
Original-Research: Mexedia S.p.A. - von GBC AG

Einstufung von GBC AG zu Mexedia S.p.A.

Unternehmen: Mexedia S.p.A.

ISIN: IT0005450819

Anlass der Studie: Research Report (Initial Coverage)

Empfehlung: Buy

Kursziel: 46.50 EUR

Kursziel auf Sicht von: 31.12.2023

Letzte Ratingänderung:

Analyst: Matthias Greiffenberger, Marcel Schaffer

From Telecom to Tech - Driving Innovation with Customer eXperience Platform

as a Service (CXPaaS). Significant boost in sales and profits anticipated.


Mexedia S.p.A. - Società Benefit (Mexedia) is a technology company that

started in the telecom business. Mexedia serves as an intermediary for

wholesale SMS and Voice traffic, facilitating interconnections between

carriers. In the telecommunications industry, international phone calls and

SMS messages are treated as tradeable commodities that are exchanged

wholesale between telcos. Voice traffic pertains to international calls

while A2P SMS traffic refers to messages received through apps. Mexedia

also offers fixed and cost-effective real-time liquidity to its partners

for voice and SMS services trading. This liquidity is secured against the

receivables of insured debtors of its partners. To accomplish this, Mexedia

conducts auctions of insured receivables from debtors to investors in

asset-backed securities and liquidity providers through Mexedia Exchange.

This activity generates an arbitrage margin for Mexedia by capitalizing on

the spread gained from advancing money in real-time against the auction of

its receivables.


Mexedia's telecom business has exhibited strong growth and profitability,

and is currently in the process of transitioning into a tech company with a

focus on offering advanced technological services and a complete customer

experience to its clients. To achieve this, Mexedia has developed a

Customer eXperience Platform as a Service (CXPaaS) that provides

cloud-based services and APIs to companies. Mexedia has a vertical

structure and offers a range of innovative technologies and tools that are

integrated into a technological ecosystem, facilitating all

consumer-oriented communications.


In 2022, the company experienced a 6.9% increase in revenue, reaching EUR

140.9m (PY: EUR 131.8m) due to new and better deals in voice and SMS traffic.

The majority of revenue was generated by the Irish subsidiary using a

classic business model. Despite an increase in expenses, the EBITDA showed

a significant improvement with an 18.7% increase to EUR 8.37m (EUR 7.05m). The

net result increased by 49.8% to EUR 4.43m (PY: EUR 2.96m).


An important cornerstone of the growth strategy will be the new Mexedia ON

platform, which is the Customer Experience Platform as a Service (CXPaaS)

designed for businesses, especially those in the Telephone industry, to

improve customer engagement and provide a seamless and consistent

experience. The platform offers various features, including virtual agents

and assistants, omnichannel communication, automation, data analysis, and

innovative channels like Metaverse and Smart Voice Assistance. It also

includes an open app store that allows developers and market players to

create and sell a wide range of applications for Mexedia ON, such as

Sentiment Analysis, Voice Biometrics, Speech Analytics, RPA, VR & AR

Experience, Voice Smart Assistants, OTP & 2FA Authentication, and more. The

app store also offers services for SMS marketing, lead generation, content

marketing, and number masking, among others. Mexedia ON aims to be the most

varied and powerful ecosystem of CXPaaS solutions for brands.


We expect Mexedia to generate EUR 324.11m revenue in 2023, increasing to EUR

361.22m in 2024 and EUR 397.29m in 2025. The company has expanded to the USA,

strengthened its position in existing markets, and diversified its client

base. It recently acquired Matchcom Telecommunications Inc. and Phonetime

Inc. in the US, which are alone expected to bring in an additional EUR 190m

in revenue and EUR 6m in EBITDA in 2023.


We expect that Mexedia Ltd, the Irish subsidiary, will remain the key

earnings driver for the company, with an estimated EBITDA of EUR 6.3m in

2023. This figure is projected to increase to EUR 8m by 2025, reflecting a

strong and sustained growth trajectory. We forecast the net result to be EUR

5.53m in 2023, EUR 10.48m in 2024, and EUR 14.49m in 2025.


Based on our DCF-model we have determined a target price of EUR 46.50 and due

to the high upside potential, we issue a Buy rating.

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Date and time of completion of the research report: 10.05.2023 (14:15)

Date and time of the first disclosure of the research report: 11.05.2023 (10:00)

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