
Original-Research: Havila Kystruten AS - von Montega AG

Einstufung von Montega AG zu Havila Kystruten AS

Unternehmen: Havila Kystruten AS

ISIN: NO0011045429

Anlass der Studie: Initiation of Coverage

Empfehlung: Buy

seit: 05.02.2024

Kursziel: 2.80 NOK

Kursziel auf Sicht von: 12 Monaten

Letzte Ratingänderung: -

Analyst: Tim Kruse, CFA

Back on course after the perfect storm

Havila Kystruten AS is a cruise line operator from Norway. Founded in 2017,

it is the only company besides the incumbent Hurtigruten Group AS mandated

by the Norwegian government to serve the 130 year old post ship service

from Bergen to Kirkenes. Next to the port-to-port service for locals, their

four vessels offer all the amenities and activities of a modern cruise ship

tailored for tourists visiting the Norwegian coast.

Shortly after winning the contract and placing a shipbuilding order with

two shipyards in 2019, Havila was hit by the perfect storm with one of the

shipyards going bankrupt,COVID-19, and their Russian fleet financier GTLK

falling under sanctions. This brought the company to the brink of

bankruptcy. Consequently, shareholders have had a rough voyage so far with

depressed sales and earnings development due to substantially delayed

delivery of the ships. Also, the company had to refinance under

unfavourable conditions leading to a massive dilution for shareholders and

high interest rates.

That said, the market for cruises in general, and the Coastal Express in

particular, has seen increasing demand in the past decade, with yearly

passenger numbers rising in the high single digits up until 2019. COVID hit

the industry severely, but cruises have come back strongly, with passenger

numbers set to surpass 2019 levels this year and growth rates expected to

be in the mid to high single digits going forward.

The rising popularity of the coastal route, combined with the government's

support, has enabled the incumbent, Hurtigruten Group AS, to achieve solid

EBITDA margins in excess of 25% for this part of their business. However,

due to Havila's brand-new and identical ships, which enable significantly

leaner operations, as well as a more consistent and tailored customer

experience, we see Havila in an excellent position to outperform its

competitor. Additionally, the much better environmental footprint of its

fleet not only attracts a more eco-friendly and younger target group, but

will also serve as a strong differentiator if emission regulation is

imposed for parts of the route as proposed. Due to the high investment

backlog of Hurtigruten (average fleet age ~ 30years) in combination with

its already crushing leverage (Net debt/EBITDA 9.6), we see Havila well

positioned to not only prolong their current contract ending in 2030 but

also to win additional capacity from their main rival.

2024 will be the first full year with all ships in operation, which will

lead to another jump in revenue of which 50% has already been pre-sold. and

a disproportionate increase in EBITDA due to the strong operating leverage

exhibited by the cruise line industry. Thereafter, rising occupancy levels

from increasing word-of-mouth effects and streamlined operations should

further improve margins. Furthermore, the expected refinancing closer to

industry spreads will be an additional driver for FCF development.

Conclusions: The disadvantageous news flow Havila had to endure so far has

led to a significant mispricing of Havila's shares with a discount of 75%

to our estimate of fair value indicated by all valuation models (DCF

scenarios, peer group, net asset value). However, the ramp-up in operations

will not only lead to a strong uptake in free cashflow, but should also

pave the way for a more favourable refinancing, which should be the main

catalysts for a re-rating. We therefore see current levels as a unique

opportunity to invest in a profitable niche market safeguarded by

monopolistic revenuestreams and initiate with a 'Buy' rating and a price

target of 2.80 NOK per share.

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HAFTUNGSAUSSCHLUSS unter http://www.montega.de +++

Über Montega:

Die Montega AG ist eines der führenden bankenunabhängigen Researchhäuser

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fokussiert sich auf die Erstellung von Research-Publikationen sowie die

Veranstaltung von Roadshows, Fieldtrips und Konferenzen. Zu den Kunden

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Family Offices primär aus Deutschland, der Schweiz und Luxemburg. Die

Analysten von Montega zeichnen sich dabei durch exzellente Kontakte zum

Top-Management, profunde Marktkenntnisse und langjährige Erfahrung in der

Analyse von deutschen Small- und MidCap-Unternehmen aus.

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