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Paion WKN: A3E5EG ISIN: DE000A3E5EG5 Kürzel: PA8 Forum: Aktien User: LachendeSonne

0,0062 EUR
-3,13 %-0,0002
20. Nov, 18:15:33 Uhr, Tradegate
Kommentare 1.243
AllemKaputto, 17.04.2023 10:28 Uhr
Die 🍟Bude kann nur eine Richtung. Nervt einfach nur noch. 🤮
LachendeSonne, 16.04.2023 20:09 Uhr
Für arabisch sprechendes medizinisches Fachpersonal: https://youtu.be/ATLxpf7HzF4
LachendeSonne, 16.04.2023 20:05 Uhr
Für Narkoseärzte: https://youtu.be/GlT9t5JiFqE
LachendeSonne, 16.04.2023 19:57 Uhr
Strategie (Auszug Geschäftsberich 2021 Acacia) : Deliver effective new treatments Funding growth Key activities and progress ❖ Engaging with stakeholders and key opinion leaders to successfully promote products ❖ Increasing virtual presence at conferences and congresses to educate healthcare professionals ❖ Identifying and responding to new formulary processes and procedures in the wake of COVID-19 ❖ At year end, we had achieved 339 accounts on formulary for Barhemsys®, with c85% that reviewed Barhemsys® adding it to their formulary ❖ We achieved 152 accounts on formulary for Byfavo® with a success rate of c.95% ❖ Seeking new sources of capital (equity and/or debt) and managing our capital to continue to commercialize our products and business plan ❖ In February 2021, completing a €27 million ($32.8 million) equity financing ❖ Despite the delays in sales revenues due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, the team managed the operating expenses in order to make up for the revenue shortfall in 2021 and maintain the anticipated cash runway. ❖ Appointing advisers to undertake a comprehensive review of strategic alternatives available to maximize value for Acacia Shareholders
LachendeSonne, 16.04.2023 19:44 Uhr
Der Jahresbericht von Acacia Dez. 21 ist interessant zu lesen: https://acaciapharma.com/investors/financial-reports-and-presentations Procedural sedation The number of surgical procedures worldwide continues to grow driven by population growth and other factors such as obesity, low physical activity levels, dietary habits, smoking, and alcohol. Current estimates place the number of surgical procedures annually worldwide at greater than 230 million; the majority in the areas of general, orthopaedic/trauma and obstetric/gynaecological surgery. The market for sedation and anesthesia has been short on pharmaceutical development during the last decade and there remains room for innovation and development in standard of care. Byfavo® is fast acting and has a favourable safety profile based on the clinical studies in 966 patients who underwent procedural sedation for colonoscopies and bronchoscopies and similar procedures. It is estimated there are approximately 25 million gastrointestinal procedures and over 40 million total procedures that require moderate sedation performed annually in the US. Procedural sedation market opportunity ❖ The number of surgical procedures worldwide continues to grow driven by population growth and other factors such as obesity, low physical activity levels, dietary habits, smoking, and alcohol. Current estimates place the number of surgical procedures annually worldwide at greater than 230 million; the majority in the areas of general, orthopaedic/trauma and obstetric/gynaecological surgery. The market for procedural sedation and anesthesia has been short on pharmaceutical development during the last decade and there remains room for innovation and development in standard of care. ❖ The New Drug Application (“NDA”) for Byfavo® was based on use in procedural sedation for colonoscopies and bronchoscopies. It is estimated there are approximately 25 million such procedures annually in the US. The broad label granted for Byfavo®, covering all adult patient procedures lasting less than 30 minutes, makes it applicable for use in a range of other settings such as interventional radiology, ophthalmic and plastic surgery procedures, bringing the total number of procedures for which Byfavo® is suitable to approximately 40 million. ❖ Byfavo® is indicated for procedural sedation in adults in procedures lasting 30 minutes or less. The substantial clinical data package shows compelling efficacy and safety in colonoscopies and bronchoscopies, including least fit patients ❖ Rapid onset/offset enables shorter procedure times and greater patient throughput for hospitals and surgical centers compared to other recommended treatments
LachendeSonne, 16.04.2023 19:42 Uhr
LachendeSonne, 15.04.2023 20:31 Uhr
French zu Biontech: das mit dem Impfstoff war eine Ausnahmesituation ! Das hat nichts mit einer gesetzlichen regulären Arzneimittelzulassung zu tun wie bei Remimazolam !
LachendeSonne, 15.04.2023 20:27 Uhr
Ich verweise hier nochmals auf die Boardregeln und bitte um sachliche Diskussionen !
LachendeSonne, 15.04.2023 13:12 Uhr
Börsen 1x1: Kurse steigen erst, wenn Gewinne steigen. Paion steht hier noch am Anfang. Gewinne beginnen langsam entsprechend der Staffelung von Remimazolam in den einzelnen Länder zu steigen und das folgt jetzt über die nächsten Jahre. Wer ungeduldig ist, muss woanders investieren und nicht in Paion, denn Paion ist ein Langzeitinvest. Ich halte mich an die Fakten, die Paion veröffentlicht: Break Eaven 23/24. Wenn man Cristalia dazu nimmt, die als letztes dazugestossen sind, wird eine Zulassung von Remimazolam 24 erwartet. Der Verkauf von Cristalia erfolgt 24/25 schätze ich. Wenn die Zulassungen Vollnarkose und Sedation in allen Ländern erfolgt ist, wird der Verkauf maximal laufen und den max. globalen Verkauf erwarte ich 24/25, vorausgesetzt, alle Zulassungen Vollnarkose/Sedation fallen denn auch 23/24. Wenn Paion mit seinen Partnern diese Ziele erreicht, dann wird auch die Aktie laufen. 👌 🤗
LachendeSonne, 15.04.2023 13:02 Uhr
Jeder hat seine Meinung, das ist ok ! Ich denke, dass Remimazolam es schaffen wird, weil es besser ist als alle kommerziellen Narkosemittel ! Mehrere, die hier im Forum sind, glauben es nicht und die müssen die Konsequenzen selber für sich tragen !
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