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TECO 2030 mit Verstand WKN: A2QE76 ISIN: NO0010887516 Kürzel: TE9 Forum: Aktien User: Support

0,0221 EUR
±0,00 %±0,0000
30. Nov, 13:00:44 Uhr, Lang & Schwarz
Kommentare 6.205
1000prozentig!!!, 02.08.2023 7:08 Uhr
Ja wahrscheinlich 😁 Bestimmt LKW Hersteller ,oder ?
BSch, 02.08.2023 7:08 Uhr
Moin, moin... kann sich ja nur um Sekunden gehandelt haben 😅
1000prozentig!!!, 02.08.2023 7:07 Uhr
Moin, gibt's ja gar nicht. Da hab ich wohl zu früh geguckt heute 😅
BSch, 02.08.2023 7:04 Uhr
Neues MoU: TECO 2030 signs MoU with an undisclosed European Motor Company 2.8.2023 07:00:00 | TECO 2030 ASA (Lysaker, Norway, August 2st 2023) TECO 2030 (OSE: TECO, OTCQX: TECFF, ISIN: NO0010887516) has signed an MoU with an undisclosed renowned European Motor Company. The MoU is signed to formally set out a pathway to collaborate with ongoing and future projects. According to the MOU, TECO 2030 is supposed to support the undisclosed European Motor Company with FCM400 modules for their development of an integrated skid/containerized fuel cell system for their market segments. The agreement also includes utilizing the FCM400 module within their ongoing projects to ensure a solid partnership and collaboration platform in the years to come. The undisclosed Company ultimately intends to then sell and promote their solution under their brand supported by TECO 2030 if the collaboration progresses successfully. “I am humble to work with the undisclosed European Motor Company on this exciting collaboration, together we will create a concept for the Company’s industry to become an environmental pioneer in the field while transitioning to a more sustainable alternative. There is no doubt that hydrogen will play a key role in decarbonizing the various industries, and fuel cells will be an efficient engine which hydrogen can run on,” said Tore Enger, Group CEO, TECO 2030.
binderuwe, 26.07.2023 9:25 Uhr
Was war das nun , geht mal schnell über 15%
1000prozentig!!!, 26.07.2023 5:46 Uhr
Glaube um 20.30 Uhr wissen wir mehr
Uwe123, 25.07.2023 22:46 Uhr
Immer diese Ängste :)
1000prozentig!!!, 25.07.2023 22:32 Uhr
Zinsangst geht um
Uwe123, 25.07.2023 22:31 Uhr

Morgen Cross-Over EMA20/EMA50 ?

Da schaut man einmal nicht rein ... .tssss
1000prozentig!!!, 25.07.2023 19:42 Uhr
Morgen Cross-Over EMA20/EMA50 ?
1000prozentig!!!, 24.07.2023 17:53 Uhr
Wollen mal nicht meckern heute...
1000prozentig!!!, 24.07.2023 17:18 Uhr
Video: „Wir haben eine Chance, diese [Netto-Null-]Ziele zu erreichen“ Håvard Langdalen, Senior Technical Sales Manager bei TECO 2030, spricht im Webinar „ Maritime Mobility Special“ von H2 View über das Tempo, mit dem sich die maritime Wasserstoffindustrie entwickelt, über Initiativen zur Unterstützung der Energiewende und darüber, wie wir die Einführung von Wasserstoff beschleunigen können .
1000prozentig!!!, 24.07.2023 17:14 Uhr
H²View berichtet auch darüber..... TECO 2030 erhält Fördermittel im Rahmen des wasserstoffbetriebenen Fährprojekts Horizon Europe
BSch, 24.07.2023 7:02 Uhr
TECO 2030 and partners to receive EUR 13.5 million Horizon Europe grant for passenger ferry project 24.7.2023 07:00:00 | TECO 2030 ASA (Lysaker, Norway, July 24th 2023): TECO 2030 (OSE: TECO, OTCQX: TECFF, ISIN: NO0010887516) with partners have been invited for HORIZON EUROPE funding of EUR 13.5 million to build and demonstrate a passenger ferry powered by TECO 2030 fuel cells. The grant amount reserved for TECO 2030 is EUR 2.3 million. The principal goal of the project is to accelerate the transition towards safe use of sustainable fuels in waterborne transport through full-scale demonstration of hydrogen fuel cells within maritime applications. The consortium consists of 14 partners from seven European countries covering the whole innovation value chain, including technology developers, academic institutions, maritime engineering, class society, digital transformation and a shipyard. The project is a Horizon Innovation Action that aims to develop, build and demonstrate a 35 meter, 300 passenger capacity vessel that will be powered by the FCM400 fuel cell system by TECO 2030. The vessel will be operated in Southern Europe. TECO 2030 will work closely with all the consortium partners to develop the entire value chain ensuring full operational requirements for the vessel. This includes a functional hydrogen refueling system, fulfilling infrastructure requirements, cost optimization during operations and efficient data management. The project proposal was submitted in April 2023 and has been evaluated by experts in the European Commission in terms of Excellence, Impact and Quality. The project was among the highest-scoring proposals of this Call and has now been invited for Horizon Europe Grant Agreement Preparation. We expect the grant preparation process to be finalized later this year, and the project start date to be around January 2024. “I’m proud to announce that we have won our second Horizon Europe project! Winning two EU-projects out of two attempts is an extraordinary achievement, and I would like to thank our partners and our internal proposal writing team for their strong efforts,” said Fredrik Aarskog, Director of Business Development, TECO 2030. “We are thrilled to continue to showcase how hydrogen can contribute to the reduction of harmful emissions within the marine industry. This project has the potential to enable seaborn passenger transport, without any emissions,” said Tore Enger, Group CEO, TECO 2030. “Our fuel cells are the first purpose-developed marine fuel cells, with an industry leading footprint without compromising efficiency,” Enger concludes. Renewable hydrogen is universally considered to be an important energy vector in the global efforts to combat climate change by limiting greenhouse gas emissions to the "well below 2°C scenario", as agreed by more than 190 states in the 2015 Paris Agreement. Waterborne transport, in particular the use of large seagoing vessels, remains a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and this sector must step up its efforts significantly and through a wide range of measures. Within the International Maritime Organization (IMO), a global agreement was reached in 2018 to reduce total GHG missions from maritime transport by at least 50% by 2050 compared to 2008 as a base year.
Pugnator, 21.07.2023 22:36 Uhr

Teco wird seinen Weg machen, allerdings wird erstmal viel Geld für die Gigafabrik benötigt. Werde daher erstmal die mit Sicherheit kommende KE abwarten. Das wird die Aktie schätzungsweise nochmal halbieren.

Es gibt Wandelanleihen und diese sind auf ca. 4Mio € limitiert. Die Produktionslinie für den Beginn sollte auch ohne diese locker finanzierbar sein. Und die Fabrik steht schon längst. Macht also keinen Sinn, was du hier schreibst.
Crosby4, 21.07.2023 19:40 Uhr
Eine KE ist im so einem Fall doch nicht nachteilig für die Altaktionäre, oder? Bekommt man dann nicht Bezugsrechte? Das Geld wird ja sinnvoll genutzt. Wäre etwas anderes wenn man eine KE macht weil man mit der Entwicklung nicht zu Ende kommt. Aber zur Finanzierung der Produktion sehe ich das nicht negativ.
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