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Indizes mit Thales WKN: 850842 ISIN: FR0000121329 Kürzel: HO Transport und Verkehr: Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie

Wichtige Indizes für die Thales Aktie.

Rank Index Perf.
51 The International Developed Capital Strength Index +0,61 %
50 STOXX Europe Large 200 USD (Net Return) Index +0,86 %
49 CAC INDUSTRIALS Index +0,67 %
48 The International Developed Capital Strength Index Net Total Return +0,63 %
47 STOXX Europe Total Market Large USD (Price) Index +0,88 %
46 STOXX Europe Total Market Large USD (Net Return) Index +0,88 %
45 STOXX Europe Total Market Large EUR (Net Return) Index +0,42 %
44 STOXX Europe 600 EUR (Net Return) Index +0,28 %
43 EURO STOXX Industrials ESTX Indus USD (Net Return) Index +1,28 %
42 EURO STOXX Industrials ESTX Indus EUR (Net Return) Index +0,82 %
41 EURO STOXX Total Market Large EUR (Net Return) Index +0,57 %
40 EURO STOXX Large ESTX Large EUR (Net Return) Index +0,56 %
39 EURO STOXX Total Market Large USD (Price) Index +1,01 %
38 STOXX Europe 600 USD (Net Return) Index +0,84 %
37 STOXX Europe Total Market Large EUR (Price) Index +0,42 %
36 EURO STOXX Industrials ESTX Indus USD (Price) Index +1,27 %
35 STOXX Europe Large 200 USD (Price) Index +0,86 %
34 EURO STOXX Large ESTX Large USD (Price) Index +1,00 %
33 EURO STOXX Total Market Large EUR (Price) Index +0,56 %
32 EURO STOXX Total Market EUR (Net Return) Index +0,51 %
31 EURO STOXX Large ESTX Large USD (Net Return) Index +0,29 %
30 MSCI EUROPE INDEX (EUR) (Net Total Return) Index +0,28 %
29 CAC LARGE 60 Index +0,22 %
28 EURO STOXX Total Market USD (Price) Index +0,96 %
27 ISE Cyber Security UCITS Index -0,01 %
26 EURO STOXX Industrials ESTX Indus EUR (Price) Index +0,81 %
25 STOXX Europe Total Mrkt IndGoods & Services USD (Price) Index +1,05 %
24 STOXX Europe Total Market EUR (Price) Index +0,33 %
23 EURO STOXX Total Market Large USD (Net Return) Index +1,03 %
22 EURO STOXX USD (Net Return) Index +0,99 %
21 Victory Portfolios II VictoryShares Developed Enhanced Volatility Wtd Fund Index ±0,00 %
20 STOXX Europe Total Mrkt IndGoods & Services USD (Net Return) Index +1,06 %
19 EURO STOXX Total Market EUR (Price) Index +0,54 %
18 STOXX Europe Total Market EUR (Net Return) Index +0,38 %
17 ISE Cyber Security UCITS Net Total Return Index -0,01 %
16 EURO STOXX Total Market USD (Net Return) Index +0,97 %
15 STOXX Europe Total Mrkt IndGoods & Services EUR (Net Return) Index +0,60 %
14 EURO STOXX USD (Price) Index +0,98 %
13 STOXX Europe Total Market USD (Price) Index +0,83 %
11 STOXX Europe Total Mrkt IndGoods & Services EUR (Price) Index +0,59 %
10 EURONEXT 100 Index +0,60 %

*Die Rangliste der Indizes zur Thales Aktie wird aus den Aufrufzahlen unserer Nutzer ermittelt und ist kein allgemeingültiger Wert zur Relevanz eines Index.