
Original-Research: Aspermont Ltd - von GBC AG

Einstufung von GBC AG zu Aspermont Ltd

Unternehmen: Aspermont Ltd

ISIN: AU000000ASP3

Anlass der Studie: Research Update

Empfehlung: Kaufen

Kursziel: 0.11 AUD

Kursziel auf Sicht von: 30.09.2023

Letzte Ratingänderung:

Analyst: Julien Desrosiers, Matthias Greiffenberger

FY-2022 preliminary report shows increased growth


The following are some of the company's highlights:

-Total revenue +17% at $18.7m

-Gross profit +15% at $12m, with gross margins of 64%

-EBITDA +40% at $2.3m with margin of 12%

-Ana Gyorkos joined Aspermont as the Group Content Director

-Soochow CSSD Capital Markets retained as corporate adviser


The company has drastically improved their growth rate compared to

historical results.


The growth rate has reached pre-COVID levels with revenues of over 18.7m.

At the current cumulated rate, the company could grow at an accelerated 20%

growth rate for FY2023e.


The company has also noticeably improved their recurring revenues to 75% up

from 70%.


The company has now accumulated 25 consecutive growth quarters and

generated positive return for shareholders over the past five years.


Most importantly, the company is increasing their internal investments

directly out of their cash flow and cash reserves. The company remains very

strong financially with cash on hand of $6.6m and long-term debt free.


We will be updating our valuation when the company publishes their FY

financials in the next few weeks. We are therefore maintaining our BUY

rating and our target price of 0.11 AUD / 0.08 EUR.


Die vollständige Analyse können Sie hier downloaden:


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Date (time) Completion: 06.12.2022 (17:30 am)

Date (time) first transmission: 07.12.2022 (12.00 am)

-übermittelt durch die EQS Group AG.-

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