Interview mit dynaCERT Inc.:
President Bernd Krüper über Wasserstoff, Flottenbetreiber, ESG, Dieselmotoren und Aktienkurs

PAYPAL WKN: A14R7U ISIN: US70450Y1038 Kürzel: PYPL Forum: Aktien Thema: Hauptdiskussion

70,37 EUR
+2,23 %+1,54
23. Sep, 16:40:11 Uhr, Baader Bank
Kommentare 133.316
DerPate921, 09.02.2024 15:34 Uhr
Wow steigt
NACONNI66, 09.02.2024 15:34 Uhr
Boden ist bestätigt 💪💪💪
AgentM, 09.02.2024 15:34 Uhr

Das dreht gleich...antäuschmanöver😉

True, iwo muss ja auch ein technischer Rebound kommen
Rubby987, 09.02.2024 15:34 Uhr
NACONNI66, 09.02.2024 15:34 Uhr
Hab gesagt 52.15 eur back und dann 🚀🚀🚀
Rubby987, 09.02.2024 15:34 Uhr
Omg es fällt nicht direkt weiter
OzViet, 09.02.2024 15:33 Uhr
Lets go!
NACONNI66, 09.02.2024 15:33 Uhr
Das dreht gleich...antäuschmanöver😉
Loony, 09.02.2024 15:33 Uhr
AgentM, 09.02.2024 15:33 Uhr
War doch zu erwarten? Höchstwahrscheinlich, dass die 50 USD heute oder die nächsten Tage kommen
Anonym23112311, 09.02.2024 15:32 Uhr
Und fällt wieder die scheiße
NACONNI66, 09.02.2024 15:31 Uhr
Stark 💪
haystack, 09.02.2024 15:31 Uhr
So berechenbar
Dr.__K, 09.02.2024 15:25 Uhr

Ändert auch nichts! Alex Schiss wird’s nicht ändern. Ein Management das keines ist und nur Geld kostet. Vielleicht sollte man dieses als erstes austauschen?

Bewerbe dich doch mal? Dann stehen hier aber -99%
InflationsGerd, 09.02.2024 15:23 Uhr

Dear Alex, First, I want to congratulate you and the team on truly fantastic Q4 numbers. It's evident the company performed exceptionally well, and when I hear you echo that there is "still much room for improvement" and your commitment to make the necessary changes in the company, this is very exciting. I see a renewed sense of urgency, a desire to innovate, and a clear vision forward. The First Look innovations are exciting and should do much to change the trajectory of this company. The value proposition of these is truly immense and misunderstood by the market at present. I believe time will prove how revolutionary these can be going forward. I also want to thank you for the extreme transparency both in the slide deck for earnings as well as during the earnings call. In may ways, PayPal has been a black box. Seeing monthly users and a breakdown between the payment segments is incredibly helpful. I believe in you and the team you've assembled. The pedigree and experience you bring from Intuit cannot be understated. I am excited to see PayPal's future through this year of transition. The problem is that the market is not, and shareholders are left confused. Why? 1⃣ Growth vs No Growth In Q3, the earnings call painted a very different picture. You said PayPal was "a growth company with great prospects." I understand the caution on overpromising. I know you took the reaction to First Look to heart. And it is perfectly fine (though not ideal) to only offer quarterly guidance. However, it is confusing to paint a picture of a growth company in one quarter, and after posting fantastic results provide a slide in the earnings that guides for flat EPS for the year, even while later clarifying that guidance for the year wouldn't be offered. My recommendation is to not have the FY 2024 slide (beyond FCF and buybacks) at all if we're doing quarterly going forward. As alluded to in earnings, if the numbers come in and support an upward revision, this doesn't have to wait until Q1 earnings. 2⃣ Innovation and Investors I thought First Look was very well done. However, I believe many don't fully understand the innovations and how they will impact PayPal and revolutionize commerce. A live investor day event at some point in H1 may help with this, demonstrating the technology itself and giving investors a better idea of what is being rolled out. The world had a glimpse at First Look, but something more may be warranted. 3⃣ Measurable Goals The five guiding principles of PayPal mention the importance of setting measurable goals while being transparent and accountable. I realize this may be implemented in future investor updates, but this fell short in Q4. Again, it may be a bit early (as you referenced in your reply to Darrin Peller), but investors need this clarity. At present, beyond what was covered in point one, I do not know when or if annual active users will begin to climb in 2024. I am uncertain if Q3 was the bottom for gross margins. An update on these in future presentations would be helpful. Again, congratulations on a fantastic Q4. I know this is just the beginning. As an individual investor, I can only speak for myself, but I look forward to future updates from you and the PayPal team!

Ändert auch nichts! Alex Schiss wird’s nicht ändern. Ein Management das keines ist und nur Geld kostet. Vielleicht sollte man dieses als erstes austauschen?
AgentM, 09.02.2024 15:14 Uhr
Bin nach wie vor skeptisch für dieses Jahr, bleibe Short, das sentiment in den amerikanischen Foren und in den großen trading Gruppen ist stark gegen Paypal.
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