Versicherer aus Norwegen WKN: A0MSGT ISIN: NO0010209331 Kürzel: PROT Forum: Aktien User: Dinmalo

19,79 EUR
-0,30 %-0,06
20. Sep, 23:00:31 Uhr, L&S Exchange
Kommentare 165
Dinmalo, 04.02.2022 10:45 Uhr
ORICAL PERFORMANCE 1W1MYTD52WHighest131.00131.00131.00131.00Lowest115.80105.80105.8068.00%3.0315.0113.1084.36 Updated 04/02/2022 10:41 CET More Details Download REGULATED NEWS See All 03/02/2022Correction* Key information relating to the proposed cash dividend (based on the profit for 2021)...02/02/20222021: CR 87,3%, resultat per aksje NOK 1502/02/2022Key information relating to the proposed cash dividend (based on the profit for 2021) to be paid ...02/02/20222021: CR 87.3%, earnings per share NOK 1502/02/2022Key information relating to the declared cash dividend to be paid by Protector Forsikring ASA INTRADAY PRICE 04/02/2022 TIMEPRICESHARES10:26:21122.6034410:26:21122.6024910:26:21122.6053910:26:21122.6015010:24:27122.60105 Updated 04/02/2022 10:41 CET More Details HISTORICAL PRICE Skip to main content DATEOPENCLOSE03/02/2022126.00127.6002/02/2022118.20125.0001/02/2022118.00119.0031/01/2022119.40117.8028/01/2022118.00119.00 Updated 04/02/2022 10:41 CET HelpMore Details Download NOTICES See All 01 Nov 2021CE - Shares - Dividend - Announcement12 Jul 2021CE - Shares - Dividend - Announcement07 Jun 2021CE - Shares - Capital decrease03 May 2021CE - Shares - Dividend - Announcement07 Apr 2021CE - Shares - Dividend - Announcement Footer Small Print Menu© 2022 Euronext Privacy Statement Terms of Use PRESS RELEASE 2021: CR 87.3%, earnings per share NOK 15 SUBSCRIBE 02 FEB 2022 21:50 CET COMPANY NAME PROTECTOR FORSIKRING, PROTECTOR FORSIKRING ASA 17/47 FRN C SUB, PROTECTOR FORSI ASA 17/PERP FRN C HYBRID ISN NO0010209331, NO0010790074, NO0010790066 MARKET Oslo Børs SYMBOL PROT Protector Forsikring ASA recorded a profit of NOK 238.8m (NOK 442.2m) for the fourth quarter. The return on investments was NOK 237.4m (NOK 448.5m) or 1.7% (3.4%). The technical result was NOK 101.2m (NOK 53.6m), corresponding to a combined ratio of 91.6% (95.4%). In Q4, gross written premiums increased by 14% in local currencies. For the full year, gross written premium came in at MNOK 5,950.6, up 8% (10% in local currencies) relative to 2020. In 2021, the company recorded a profit of NOK 1,204.0m (NOK 981.6m). The return on investments was NOK 954.5m (NOK 969.6m) or 6.8% (8.0%). The technical result was NOK 594.4m (NOK 246.6m) corresponding to a combined ratio of 87.3% (94.8%). The Board has proposed a dividend based on the profit for the 2021 financial year of NOK 576.6m, corresponding to NOK 7.00 per share. The regular dividend corresponds to a pay-out ratio of 48 per cent of the company’s profit after tax. In addition, the board has declared a special dividend of NOK 247.1m, corresponding to NOK 3.00 per share. For this special dividend, the Board has utilised its authorisation granted by the Annual General Meeting in 2021. The payment will take place on 16 February 2022. The SCR-ratio was 206% (190%) year-end, post dividends. Further details are provided in the attached report and presentation, which includes definitions of financial key figures. Oslo, February 2nd 2022 Protector Forsikring ASA
Luke36, 02.02.2022 20:14 Uhr
Immer wieder schön zu sehen
Dinmalo, 02.02.2022 14:26 Uhr
Schöner Anstieg vor den Zahlen 😀🛸
Dinmalo, 01.02.2022 17:56 Uhr
Zahlen für 4. Quartal werden am 4. Februar 2022 um 10.00 Uhr veröffentlicht.
Dinmalo, 21.01.2022 11:38 Uhr
0 hier noch mal ausführlicher
Luke36, 21.01.2022 10:12 Uhr
Danke 👍 konnte die News auf der ir Seite nicht finden
Dinmalo, 21.01.2022 9:48 Uhr
PLX AI) – Protector Forsikring gives update on volume growth and says it had a good start in 2022. • Protector Forsikring Q4 2021; Growth in gross written premium of 8% • The growth in Q4 is driven by Denmark and Sweden. Furthermore, premium growth is supported by continued price increases and a low client churn Quelle: PLX AI
Luke36, 21.01.2022 9:23 Uhr
Heute sollten Zahlen zu erneuerten Verträgen kommen oder?
Luke36, 17.01.2022 17:19 Uhr
Habe nicht erwartet dass es so schnell aufwärts geht.
Luke36, 17.01.2022 17:19 Uhr
Keine News 🤔
Dinmalo, 17.01.2022 16:32 Uhr
121 NOK bei hohen Umsätzen in Oslo
Dinmalo, 06.01.2022 17:53 Uhr
As the renewal date 1st of January has impact on the company's growth, the company will give a statement to the market on Friday 21.01.2022 regarding the January 1st volume. An update regarding the premium growth in 2021 will also be provided. Oslo, January 6th 2022 Protector Forsikring ASA
Blue_Lion5, 05.01.2022 12:29 Uhr
Sehr schöner Aufwärtstrend endlich
Dinmalo, 05.01.2022 11:07 Uhr
11 € sind überschritten!
Dinmalo, 03.12.2021 14:23 Uhr
Insider Kauf von 1.200 Aktien zu 100,8 NOK am 2.12.2021 Quelle: Euronext
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