SPEAKEASY CANNABIS CLUB WKN: A2JHMZ ISIN: CA84730M1023 Kürzel: SPBBF Forum: Aktien Thema: Hauptdiskussion

0,0000 USD
±0,00 %±0,0000
1. Jan, 02:10:00 Uhr, Nasdaq OTC
Kommentare 7.583
tinakoeln, 19.03.2022 8:52 Uhr
ROCK CREEK, BC – March 18, 2022 - SpeakEasy Cannabis Club Ltd. (CSE: EASY) (Frankfurt: 39H) (the “Company” or “SpeakEasy”), a holder of a federal licence to cultivate, process and sell cannabis under the Cannabis Act wishes to provide an update to its shareholders. Introduction We would like to take this opportunity to provide an update and communicate to our Shareholders the Company’s path forward. Over the last couple of weeks, we have received emails, phone calls and messages raising concerns over the general health and direction of the Company. We understand your frustration, this time has been extremely challenging for everyone, but we are working tirelessly through this phase to find solutions. Your concerns have not gone unheard. We have categorized the most frequently asked questions into 4 segments: Current Operations, Cash Flow Constraints, Why Was SpeakEasy Been Halted, and Corporate Restructure. Each segment will answer any questions to our best abilities, without releasing material, undisclosed information. Current Operations With the issuance of the press releases issued in February, 2022, these do not impede the Company’s ability to perform its daily operations. It is business as usual at the Cannabis Complex facility at Rock Creek. The SpeakEasy team has been and will continue to work on, processing purchase orders to meet monthly demands and shipping deadlines. We’re excited to have started 2022 with a milestone achievement of increasing our sales by 100% from the previous month (see Press Release, February 11, 2022). Based on our sales projections, with no additional vendors, SpeakEasy anticipates to continue with a healthy revenue stream and strong profit margins through to the summer of 2022. As we navigate through this difficult time, our team has taken a more aggressive approach to product innovation, accepting new vendors and opening doors to international sales. It is unfortunate that this halt came at a time where our monthly sales are increasing month over month. We hope that news of uninterrupted sales is a silver lining that brings a small comfort to our investors during this time. We have started operations in our new 13,300 sq ft growing facility. Previously, our craft cannabis sales were capped due to capacity limitations, however, the additional facility will allow for the production of up to 350 KG of output per month. Our craft cannabis sales were consistently sold out through 2021 based on capacity, and our current purchase orders have spoken for 100 KG of craft flower for the foreseeable future. Our team has initiated the processing of the 2021 harvest into concentrates and production will continue to run at capacity. Lastly, the Company is not now, nor does it have any plans in the near future, to file for bankruptcy.
Bullenbruch, 19.03.2022 5:52 Uhr
Was heißt all in ? Hattest du alle verkauft?
Balderus, 18.03.2022 21:42 Uhr
Na dann wieder günstig Einsteigen😉All In
Klondike1899, 18.03.2022 21:31 Uhr
ROCK CREEK, BC – March 18, 2022 - SpeakEasy Cannabis Club Ltd. (CSE: EASY) (Frankfurt: 39H) (the “Company” or “SpeakEasy”), a holder of a federal licence to cultivate, process and sell cannabis under the Cannabis Act wishes to provide an update to its shareholders. We understand your frustration, this time has been extremely challenging for everyone, but we are working tirelessly through this phase to find solutions. Many team members of SpeakEasy are also shareholders. Like you, their family members and friends are also invested in SpeakEasy. We started as a family owned business, and we are committed to pushing SpeakEasy into this next phase for the shareholders, individuals and families that have supported us from the start. We will not leave our investors in the dark. You can expect a weekly newsletter from our team that will detail business updates as well as answer any general questions that we have received from our investors during the week. We thank you for your patience and continued support during this time.
Progdats, 17.03.2022 20:17 Uhr
Was denkt ihr, Wirecard kaufen? Bei der Konsolidierung😲
Tradeass, 17.03.2022 20:14 Uhr
80% Konsolidierung🤗😲🍿
Gast-729152300, 17.03.2022 20:11 Uhr
Jenny, mega Ergebnis - so muss das sein 👍🏾 Progtwat, wenn du meinst, dann ist das doch okay. Fakt ist auch, wer sich allgemein so präsentiert hat kein schönes Leben, daher wünsche ich dir alles Glück der Welt 👌🏿
Progdats, 17.03.2022 19:49 Uhr
Fakt ist, wer Canna-Fake-Aktien kauft, ob SE, Bevcanna oder wie die Gaunerbuden noch heißen, der gehört entmündigt. Und der macht bestimmt keinen Gewinn an der Börse!!!
Tradeass, 17.03.2022 19:39 Uhr
Maik schwärmt bei Bevcanna von den anstehenden Zahlen🤗😲🍿
Tradeass, 17.03.2022 19:36 Uhr
Ja, guter Mann🤗🍿
Jenny32, 17.03.2022 19:32 Uhr
Ich hab auf den Dax Put 600% gemacht. Nach ich 80% Konsolidierung🙋
Tradeass, 17.03.2022 19:29 Uhr
Noch peinlicher als Canna-Aktien zu kaufen ist und von “80% Konsolidierung“ zu reden, ist mit Münchhausen Trades anzugeben, die kein Mensch nachvollziehen kann😲
Gast-729152300, 17.03.2022 19:19 Uhr
Mein Put auf den Dax war auch nicht so schlecht, waren schnelle 100% 👍🏾 Aber ich lese gerne noch 1-2 Bücher und warte vergeblich auf deine Nachricht 😀
Gast-729152300, 17.03.2022 18:44 Uhr
Oder meinst du der Hebel auf ASML? Ich brauche deine Nummer Trademate, damit ich immer auf Nummer sicher gehen kann.
Gast-729152300, 17.03.2022 18:25 Uhr
@Trademate; Klär mich doch gerne im Privatchat über deine Fertigkeiten auf. Ich freue mich immer, wenn ich noch was lernen darf 👍🏾
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