Quantafuel WKN: A2PQT6 ISIN: NO0010785967 Forum: Aktien Thema: Hauptdiskussion

Kommentare 80.989
Menne70, 28.02.2023 13:53 Uhr
Fabi1111, 28.02.2023 13:50 Uhr
Quantafuel releases its fourth quarter results Quantafuel today reported its fourth quarter results. Delayed positive cash flow from operations combined with required funding of ongoing and future projects have resulted in the need of a financing solution by mid Q2 2023. Meanwhile, there is good progress with Quantafuel’s pipeline projects. Per 31stDecember 2022, Quantafuel ASA had a cash position of NOK 122 million. Due to the constraints on the Group’s liquidity position, from operating plants still not generating positive cash flow and the near-term financing commitments to the Esbjerg sorting plant project, the Group is in urgent need of new financing and will require this to be in place no later than by mid Q2 2023. The equity need to realise the remaining parts of the Esbjerg project, the Dubai project and the upcoming pipeline of projects is estimated at approx. USD 70 million. The Dubai MK II Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) in cooperation with Dubal Holding and BASF is in its final phase, and our preferred EPC partner Saipem, together with Quantafuel’s project team, are currently focusing on value engineering to optimise CapEx for both the Dubai plant as well as MK II in general. The current indications show a CapEx estimate at USD 200-250 million. The ongoing value-engineering work is believed to confirm a level acceptable to an FID with attractive project finances. All partners are confident that the end result will be a plant defining a new standard within chemical plastic recycling. Since October, Quantafuel has executed a strategic review in preparation of the roll-out of the next generation Plastic-to-Liquid (PtL) plants, and the encouraging feedback we have received is that we are a global leader within chemical recycling of plastic waste. This quarter we have continued to reach new milestones at Skive. All four lines are now operational and energy-wise optimised by reactors primarily heated by self-produced gas. Produced volumes are increasing on a monthly basis, but a delayed positive cash flow is causing an increased cash constraint on the company. The construction of the plastic sorting facility in Esbjerg, through the 50/50 JV ReSource Denmark ApS with Eurazeo, is progressing on plan, with an estimated start of commissioning in Q4 2023. Out of a yearly sorting capacity of 160,000 tonnes, the first 20,000 tonnes are already secured. Current construction costs indicate a 10% increase due to the incorporation of higher safety standards in design in combination with the general market development. In February 2023, we reached a major milestone in the UK when our planning application for a PtL plant in Sunderland was granted without objections and with full support from Sunderland Council. In addition, we are moving ahead with additional sites in the UK and have entered into promising discussions with feedstock suppliers and oil offtakers. Lars Rosenløv, Quantafuel’s CEO, expresses his satisfaction with employees’ commitment and drive to deliver on business plans and strategies, while underlining the importance of finding the best possible solutions to the company’s capital constraint: “The key for our company at the moment is to conclude on the strategic review and find a financing solution which will bring this company forward into the next phase of its development, which is to realise ongoing projects and the MK II concept. As I have emphasised before, it takes time to build a new industry, and despite some setbacks I am proud of how far we have come and look forward to converting our ambitions into reality going forward.” The presentation of the fourth quarter results will be available here from 3pm CET today.
MAXimumBörse, 28.02.2023 13:50 Uhr
Der Kurs ist halted in Norwegen
Fabi1111, 28.02.2023 13:49 Uhr
The presentation of the fourth quarter results will be available here from 3pm CET today.
GapJoe, 28.02.2023 13:18 Uhr
Bin ich froh, dass ich hier raus bin.
Magisch, 28.02.2023 13:11 Uhr
Einfach nur lächerlich das ganze
Magisch, 28.02.2023 13:10 Uhr
Torment Das Kunststoff­recyclingu­nternehmen­ Quantafuel­ hat letzte Woche kurzfristi­g die Vorlage des Quartalsbe­richts für das vierte Quartal auf heute, Dienstag, 28. Februar, verschoben­. Am Montagaben­d gab das Unternehme­n bekannt, dass der Bericht heute um 07.00 Uhr vorgestell­t wird. Als dies nicht geschah, sagte CFO Christian Bekkevold Nilsen rund zehn Minuten später gegenüber E24, man arbeite „an einer Botschaft“­, die es bald erklären werde. Um 08:23 Uhr gibt Quantafuel­ gegenüber der Börse bekannt, dass der Bericht nach Handelssch­luss um 16:30 Uhr veröffentl­icht wird, gibt aber keine Erklärung für die jüngste Verschiebu­ng des Zeitpunkts­. Es wird auch nicht erklärt, ob der zuvor angekündig­te Webcast um 09.00 Uhr wie geplant verlaufen wird. Kurz bevor die letzte Börsenmitt­eilung versandt wurde, teilte CFO Nilsen E24 mit, dass die Mitteilung­ auf dem Weg sei, aber weder er noch CEO Roseløv haben unsere Anfragen nach dem Versand der Mitteilung­ beantworte­t
Magisch, 28.02.2023 12:38 Uhr
Matzelman .... Warte es ab , sind nur noch 4 Stunden . Wirecard lässt grüßen 😉😆
Matzelmann, 28.02.2023 12:33 Uhr

Die Frage kann dir jeder Amateur beantworten. !

Na dann schieß mal los du Amateur 🤣
Magisch, 28.02.2023 12:30 Uhr

Ach wirklich? Warum?

Die Frage kann dir jeder Amateur beantworten. !
Magisch, 28.02.2023 12:27 Uhr
Frage mich grade , wo die Hardcore QF Jungs bleiben ? Halloo Hola94....Karli 2 .... Lord Forty .... Fabi111 ....Buffie .... Jackson 791 ....paule1234
MAXimumBörse, 28.02.2023 12:25 Uhr
Bei Quanta setzt man eben im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes alles auf Rot
Matzelmann, 28.02.2023 12:24 Uhr

Die Vorboten auf 16:30 Uhr lassen schlimmes erahnen !

Ach wirklich? Warum?
Magisch, 28.02.2023 12:23 Uhr
Die Vorboten auf 16:30 Uhr lassen schlimmes erahnen !
Mr.Burns_the_money, 28.02.2023 12:11 Uhr
Heute Abend 140% im Plus!! +++
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