Einzelwerte in Schweiz Kontinent: Europa Region: Mitteleuropa

Rank Wert Branche Zweig
5150 10X Short Index linked to USD/SEK V2 (Price Return)
5790 25X Long Index linked to DAX Future V4 (Price Return)
6423 22X Long Index linked to DAX (Price Return)
5506 SGMDK1LS Strategy Transaction Cost Index
6144 iSTOXX World A Index (Net Return)
6794 iSTOXX World A Index (Net Return)
7430 iSTOXX World A Index (Gross Return)
8066 iSTOXX World A Index (Gross Return)
8689 iSTOXX World A Index (Price Return)
9336 iSTOXX World A Index (Price Return)
7014 5X Short Index linked to Lanxess AG V3
8272 EURO iSTOXX 50 NR Decrement 3.25% Index
8905 EURO iSTOXX 50 GR Decrement 3.5% Index
9557 EURO iSTOXX 50 GR Decrement 3.25% Index
10202 EURO iSTOXX 50 Equal Weighted NR Decrement 3.5% Index
10843 EURO iSTOXX 50 Equal Weighted NR Decrement 3.25%Index
4663 EURO iSTOXX 50 Equal Weighted GR Decrement 3.5% Index
5298 EURO iSTOXX 50 Equal Weighted GR Decrement 3.25%Index
6577 7X Short Index linked to EURO STOXX 50 Index V3
9774 Vontobel Swiss ESG Research Index (Net Total Return)
10418 5X Short linked to Societe Generale V5 Index
6148 8X Short Index linked to Electronic Arts Inc. V3
6798 5X Short Index linked to ThyssenKrupp AG V4
9339 Arvea New Age Consumer & Infrastructure Index
4447 12X Short linked to DAX V6 Index
5089 3X Long linked to Airbnb Inc. Index
5727 4X Long linked to Airbnb Inc. Index
7017 2X Long linked to Airbnb Inc. Index
8908 15X Short linked to MDAX V6 Index
10205 6X Short Index linked to The Walt Disney CompanyV3
10846 6X Long Index linked to Siemens AG (Price Return)
4666 3X Long Index linked to Siemens AG V2 (Price Return)
5301 2X Short Index linked to Siemens AG V2 (Price Return)
6580 4X Long Index linked to Siemens AG (Price Return)
7230 6X Short Index linked to Siemens AG (Price Return)
7861 3X Short Index linked to Siemens AG V2 (Price Return)
8486 4X Short Index linked to Siemens AG (Price Return)
9126 2X Long Index linked to Siemens AG (Price Return)
9777 5X Long Index linked to Siemens AG (Price Return)
10421 4X Short Index linked to ThyssenKrupp AG V7 (Price Return)
4026 8X Short Index linked to Vonovia SE V4
4667 SXI Real Estate Selected Funds NAV Capped (Total Return)