Fed senkt Zinsen, Gold steigt
Eine Aktie, die möglicherweise vom Anstieg des Goldpreises betroffen sein könnte

VONOVIA WKN: A1ML7J ISIN: DE000A1ML7J1 Kürzel: VNA Forum: Aktien Thema: Hauptdiskussion

31,81 EUR
±0,00 %±0,00
21. Sep, 10:34:59 Uhr, Lang & Schwarz
Kommentare 30.317
Pizzarand, 18.03.2024 17:06 Uhr
Man sollte nicht auch noch den letzten Euro aus seinen Mietern quetschen. Das schreibe ich als Vermieterin.
DareDevil, 18.03.2024 16:16 Uhr
https://www.berliner-zeitung.de/mensch-metropole/vonovia-tochter-verklagt-berliner-wegen-525-euro-und-verliert-li.2197581 fehlerhaft, aber bisher einzige Veröffentlichung
todi1, 18.03.2024 13:06 Uhr
Das waren Analysten Zielpreise am 13.02.2024.: https://www.vonovia.com/investoren/die-vonovia-aktie/analysten
DareDevil, 18.03.2024 11:13 Uhr
T.0815, 18.03.2024 10:37 Uhr
Bin auch wieder dabei.
SoftwareDev, 18.03.2024 10:37 Uhr

Rolfi hat zugeschlagen

Hab's auch gerade gelesen. Für 488.000€ eingekauft, zum Preis von 24,40€. 👍
Blindes_Huhn, 18.03.2024 10:37 Uhr
ja, Director's Dealing gab es bei ihm aber auch schon mal bei einem 50% höheren Kurs.
PhilTheBeat, 18.03.2024 10:34 Uhr
Rolfi hat zugeschlagen
Matthi, 18.03.2024 9:56 Uhr
Und die 25 € sehen wir heute ganz sicher wieder.
Pleitegeier131, 18.03.2024 9:56 Uhr
Inzwischen dürfte fast alles eingepreist sein. Und wenn sich die Zinssenkungen noch leicht verschieben sollten, wäre das auch kein Beindruck.
Matthi, 18.03.2024 9:49 Uhr
Bin sehr optimistisch für den Kurs und habe daher gekauft. Neu Bewertung der Immobilien sind eher theoretischer Natur, bringen aber genau so viel Mieteinnahmen und somit Gewinn.
Pleitegeier131, 18.03.2024 9:18 Uhr
Erstmal über die Dividende freuen. Die Worst-Case-Szenarien Kapitalerhöhung, Dividendenstreichung, Finanzierungsprobleme sind vom Tisch. Von daher Hold.
DareDevil, 18.03.2024 8:39 Uhr
https://www.wiwo.de/finanzen/immobilien/immobilien-zinsen-und-preise-gesunken-ist-das-die-trendwende-auf-dem-immobilienmarkt/29710748.html Allgemein Zinsen+Wohnimmobilien
DareDevil, 18.03.2024 8:33 Uhr
Aktuelle Analyse im Blick: JP Morgan Chase & Co.: Overweight für Vonovia SE (ex Deutsche Annington)-Aktie https://finanzen.net/nachricht/aktien-jp-morgan-chase-co-overweight-fuer-vonovia-se-ex-deutsche-annington-aktie-13348644
todi1, 17.03.2024 15:24 Uhr
Earnings call Transcript q and A: " Paul May No. I appreciate that. And if you work it through to your NTA, your NTA yield is very low on a free cash flow basis. And I think we need to look at this as you say free cash flow is king in terms of within the business. You've come around to the idea, similarly to LEG, came around to the idea about a year ago, that free cash flow is what matters and not FFO and not any of the other metrics that we were looking at. And therefore, on a free cash flow basis, the free cash flow yield on German residential is very, very low, irrespective, almost as to what the gross yield is. So this focus on this gross yield number that is 50%, 60% higher than or -- sorry, it's more than a 100% higher than the operating free cash flow. The operating free cash flow is about is about 50%, 60% lower than your revenue. Why is there this focus? Why do the values focus on it? Why do you focus on it? Why does anyone talk about gross yield when it is not relevant? Rolf Buch Why you are not looking on Page 43, because I think we have it here. So this is based on fair values and NTA on the left side and based on implied, which is actually market cap. So I learned in the U.S., the NTA concept doesn't exist in the U.S., and in the U.S., it's relatively easy. What we call NTA is for them actually market cap and what we call JV is for them market cap plus debt. So if you apply this on the left side, on the right side, you see that operating free cash flow, which is actually exactly what we would like to deliver you, which is a cash flow, which is ready for reinvestment or distribution on the implied is 6.1 and on the EU calculated European way on the NTA, 3.7. Paul May So just to be clear, you're saying that you should trade at market cap, so your values are overstated? Because if you're comparing what you can raise at market cap versus what you can invest, I assume you'll be investing at gross asset value and therefore NTA, not at market cap? Or are you saying actually that the market cap is where the value is? Rolf Buch My job is as a management team, we are not responsible for the stock price. So that's why indirectly, we are not responsible for the magnitude of the market cap. We just have to do a good job that the market cap is going up. So that's why I didn't want to imply market cap is right or wrong. I just wanted to give you the figure, which are based on Page 43. And Paul, if I may add, I think we're always circling around the same traffic. I mean, if you look at today's rent levels, whatever measure you take, it's not a sustainable yield, full stop. Yes."
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