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Nordic Unmanned WKN: A2QK7L ISIN: NO0010907090 Forum: Aktien Thema: Hauptdiskussion

Kommentare 2.132
Finanzcheck100, 23.02.2023 21:05 Uhr
Hier ist die nächste Bude die demnächst Insolvenz anmelden
thomitastic, 23.02.2023 18:45 Uhr
Jeder Euro der hier investiert wird ist halt Casino, wenn man mit dem Risiko leben kann dann natürlich jedem das seine
thomitastic, 23.02.2023 18:43 Uhr
Weil der Laden nicht lange überlebt ohne weitere Kapitalmaßnahmen / Verwässerung. Immer wieder verwunderlich wie manche Leute blind Geld investieren ohne den Hauch einer Ahnung über die wirtschaftliche Situation zu haben … Wer so investiert sollte lieber bei ETFs bleiben, da geht nix kaputt 🤷‍♂️ Schwarze Schafe erwischt man immer mal auch mit Recherche aber so blind in den Verlust laufen ist schon gemeingefährlich
EdoInn, 23.02.2023 18:13 Uhr
Jap, kannst du mir bitte das erklären?
redripp_, 23.02.2023 17:32 Uhr

Ich verstehe nicht warum geht abwärts

Dein Ernst?
EdoInn, 23.02.2023 16:43 Uhr
Ich verstehe nicht warum geht abwärts
Starbeam, 23.02.2023 11:13 Uhr
Hier gehen allmählich die Lichter aus, für Kleinanleger wird nicht mehr wirklich was zu holen sein.
MAXimumBörse, 23.02.2023 11:01 Uhr
Die Norweger nehmen die nächste Treppe nach unten 🙃
Klarname, 23.02.2023 9:21 Uhr
Tja, der positive Ausblick aufs neue Jahr würde eigentlich für einen Anstieg sprechen. Aber fast die gleiche Prognose hatten wir ja für 2022, und wir sehen, wie es gelaufen ist ...
redripp_, 23.02.2023 9:19 Uhr
Sie verbrennen weiterhin Geld, könnten eine erneute KE benötigen, wenn es so weitergeht. Erstmal nichts was Freude auslöst.
MAXimumBörse, 23.02.2023 9:17 Uhr
Norwegen wie es leibt und lebt. Die Farben der Landesflagge
BSch, 23.02.2023 8:27 Uhr
Hoffentlich langsam mal wieder deutlich gen Norden von mir aus gerne unmanned 🫣😏😃
MAXimumBörse, 23.02.2023 8:15 Uhr
Was denkt ihr machen die Norweger ab 9 draus?
BSch, 23.02.2023 8:07 Uhr
BSch, 23.02.2023 8:05 Uhr
Busiest year in Nordic Unmanned history The number of flight hours in the quarter was 437, an increase of 43 percent compared to the same quarter last year. Full year flight hours were 2922. During the quarter, substantial support has been provided to our customers, with air pollution measured on 124 vessels. In 2022, Nordic Unmanned participated in search and rescue activities involving more than 3000 people in Europe. Outlook In 2023, the focus will be on drone services (Nordun) and products (NUTech). The contracts awarded in the last half of 2022 provide a strong backlog for both segments’ continuing strong and profitable growth in 2023. The current contract backlog, in addition to projected new contracts, is expected to contribute revenues of more than EUR 30 million in 2023. The visibility of the current backlog stands at 87%. Based on the current outlook, Nordic Unmanned targets to exceed revenues of EUR 30 million, whilst targeting an EBITDA margin of approx. 10% for the full year, accumulated breakeven EBITDA from Q2. The Company is targeting to cash positive from operations for the full year 2023, with accumulated cash break even in Q2. Profitability will come through improved efficiency, utilization of crew and assets, reduction of operational costs and the next generation of contracts carrying a rate increase. The planned H1 2023 uplisting will be postponed until the company has demonstrated the targeted financial performances in each of its business units in line with revenue and profitability expectations as communicated to the market, and the capital structure supports the planned continued ambitious growth. The fourth quarter report and presentation are enclosed. There will be a livestreamed presentation as well as a Q&A session at 10:00 CET. Register here to view it:
BSch, 23.02.2023 8:05 Uhr
The board has decided to simplify the financial and organisational structure by consolidating business unit NUMar into Nordun and business unit NUGlobal into NUTech. The purpose is to create a clear distinction between flight services and technology/OEM activities, enabling two profitable business models with separate customers, suppliers and partners. In conjunction with this process that will be implemented in Q1, alternatives will be explored for certain non-core assets. In Q4, the company closed the Staaker development office in Oslo as part of the earlier announced cost saving plan, and with the increasing focus on the existing product lines in AirRobot and DroneMatrix. For prudential reasons, the board has decided to make an aggregate EUR 2.3 million write down of its long-term assets related to its Staaker product line. In addition, the board has decided to derecognize a deferred tax asset in the balance sheet related to Norwegian taxes of EUR 5.0 million. The deferred tax will be carried forward off balance sheet until the company is in a tax position. In December, the company raised gross proceeds of NOK 70 million through a private placement, with a subsequent offering of NOK 9.6 million completed February 2023, for investments in contracts, working capital needs and reduction of short-term debt.
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