
Original-Research: Media and Games Invest SE - von GBC AG

Einstufung von GBC AG zu Media and Games Invest SE

Unternehmen: Media and Games Invest SE

ISIN: SE0018538068

Anlass der Studie: Research study (Note)

Empfehlung: BUY

Kursziel: 4.05 EUR

Letzte Ratingänderung:

Analyst: Marcel Goldmann, Cosmin Filker

HY1 2023: Solid sales development despite economic headwinds; stable

operating earnings development due to strict cost management; GBC estimates

and price target adjusted after guidance reduction


Business development in HY1 2023


Media and Games Invest SE (MGI) published its half-year figures for the

current financial year on 31 August 2023. Based on this, the ad tech

platform group achieved a stable revenue development in the first six

months despite an economic headwind that led to a weakening of the

advertising industry. Compared to the same period last year, digital group

revenues increased slightly by around 1.0% to EUR 144.93 million (HY1 2022: EUR

143.93 million). This revenue growth was achieved despite past divestments

(streamlining of the gaming portfolio) and an unfavourable exchange rate



Both advertising segments (Demand Side Platforms - DSP, Supply Side

Platforms - SSP) contributed to the robust Group revenue development with

stable or growing segment revenue development. In the first half of the

year, the SSP business segment was able to confirm the high half-year

revenue level of the previous year (HY1 2022: EUR 131.62 million) with

segment revenue of EUR 130.84 million. In contrast, the DSP business unit

even increased its segment revenue significantly by 14.5% to EUR 14.10

million (HY1 2022: EUR 12.31 million) compared to the same period of the

previous year.


In parallel to the stable revenue development, the consolidated operating

result (EBITDA) increased slightly by 1.4% to EUR 37.41 million (HY1 2022: EUR

36.91 million) compared to the same period of the previous year. Adjusted

for one-off costs and special effects (e.g. M&A costs), adjusted EBITDA

(Adj. EBITDA) for the first half of 2023 amounted to EUR 40.40 million, which

increased moderately by 4.6% compared to the same period of the previous

year (HY1 2022: EUR 38.60 million). At the same time, the adjusted EBITDA

margin increased slightly to 27.9% (HY1 2022: 26.8%).


On the net level, however, MGI suffered a 54.0% year-on-year decline in net

income (after minorities) to EUR 2.57 million in the first six months of the

current financial year (HY1 2022: EUR 5.59 million). This was mainly due to

higher tax and interest charges compared to the same period of the previous



Business development in Q2 2023


The stable revenue development of the MGI Group is also evident at the

quarterly level. Despite difficult general conditions, the Group's revenue

remained at a high level in the second quarter with a revenue volume of EUR

76.18 million compared to the same quarter of the previous year (Q2 2022: EUR

78.06 million). Adjusted for currency effects, organic revenue growth in

the second quarter was 1.0% compared to the same quarter of the previous

year. Excluding divestment and currency effects, an adjusted increase in

turnover of 3.0% was even achieved.


According to the company, the technology company also succeeded in the past

quarter in further increasing its market share and thus expanding its

market position through innovative AI-based targeting products such as

Moments.AI, which significantly improve advertising results for publishers

and advertisers. MGI's strong market position is also reflected in the top

rankings achieved by various market segments. While MGI was already the

leading provider of in-app advertising on Android, the technology company

has also managed to be the leading provider on Apple's IOS in North America

and Europe since Q2 2023.


The robust (organic) business development in Q2 was supported in particular

by a renewed increase in software customers and advertising volume (ad

impressions). Compared to the previous year, ad impressions increased

significantly by 13.0% and the number of software clients also increased

significantly by 9.0%. Thus, the software client base (so-called total

software clients with an annual turnover of more than USD 100,000) was

expanded by 46 new software clients in the second quarter compared to the

same quarter of the previous year to a total of 559 (Q2 2022: 513).


At segment level, the previously smaller Demand Side Segment (DSP) was able

to further expand its digital business volume with a slight year-on-year

revenue increase of 2.3% to EUR 7.88 million (Q2 2022: EUR 7.70 million). In

contrast, the Supply-Side segment suffered a slight year-on-year decline in

segment revenue of 3.0% to EUR 68.30 million (Q2 2022: EUR 70.36 million), due

in particular to the divestments of small non-strategic games made in Q4



At the operating earnings level, MGI achieved an EBITDA of EUR 19.99 million

in the second quarter of 2023, which was almost at the previous year's

level (Q2 2022: EUR 20.04 million), in parallel with the solid revenue

development. In contrast, Group EBITDA adjusted for one-off and special

effects (e.g. M&A costs or headquarters relocation costs) increased

slightly by around 1.0% to EUR 21.30 million (Q2 2022: EUR 21.10 million). In

the same step, the adjusted EBITDA margin grew to 28.0% (Q2 2022: 27.0%).

The increased profitability also underlines the company's general strict

cost management.


Forecasts and evaluation


In order to further improve their earnings situation and to counteract

their lower growth dynamics, MGI has initiated a cost-saving programme in

the current third quarter. This cost-optimisation programme, which is

primarily aimed at reducing personnel costs, includes annual cost savings

of EUR 10.0 million. The main effects of the planned cost reduction measures

are expected to take effect from the fourth quarter of 2024.


Against the backdrop of the weakening advertising market and the lower

growth expected by MGI in the second half of 2023, the technology company

has reduced its previous corporate guidance (revenue of EUR 335.0 million to

EUR 345.0 million and Adj. EBITDA of EUR 95.0 million to EUR 105.0 million) for

the current financial year. The company now expects consolidated revenue of

approximately EUR 303.0 million and Adj. EBITDA of EUR 93.0 million.


In the context of the publication of the Q2 and half-year figures at the

'MGI Capital Markets Day 2023', the technology company confirmed its

medium-term corporate guidance (revenue CAGR: 25.0% to 30.0%; Adj. EBITDA

margin: 25.0% to 30.0%). Accordingly, the technology company expects higher

growth momentum again in the medium term.


In view of the lowered corporate guidance, we have also adjusted our

previous turnover and earnings forecasts for the current financial year and

the following years downwards. For the current financial year, we now

expect consolidated revenue of EUR 303.21 million (previously: EUR 340.12

million) and EBITDA of EUR 85.37 million (previously: EUR 89.44 million). With

regard to the subsequent years 2024 and 2025, we expect, under conservative

premises, a turnover (EBITDA) of EUR 324.74 million (EUR 95.56 million) and EUR

357.66 million (EUR 108.49 million) respectively.


Despite our reduced revenue and earnings estimates, the MGI Group should be

able to return to its growth path from the 2024 financial year onwards,

based on the gradual recovery of the advertising market that we expect. In

particular, the strong positioning of the ad tech company in the

programmatic advertising market, the fastest-growing segment of the digital

advertising market, should ensure further gains in market share and

outperformance compared to the overall advertising market in the future.

Our forecast EBITDA growth for the future financial years should also be

boosted by the expected positive effects from the company's initiated

cost-efficiency programme (targeted annual cost savings of EUR 10.0 million

from FY 2024).


Against the backdrop of our adjusted revenue and earnings forecasts, we are

lowering our previous price target to EUR 4.05 (previously: EUR 5.30) per

share. In view of the current share price level, we continue to give the

MGI share a 'buy' rating and continue to see significant upside potential.


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Date (time) of completion: 11/09/2023 (8:59 am)

Date (time) of first distribution: 11/09/2023 (10:30 am)

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