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Nordic Unmanned WKN: A2QK7L ISIN: NO0010907090 Forum: Aktien Thema: Hauptdiskussion

Kommentare 2.132
Finanzcheck100, 17.11.2023 18:16 Uhr
Lohnt sich das ?
Finanzcheck100, 17.11.2023 18:16 Uhr
Was heißt das habe ich auch heute bekommen ?
ElZorroBieroso, 16.11.2023 11:57 Uhr
Alter Schwede, bzw. Norweger, noch ne Kapitalerhöhung 1 zu 1 zu 0,5 Kronen heute vorgeschlagen bekommen. Ähh, kurz überlegen, nein.
BSch, 10.11.2023 8:42 Uhr
Ich glaube eher nicht. Selbst wenn, ists wahrscheinlich auch eher eine Eintagsfliege. Wird nach wie vor spannend bleiben. Was ist zum Beispiel wenn die Aufträge der Bundeswehr abgewickelt sind. Folgen weitere und/oder vergleichbare Aufträge? Evtl sogar auch von anderen Auftraggebern. "Sparkurs" bzw. Ausrichtung von NU scheint ja klar zu sein. Es darf aber gerne ein Push geben...
MAXimumBörse, 10.11.2023 7:50 Uhr
Denkt ihr das löst hier heute einen push aus?
BSch, 10.11.2023 7:02 Uhr
... Nordic Unmanned ASA announces Q3 2023 results 10.11.2023 07:00:00 CET | Nordic Unmanned | Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a member state The third quarter 2023 saw higher revenues than the same quarter last year, effects from cost reductions and positive cashflow from operations. Revenues of EUR 6.1 million in the quarter and EUR 14.9 million year to date 2023, compared to EUR 5.5 and EUR 12.8 million respectively in the same periods in 2022. AirRobot revenue growth in Q3 2023 of EUR 1.8 million, an increase of 323% YoY with the Tiquila and Mikado 2 contracts progressing. Flight Services had EUR 1.2 million lower revenues in Q3 2023. Flight hours increased with 22%, however revenue was lower due to contract and fleet mix. Adjusted EBITDA of EUR 0.9 million in the quarter, which is an improvement of EUR 2.2 million compared to the same period last year. This is due in particular to contract execution and progress related to the Tiquila and the Mikado 2 contracts in AirRobot, efficiency improvements in Flight Services, reduced group costs and higher activity in DroneMatrix. A total of 1,768 flight hours was delivered from Flight Services in the quarter, an increase of 22% compared to the same quarter last year. Per Q3 2023 total flight hours surpassed 3,800 hours on the EMSA OP 46 contract based on the Aerosonde UAS operations in Estonia, Denmark and Spain in addition to EMSA OP1 lightweight UAS activity on 12 fishery inspection and oil spill prevention vessels in Europe. The product delivery projects for German Bundeswehr (Mikado 2) and Lockheed Martin/UK Ministry of Defence (Tiquila) represent the main activities in OEM AirRobot, with sensor deliveries on the Tiquila contract which commenced in Q3 2023 and UAS deliveries under Mikado 2 contract starting in Q4 2023. The main activities in the OEM DroneMatrix are product related services provided to the Port of Antwerp in Belgium. In addition, the company achieved successful deployment of first drone-in-a-box for a Belgian railway operator in the third quarter. Contract backlog at the end of the quarter was EUR 57.6 million, of which EUR 41.9 million relate to framework contracts and EUR 15.7 million relate to firm purchase orders and contracts. Nordic Unmanned announced on 12th October 2023 (after quarter end) refinancing of the Group based on a new bank agreement with a 5-year tenure and reduced interest margins combined with an equity raise that provided gross proceeds of NOK 70 million. A subsequent offering (“repair issue”) of up NOK 35 million is contemplated before year end 2023. Following the refinancing the Group has secured a strengthened capital structure and financial flexibility and completed the strategic review announced 27th March 2023. There will be a livestreamed presentation as well as a Q&A session at 10:00 CET. Register here to view it:  https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/523768191601053272
redripp_, 07.11.2023 15:28 Uhr
Einerseits ja, andererseits gab es hier schon seit längerem klare Zeichen und es wurde auch gewarnt. Vor allem der vergangene CEO war eine Katastrophe.
alternate, 04.11.2023 14:46 Uhr
Tut mir für alle Aktionäre leid die hier investiert sind. Auf übelste hinters Licht geführt.
Gunzo, 16.10.2023 12:31 Uhr
Sehe ich genauso, einen viel besseren Moment für Drohnentechnologie als jetzt gibt es kaum...darum ist es auch so verwunderlich, dass da keiner zuschlägt bei 3 Mio
ElZorroBieroso, 16.10.2023 9:08 Uhr
Oha,... Naja, da schmeißt noch einmal jemand Geld ins Feuer. Glaube, es wird bei Zeiten ausgehen. Von meinem Geld habe ich mich schon lange verabschiedet. Ärgerlich und sehr komisch bei dem derzeitigen run auf UAV.
BSch, 13.10.2023 15:36 Uhr
Nordic Unmanned is Refinanced, Rightsized and Revitalized 13.10.2023 15:31:08 CEST | Nordic Unmanned | Non-regulatory press releases Invitation to webcast update. Nordic Unmanned is a leading European provider of unmanned aerial system (“UAS”) flight services, system integration and drone OEM systems, targeting the collection of actionable data for security, maritime surveillance, and defense applications The company is pleased to inform that the company has now completed its announced strategic review through a refinancing with its lenders in combination with a Private Placement of MNOK 70 in new equity, resulting in a sustainable financial solution for the company, visibility and flexibility. The agreement with the lenders includes a 5 year term for the bank debt, amortization holiday till mid-September 2025, interest accumulation till June 2024 and a margin reduction from 5% to 3.5%.  Nordic Unmanned has been through a very challenging period with regards to liquidity and lower operating margins than expected. Following the refinancing and recapitalization, the company is well placed to move forward with its focused strategy, continued improvement efforts, competent organization, multi-year contract portfolio, well positioned niche technologies and quality clients and partners. Through the equity raise, the company welcomes Tjelta Eiendom AS as a new investor and majority owner. Stig H. Christiansen, CEO of Nordic Unmanned, remarked: "We are very pleased with the financial solution which would not have been possible without all the great people, advisors and capital stakeholders involved. It is an all-hands job. We look forward to take the company forward in a controlled and profitable manner in an industry that clearly forms part of a sustainable future."  In connection with the commencement of the repair issue, Nordic Unmanned invites to a company update webcast with Q&A on the 31st October at 10am.
MAXimumBörse, 13.10.2023 11:56 Uhr
Mutig hier noch 7 Millionen reinzustecken
BSch, 13.10.2023 11:47 Uhr
... .Nordic Unmanned ASA – Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting on 27 October 2023 13.10.2023 11:39:14 CEST | Nordic Unmanned | Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a member state Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement published by Nordic Unmanned ASA (the "Company") (Euronext Growth: NUMND) on 12 October 2023 regarding the successfully placed private placement of 140,000,000 new shares in the Company at a subscription price of NOK 0.50, raising gross proceeds of NOK 70 million (the "Private Placement").  The Company's board of directors hereby calls for an extraordinary general meeting to be held on 27 October 2023 at 10:00 hours (CEST) at the Company's offices at Havnespeilet, 3rd floor, Rådhusgata 3, 4306 Sandnes, Norway.   The notice for the extraordinary general meeting and the notice of attendance and proxy forms are attached hereto. Further information relating to the extraordinary general meeting may be found at the Company's website:   https://nordicunmanned.com/investor-relations/corporate-governance/ Disclosure regulation   This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
Gunzo, 12.10.2023 19:19 Uhr
Marktkapitalisierung 3 Millionen Euro...
Gullu_gullu, 12.10.2023 12:52 Uhr
Ja, ich 😉
MAXimumBörse, 12.10.2023 11:09 Uhr
Ist hier noch jemand dabei? Es scheinen die Lichter auszugehen
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