in Q3), the

positive impact on top-line and profitability should further increase

(eNuW: 32k MAU, EUR 10m sales and EUR 8.5m EBITDA from Games in FY'24e).

In sum, there is a lot to like about ZEAL's new EBITDA booster, that has

just been turned on. Hence, we reiterate our BUY recommendation with

unchanged PT of EUR 51.00, based on DCF.

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Kontakt für Rückfragen

NuWays AG - Equity Research

Web: www.nuways-ag.com

Email: research@nuways-ag.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/nuwaysag

Adresse: Mittelweg 16-17, 20148 Hamburg, Germany


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