VITAL METALS WKN: A0F5YD ISIN: AU000000VML1 Kürzel: VJF Forum: Aktien Thema: Hauptdiskussion

0,0025 USD
+150,00 %+0,0015
4. Jan, 02:10:00 Uhr, Nasdaq OTC
Kommentare 1.056
Lost_in_Space70, 31.01.2024 17:14 Uhr
Es ist zumindest ein gutes Zeichen, dass die Chinesen mit im Boot sind. Die investieren nur wenn es sich richtig lohnt. Hier lohnt es sich weitere Anteile zu sichern.
DerSpecht, 31.01.2024 14:20 Uhr

VITAL METALS’ DECEMBER 2023 QUARTERLY REPORT Highlights Tardiff drilling returns shallow high grades that remain open to the west, northwest and on the southern margins from 23 drillhole results completed in a 2023 resource definition drilling program (74 holes totaling 6,664 m) Results from resource conversion program at Tardiff; best results included: 56.0m at 1.2% TREO from 34.00m incl. 1.05m at 5.4% TREO within 2.16m at 4.8% TREO 79.7m at 1.5% TREO from 13.30m incl. 1.5m at 4.3% TREO within 3.0m at 3.3% TREO and 4.15m at 3.0% TREO 33.45m at 2.2% TREO from 47.00m incl. 3.85m at 3.3% TREO within 8.95m at 2.8% TREO; 31.76m at 2.1% TREO from 34.24m and 1.92m at 4.0% TREO from 88.76m; 23.85m at 2.0% TREO from 9.15m; and 15.50m at 2.7% TREO from 30.50m Latest results confirm Vital’s contention for shallow higher-grade expansion potential, with future drilling focus to augment and de-risk the mineral resource Assay results from the remaining 34 holes will be released throughout early 2024 Mineral Resource Estimate update due Q1CY24 Vital is developing Tardiff, one of the largest single rare earths deposits in the western World, estimated to contain 416,000 tonnes of neodymium and praseodymium (NdPr). CORPORATE Vital completes the issue of 588,917,200 shares to Shenghe Resources (Singapore) Pte Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shenghe Resources Holding Co., Ltd. (Shenghe) at a subscription price of A$0.01 per share to raise approximately A$5.9 million (Tranche 1 Subscription). Shenghe joins Vital’s register as a investor with a 9.9% equity position in the Company. Vital is set to sell its stockpiled rare earth material to Shenghe for approximately A$2.6 million (Stockpile Sale Agreement) Vital is now funded to deliver into key milestones in 2024, including: Mineral Resource Estimate update for Nechalacho Rare Earth Project; Scoping Study for Tardiff to focus on potential processing scale and scalability together with product saleability and margin, informed by learnings and experience of Vital’s new equity partner and shareholder; Examine lithium exploration potential across the Nechalacho Project; and Permitting and integration studies with respect to integration throughout the broader rare earths supply chain. Vital fully paid ordinary shares (ASX:VML) reinstated to official quotation on ASX and recommenced trading.

Danke! Da ist aber irgendwie auch gar kein Leben in dem Stock 😉
SeniorAnalyst, 31.01.2024 13:09 Uhr
VITAL METALS’ DECEMBER 2023 QUARTERLY REPORT Highlights Tardiff drilling returns shallow high grades that remain open to the west, northwest and on the southern margins from 23 drillhole results completed in a 2023 resource definition drilling program (74 holes totaling 6,664 m) Results from resource conversion program at Tardiff; best results included: 56.0m at 1.2% TREO from 34.00m incl. 1.05m at 5.4% TREO within 2.16m at 4.8% TREO 79.7m at 1.5% TREO from 13.30m incl. 1.5m at 4.3% TREO within 3.0m at 3.3% TREO and 4.15m at 3.0% TREO 33.45m at 2.2% TREO from 47.00m incl. 3.85m at 3.3% TREO within 8.95m at 2.8% TREO; 31.76m at 2.1% TREO from 34.24m and 1.92m at 4.0% TREO from 88.76m; 23.85m at 2.0% TREO from 9.15m; and 15.50m at 2.7% TREO from 30.50m Latest results confirm Vital’s contention for shallow higher-grade expansion potential, with future drilling focus to augment and de-risk the mineral resource Assay results from the remaining 34 holes will be released throughout early 2024 Mineral Resource Estimate update due Q1CY24 Vital is developing Tardiff, one of the largest single rare earths deposits in the western World, estimated to contain 416,000 tonnes of neodymium and praseodymium (NdPr). CORPORATE Vital completes the issue of 588,917,200 shares to Shenghe Resources (Singapore) Pte Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shenghe Resources Holding Co., Ltd. (Shenghe) at a subscription price of A$0.01 per share to raise approximately A$5.9 million (Tranche 1 Subscription). Shenghe joins Vital’s register as a investor with a 9.9% equity position in the Company. Vital is set to sell its stockpiled rare earth material to Shenghe for approximately A$2.6 million (Stockpile Sale Agreement) Vital is now funded to deliver into key milestones in 2024, including: Mineral Resource Estimate update for Nechalacho Rare Earth Project; Scoping Study for Tardiff to focus on potential processing scale and scalability together with product saleability and margin, informed by learnings and experience of Vital’s new equity partner and shareholder; Examine lithium exploration potential across the Nechalacho Project; and Permitting and integration studies with respect to integration throughout the broader rare earths supply chain. Vital fully paid ordinary shares (ASX:VML) reinstated to official quotation on ASX and recommenced trading.
van_Eck, 31.01.2024 6:17 Uhr
doppelone, 25.01.2024 14:34 Uhr
Ich finde gut, dass die jetzt doch wieder mit den einzelnen Bevölkerungsgruppen zusammen arbeiten wollen. Aber, ich verstehe nicht, auf welchem genauen Stand die jetzt sind?
SeniorAnalyst, 25.01.2024 11:15 Uhr
Targeting Tardiff Scoping Study in H2 2024 to support a North American Rare Earths Supply Chain • Updated Tardiff Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) near completion and due for release in Mar Qtr 2024 • Remaining results from 2023 exploration drilling to be released in early 2024 (34 holes) • 2024 exploration drilling to focus on expanding shallow high-grade rare earth mineralization, and testing of undrilled lithium-bearing pegmatites • New Vice President of Exploration to head detailed geological model revision and mineralogical and element deportment studies to inform resource modelling and hydrometallurgical flowsheet analysis • Trade-off and characterization studies to examine benefits of selective mechanical sorting and flotation techniques; operations scalability potential also under assessment, due to Tardiff deposit’s world class size • Updated MRE for Tardiff is anticipated by Dec 2024, informed by new drilling results • Tardiff Scoping Study continues; completion is anticipated by Dec Qtr 2024, with mine design to be informed by March Qtr MRE
SeniorAnalyst, 25.01.2024 11:13 Uhr
Vital outlines 2024 Exploration and Development Strategy for Nechalacho Rare Earths Project. News ->
van_Eck, 23.01.2024 5:54 Uhr
Ruhig ist es wirklich geworden…
BadensBester, 22.01.2024 20:36 Uhr
van_Eck, 21.01.2024 16:42 Uhr
Es bleibt zu hoffen….. wahrscheinlich is hier leider gar nix..,,
Golddigger81, 20.01.2024 18:37 Uhr
Eher kaufen. Wer jetzt verkauft wird sich später höchstwahrscheinlich ärgern.
UDG, 19.01.2024 10:40 Uhr
Nee, bei dem Preis verkaufe ich nicht. Es werden schon noch bessere Kurse kommen.
doppelone, 19.01.2024 10:39 Uhr
Hab schon gemeint, alle anderen haben verkauft 😉
UDG, 19.01.2024 9:03 Uhr
Clubman3, 19.01.2024 9:00 Uhr
doppelone, 18.01.2024 12:53 Uhr
Ist hier keiner mehr?
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