Einzelwerte in Liechtenstein Kontinent: Europa Region: Mitteleuropa

Rank Wert Branche Zweig
1 GF Global Cannabis Opportunity Fund EUR
2 Quantex Global Value Fund EUR R
3 Bonafide Global Fish Fund EUR
4 LGT Sustainable Equity Fund Global B EUR
5 Quantex Global Value Fund CHF R
6 Craton Capital Precious Metal Fund A
7 Incrementum Crypto Gold Fund EUR R
8 Craton Capital Precious Metal Fund B
9 Classic Global Equity Fund
10 Value-Holdings Europa Fund Umbrella -Value-Holdings Dividenden Fund B
11 LGT Multi-Assets SICAV - LGT GIM Growth B EUR
12 LionGlobal China A-Shares Fund -EUR-R-
13 LLB Aktien Dividendenperlen Global ESG (CHF) T
14 Incrementum Inflation Diversifier Fund EUR I
15 LGT Alpha Indexing Fund B CHF
16 PI Global Value Fund -EUR-I-
17 LLB Aktien Fit for Life (CHF)
18 CIIM European Stock Portfolio EUR
19 AMCFM Fund - Global Water P
20 Hornet Infrastructure - Water Fund EUR
21 LionGlobal China A-Shares Fund -EUR-I-
22 Scherrer Small Caps Europe
23 Value-Holdings Deutschland Fund EUR
24 MCVM China and Asia Brands Fonds USD-R
25 Corby Swiss Equity (CHF) P
26 LGT GIM Balanced B EUR
28 LionGlobal China A-Shares Fund -USD-I-
27 VP Bank Risk Optimised ESG Equity Europe B
29 naturAlly Protect Restore Fund - Blue World R EUR
30 SafePort Gold & Silver Mining Fund
31 ACATIS Fair Value Aktien Global CHF-P
32 LLB Aktien Dividendenperlen Global ESG (CHF) A
33 Incrementum All Seasons Fund EUR-R
34 LLB Obligationen EUR ESG T
35 Max Otte Multiple Opportunities Fund CHF
37 LGT Sustainable Bond Fund Global Inflation Linked B EUR
38 B & P Vision Q-Selection Europe
39 FM Global Trend A
40 MCVM China and Asia Brands Fonds USD-I
41 LLB Aktien Pazifik ESG (JPY)
42 LGT Sustainable Bond Fund Global A EUR