Sanierung von Fassaden im hohe Norden WKN: A2QKNY ISIN: SE0015195771 Forum: Aktien User: Dinmalo

3,485 EUR
-0,43 %-0,015
4. Oct, 21:43:08 Uhr, Gettex
Kommentare 59
Dinmalo, 23.02.2022 8:23 Uhr
Fasadgruppen strengthens its position in Norway through acquisitions of three companies Fasadgruppen continues to grow in the Norwegian market through acquisitions of Malercompagniet Oslo (”Malercompagniet”), Murpartnern (”MP”) and Meyer-Mørch (”MM”). Malercompagniet was founded in 1991 and is one of the largest façade companies in the Oslo region. The company mainly works in façade renovation projects, focusing on painting, masonry, plastering and roofs. Malercompagniet has 56 full-time employees, and for the financial year 2021, its revenues amounted to approximately NOK 136 million. MP was founded in 2005 and has built a strong position within façade renovations in the Oslo region with a strong skillset in masonry, plastering and bricks. The company has 50 full-time employees, and for the financial year 2021, its revenues amounted to approximately NOK 50 million. MM was founded in 1973 and has a focus on painting and façade projects in Bærum and surrounding areas. The company has 9 full-time employees, and for the financial year 2021, its revenues amounted to approximately NOK 29 million.
Dinmalo, 22.02.2022 10:59 Uhr
Fasadgruppen strengthens its offering in sheet metal in Stockholm through three new acquisitions Fasadgruppen strengthens its offering within sheet metal and roof works through asset acquisitions of Herrängens Plåtslageri AB (”Herrängen”), Vantörs Bleck och Plåtslageri (”Vantör”) and E.P.M. Elektra Plåt och Maskin AB (”EPM”). Herrängen was started in 1992, Vantör in 1993 and EPM in 1996. The companies have for several years had a close cooperation and currently share office and workshop premises, which are located in direct connection to Fasadgruppen’s subsidiary Karlaplans Plåtslageri. The companies offer services within sheet metal for buildings, waterproofing works and roof painting. The companies have a total of 13 full-time employees and for the financial year 2021, their preliminary revenues amounted to approximately SEK 30 million. The acquisitions take place in the form of a transfer of assets where Fasadgruppen’s subsidiary Karlaplans Plåtslageri acquires the entire operations of Herrängen, Vantör and EPM, including customer contracts, work tools, brand and employees.
Dinmalo, 17.02.2022 8:10 Uhr
Year-end report 2021 “Strong end to the year – continued favourable acquisition market” Fourth quarter highlights Net sales increased to SEK 852.6 million (419.0), corresponding to growth of 103.5 percent. Organic growth was 15.3 percent.EBITA increased to SEK 95.3 million (45.1) and the EBITA margin was 11.2 percent (10.8).Items affecting comparability1 impacted EBITA by SEK -9.7 million (-1.7). Adjusted EBITA (excluding items affecting comparability) increased to SEK 105.0 million (46.9).Earnings for the period amounted to SEK 61.3 million (26.1), earnings per share before dilution amounted to SEK 1.35 (0.64) and earnings per share after dilution were SEK 1.35 (0.63).Operating cash flow rose to SEK 122.0 million (87.1).The order backlog increased to SEK 1,930.0 million (1,021.0). Full year highlights Net sales increased to SEK 2,676.3 million (1,340.4), corresponding to growth of 99.7 percent. Organic growth was 6.1 percent.EBITA increased to SEK 283.7 million (133.9) and the EBITA margin was 10.6 percent (10.0).Items affecting comparability impacted EBITA by SEK -17.3 million (-15.0). Adjusted EBITA (excluding items affecting comparability) increased to SEK 301.0 million (148.9).Earnings for the period amounted to SEK 185.7 million (89.6), earnings per share before dilution amounted to SEK 4.11 (2.71) and earnings per share after dilution were SEK 4.11 (2.65).Operating cash flow rose to SEK 253.5 million (155.9).The Board of Directors proposes a dividend of SEK 1.20 per share for 2021 (0.60).
Dinmalo, 08.02.2022 8:46 Uhr
Fasadgruppen will publish its year-end report for 2021 on 17 February 2022 at 07:30 CET. The same morning at 08:15 CET, the company’s CEO Pål Warolin and CFO Casper Tamm will present the report in a conference call and webcast. The presentation will be held in Swedish with presentation material in English and will be concluded with a Q&A session. Dial-ins for conference call: SE: +46 8 5055 8356 UK: +44 3333 009 260 Link to webcast: A recording of the presentation as well as a transcript in English will later be available at
Dinmalo, 07.02.2022 8:25 Uhr
Fasadgruppen expandiert in Südschweden durch den Erwerb von Helsingborgs Fasad & Kakel Fasadgruppen hat eine Vereinbarung über den Erwerb der Helsingborgs Fasad & Kakel AB (Helsingborgs Fasad") geschlossen, die ihre erste Niederlassung in der Region Helsingborg in Südschweden sein wird. Helsingborgs Fasad wurde 2009 gegründet und bietet unter anderem Maurer- und Verputzarbeiten, Fliesenarbeiten und Balkone an. Die Projekte werden hauptsächlich in der Region Helsingborg, aber auch in Malmö und anderen Teilen Südschwedens ausgeführt. Das Unternehmen hat sich eine starke lokale Marktposition aufgebaut und zählt viele private und kommunale Immobilienbesitzer zu seinen Stammkunden. Helsingborgs Fasad beschäftigt 14 Vollzeitmitarbeiter, und für das Geschäftsjahr 2021 belaufen sich die vorläufigen Einnahmen auf 30 Millionen SEK. Mats Karlsson, Geschäftsbereichsleiter Fasadgruppen Süd, sagte: "Helsingborgs Fasad ist eine perfekte Ergänzung zu den bestehenden Aktivitäten von Fasadgruppen in Südschweden, wo wir bisher in Helsingborg nicht präsent waren. Das Unternehmen zeichnet sich durch ein kompetentes Management mit großem handwerklichen Geschick und ein etabliertes Kundenportfolio aus." Kim Svensson, CEO von Helsingborgs Fasad, sagte: "Es ist ein spannendes Gefühl, Teil von Fasadgruppen zu werden und unsere Position im Raum Helsingborg weiter auszubauen. Ich freue mich auf die Zusammenarbeit mit den anderen Unternehmen in Südschweden, den Erfahrungsaustausch und die Suche nach künftigen Kooperationsmöglichkeiten." Fasadgruppen beabsichtigt, den Erwerb aller Anteile an Helsingborgs Fasad im ersten Quartal abzuschließen. Zur Finanzierung der Übernahme nutzt Fasadgruppen verfügbare Kreditlinien und vorhandene Barmittel. Der Verkäufer hat sich verpflichtet, einen Teil des Kaufpreises durch den Erwerb bestehender Aktien der Fasadgruppen innerhalb der nächsten drei Monate für einen Betrag von 3 MSEK zu reinvestieren. Die im Rahmen der Reinvestition erworbenen Aktien unterliegen einer Lock-up-Verpflichtung von zwölf Monaten.
Dinmalo, 01.02.2022 12:01 Uhr
Fasadgruppen erweitert sein Angebot in Stavanger durch den Erwerb von Miljø-Sanering Fasadgruppen stärkt seine Präsenz in Westnorwegen durch die Übernahme des Sanierungsspezialisten Miljø-Sanering AS. Miljø-Sanering hat seinen Sitz in Sandnes außerhalb von Stavanger und bietet Dienstleistungen wie Asbestsanierung, Schimmel- und Pilzsanierung, Sanierung von umweltgefährdenden Stoffen an alten Gebäuden und Brandabdichtung an. Die Arbeiten werden oft in Verbindung mit Fassadenrenovierungen durchgeführt und bieten daher Cross-Selling-Möglichkeiten mit den bestehenden Aktivitäten von Fasadgruppen in der Region. Um das Angebot zu optimieren, wird Fasadgruppen im Laufe des Jahres Miljø-Sanering mit ihrer Tochtergesellschaft RSM Fasade zusammenlegen. Miljø-Sanering hat 6 Vollzeitbeschäftigte, und die vorläufigen Einnahmen für das Geschäftsjahr 2021 belaufen sich auf ca. 6,7 Mio. NOK. Johan Claesson, Geschäftsbereichsleiter Fasadgruppen West, sagte: "Miljø-Sanering ist ein in seiner Nische gut etabliertes Unternehmen, mit dem wir in der Vergangenheit bei verschiedenen Projekten zusammengearbeitet haben. Wir freuen uns, das Team bei Fasadgruppen willkommen zu heißen und unser Angebot in Stavanger gemeinsam zu stärken." Helge Tonnessen, CEO von Miljø-Sanering, sagte: "Ich habe die Fortschritte von Fasadgruppen in Stavanger und Norwegen mit großem Interesse verfolgt und freue mich darauf, Teil der weiteren Entwicklung zu werden." Fasadgruppen finanziert den Erwerb aller Anteile an Miljø-Sanering aus vorhandenen Barmitteln. Der Verkäufer hat sich verpflichtet, einen Teil des Kaufpreises durch den Erwerb bestehender Anteile an Fasadgruppen innerhalb der nächsten drei Monate für einen Betrag von 0,9 Mio. SEK zu reinvestieren. Die im Rahmen der Re-Investition erworbenen Aktien unterliegen einer Lock-up-Verpflichtung bis zum 1. Februar 2023. Der Abschluss des Erwerbs ist an keine Bedingungen geknüpft, so dass Miljø-Sanering sofort Teil von Fasadgruppen wird.
Dinmalo, 26.01.2022 12:47 Uhr
Fasadgruppen führt zwei neue Renovierungsprojekte für die städtische Wohnungsbaugesellschaft in Oslo durch Die Fasadgruppen-Tochter DVS Entreprenør hat mit der städtischen Wohnungsbaugesellschaft Boligbygg Oslo KF zwei Verträge über umfangreiche Renovierungsarbeiten an zwei Mehrfamilienhäusern in Oslo unterzeichnet. Die beiden Projekte umfassen die Renovierung der Fassade sowie den Austausch von Fenstern und Dächern. Die Stadt Oslo hat sehr strenge Umweltauflagen für das Verfahren, und beide Projekte werden gemäß den von der norwegischen Umweltbehörde veröffentlichten Leitlinien als fossilfreie Baustellen eingestuft. Die Projekte werden im Jahr 2022 abgeschlossen sein, und der Auftragswert beläuft sich auf rund 48 Mio. NOK. Leif Erik Mortensen, CEO von DVS Entreprenør, sagte: "Die kommunalen Wohnungsbaugesellschaften in Norwegen sind in Bezug auf Umweltmaßnahmen bei ihren Beschaffungen sehr weit gekommen, und wir freuen uns, dass wir die Anforderungen erfüllen können. Neben der Sicherstellung möglichst geringer Umweltauswirkungen bei den eigentlichen Projekten werden die an den Objekten durchgeführten Maßnahmen zu einer deutlich verbesserten Energieeffizienz führen."
Dinmalo, 17.01.2022 16:29 Uhr
Zahlen 2021 am 17.02.2022
Dinmalo, 13.01.2022 22:22 Uhr
Heute + 5% bei sehr hohen Umsätzen in Stockholm.
Dinmalo, 12.01.2022 22:40 Uhr
Großes Potenzial nach dem Rücksetzer.
Dinmalo, 03.01.2022 12:43 Uhr
Fasadgruppen to perform energy renovations of 15 apartment buildings Fasadgruppen's subsidiary SmartFront AB has signed a contract to perform an extensive exterior renovation and energy efficiency project for the tenant-owner association Brf Vikingen in Handen outside Stockholm. The project includes a turnkey contract for 15 buildings with a total of 314 apartments. The work will commence immediately and be completed in 3 years. The Brf Vikingen buildings were built in 1964-65 and even though they have been well maintained, they are in large need of energy efficiency measures and facade renovations. In connection with the decision to carry out the façade renovation, the association also identified an opportunity to decrease the environmental impact by opting for energy-smart solutions. SmartFront’s assignment includes the full external shell of the properties. The order value amounts to SEK 91 million excluding possible additions. In the project, new surface layers will be installed on the façades that are to be plastered, painted, and insulated with mineral wool. Windows will be replaced with extra soundproofing and in addition, balcony renovations will take place with the installation of new railings and glazing as a selectable add-on. Also, the roof will be raised on three properties, including installation of new ventilation. Stefan Forsberg, CEO of SmartFront said: “We are happy to have received the engagement from Brf Vikingen, and proud that yet another large tenant-owner association opts for energy-efficiency measures in connection with a façade renovation. Our aim is to lower the energy consumption in the properties with at least 35 percent, hence decreasing the CO2 emissions. Our vision is to contribute to the benefit of society through climate-smart and energy efficient properties that in turn result in silent and comfortable living environments.” Peter Polland, Business Area Manager Fasadgruppen East said: “As a full-service provider, Fasadgruppen has a fantastic opportunity to take on this type of energy-efficiency projects with environmentally smart renovations for the property, which is something that an increasing number of tenant-owner associations are investing in.”
Dinmalo, 18.11.2021 8:15 Uhr
Interim report January-September 2021  Third quarter highlights Net sales increased to SEK 713.7 million (332.3), corresponding to growth of 114.7 percent. Organic growth was 2.5 percent. EBITA increased to SEK 102.8 million (41.8) and the EBITA margin was 14.4 percent (12.6). Items affecting comparability1 impacted EBITA by SEK 8.5 million (-8.0). Adjusted EBITA (excluding items affecting comparability) increased to SEK 94.3 million (49.9). Earnings for the period amounted to SEK 72.0 million (30.2), earnings per share before dilution amounted to SEK 1.59 (0.80) and earnings per share after dilution were SEK 1.59 (0.78). Operating cash flow rose to SEK 66.7 million (20.7). The order backlog increased to SEK 1,628.0 million (988.0). Nine month highlights Net sales increased to SEK 1,823.7 million (921.3), corresponding to growth of 97.9 percent. Organic growth was 1.9 percent. EBITA increased to SEK 188.4 million (88.7) and the EBITA margin was 10.3 percent (9.6). Items affecting comparability1 impacted EBITA by SEK -7.5 million (-13.3). Adjusted EBITA (excluding items affecting comparability) increased to SEK 195.9 million (102.0). Earnings for the period amounted to SEK 124.4 million (63.6), earnings per share before dilution amounted to SEK 2.75 (2.08) and earnings per share after dilution were SEK 2.75 (2.02). Operating cash flow rose to SEK 131.6 million (68.9).
Dinmalo, 11.11.2021 11:17 Uhr
Invitation to presentation of Fasadgruppen’s interim report January-September 2021 Fasadgruppen will publish its interim report for January-September 2021 on 18 November 2021 at 07:30 CET. The same morning at 08:15 CET, the company’s CEO Pål Warolin and CFO Casper Tamm will present the report in a conference call and webcast. The presentation will be held in Swedish with presentation material in English and will be concluded with a Q&A session. Dial-ins for conference call: SE: +46 8 566 42 692 UK: +44 3333 009 267 Link to webcast: A recording of the presentation as well as a transcript in English will later be available at
Dinmalo, 22.06.2021 19:24 Uhr
Fasadgruppen continues to grow through the acquisition of Åby Fasad Fasadgruppen has entered into an agreement to acquire Åby Fasad, the largest masonry and plastering company in Östergötland County in Sweden with strong local market positions in the cities of Norrköping, Linköping and Finspång. Åby Fasad was founded in 1976 and is active within renovation and new construction of masonry and plastered façades. The company is a third-generation family-run business operated by the brothers Christian and Andreas Carinci, who will continue to work in their current roles. Åby Fasad engages in both small and large projects and may offer turnkey contracts that include the entire or parts of the building shell such as windows, roofs and balcony glazing. Previous projects include the Vårdtornet block in Norrköping, which was awarded the ‘Façade of the Year’ award in 2019, renovation of Finspång castle and many different residential properties in Norrköping and Linköping. Åby Fasad has 44 full-time employees and is expected to report revenues of approximately SEK 55 million for the broken fiscal year that ends on 30 June. Mats Karlsson, Business Area Manager Fasadgruppen South, said: “We have known Åby Fasad for many years and met them in different projects. It is a solid façade company that puts quality first and possesses deep craftmanship skills. Through Åby Fasad, we get a strong exposure to Östergötland County, which is a geographic area that Fasadgruppen hasn’t focused so much on before.” Christian Carinci, CEO and project manager at Åby Fasad, said: “Åby Fasad was founded by our father and grandfather, and it is with great pride of our profession that we have carried on the business. It now feels exciting to become part of Fasadgruppen and take Åby Fasad to the next level. We believe that there are many things that unite us with the other companies in the group, such as the passion for a sustainable and long-term development of the society through our services.” Fasadgruppen intends to complete the acquisition of all shares in Åby Fasad on 1 July 2021. Fasadgruppen is using available credit facilities and existing cash to finance the acquisition. The seller has undertaken to re-invest part of the purchase price by acquiring existing shares in Fasadgruppen within the next three months for an amount corresponding to SEK 10 million. The shares bought under the re-investment are subject to a lock-up commitment during the twelve months that follow the acquisition.
Dinmalo, 22.06.2021 8:52 Uhr
Fasadgruppen to perform energy renovations for Riksbygggen Fasadgruppen’s subsidiary SmartFront has signed a contract with Riksbyggen for an extensive exterior renovation including energy efficiency measures of the tenant-owner association Brf Kungsberget in Linköping. The project is a turnkey contract for 8 properties with 98 appartments in total. The work starts immediately and will be complete in the beginning of 2023. There is a large need to improve the energy efficiency and renovate façades in the old property portfolio. In connection with its façade renovation, Brf Kungsberget in Linköping wants to decrease the properties’ environmental impact by selecting energy-smart measures. SmartFront’s assignment comprises the entire building shells. The order value amounts to approximately SEK 33.5 million. The project includes installation of new surface layers on the façades, new windows, balcony railings, entrance areas, roof measures and a new bicycle room. Also, an additional isolation that provides a continous seal of the façade and a smart ventilation with large energy recovery with the help of the SmartFront method will be installed. Measures are also taken to reduce the amount of radon in all properties.
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