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Nordic Unmanned WKN: A2QK7L ISIN: NO0010907090 Forum: Aktien Thema: Hauptdiskussion

Kommentare 2.132
BSch, 14.01.2023 8:47 Uhr
MAXimumBörse, 13.01.2023 12:08 Uhr
Die Norweger sind echt krass. In dem Gesamtmarkt hat so gut wie jede Bude einen bounce erlebt. Die norwegischen Buden bleiben auf dem Boden liegen. Wenn der Markt dann ins rote dreht geht's nochmal tiefer...
ElZorroBieroso, 13.01.2023 11:43 Uhr
Was ist hier eigentlich los. Die Zahlen sehen ganz schön übel aus. Investitionen oder einfach den Rutsch in den Abgrund?
Waterboy, 30.12.2022 10:13 Uhr
BSch, 23.12.2022 16:49 Uhr
Wünsche allen ein frohes Fest und alles Gute für 2023 !!! 🍻🎄🎊
BSch, 23.12.2022 13:38 Uhr
... Nordic Unmanned receives signed OP5 contract from EMSA 23.12.2022 13:35:20 CET | Nordic Unmanned | Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a member state Reference is made to Nordic Unmanned's announcements on the 21st of October and 5th of December regarding the letter of award received from the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) and the following successful Initial Configuration Test (ICT). Nordic Unmanned has now received the signed EMSA/OP/5/2022 contract for services providing multipurpose maritime surveillance, with a contract value of up to EUR 20.5 million. “We are very pleased to finally have concluded the signing of the largest contract in the history of the company. This new land and /or vessel-based VTOL (vertical take-off and landing) fixed-wing multipurpose maritime surveillance contract creates a significant increase in our contract backlog for the next four years. We are humbled to take on an even greater responsibility of providing critical maritime surveillance for the European Union. Our ability to support builds on years of investment in our operational capabilities," says Knut Roar Wiig, CEO of Nordic Unmanned. Nordic Unmanned will utilise its current crew and part of its current drone fleet to serve this contract. Some specific additions and upgrades of payloads and drones will be required to deliver operations under this framework contract. Upgrades and additions to the fleet are expected to start from Q3 2023. The first call-off under the framework contract is expected in Q1 2023, with financial effect from Q1 2023. However, the main activity is expected to be ramped up gradually during 2023, with full potential contract deliveries from 2024. The utilisation of the framework contract is contingent on call-offs from the client during the lifetime of the contract, the same contract structure as the current contracts Nordic Unmanned holds with EMSA. Disclosure regulation   This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. Contacts   Knut Roar Wiig CEO Tel:  +47 92 66 66 59 krw@nordicunmanned.com About Nordic Unmanned   Nordic Unmanned is a global leader of high-end products and services related to drones and data capture. Through worldwide operational experience and industry-leading expertise, Nordic Unmanned supports large governmental and industrial clients in the adaption of unmanned systems and services. Founded in 2014, the Group has offices in Sandnes, Molde, Odense (DK), Cranfield (UK), Hasselt (BE), Arnsberg (GER) and Baltimore (US) and has quickly become one of the leading providers of unmanned systems and services, with operations across Europe. Nordic Unmanned has one of the world's most comprehensive permits to fly beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS), through the EASA approved Light UAS operator Certificate (LUC). The Group is OEM for the drone products Staaker, AirRobot and DroneMatrix, and is also world leading in the collection of vessel emission data. It is ISO 9001-2015 and AS9100 certified for the operation, maintenance, sale, design, development, and production of unmanned systems and sensor technology.
BSch, 21.12.2022 13:34 Uhr
Nordic Unmanned receives first order from Lockheed Martin UK 21.12.2022 12:58:09 CET | Nordic Unmanned | Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a member state Nordic Unmanned has received an order worth EUR 1.5 million from Lockheed Martin UK Ltd. relating to Heimdal sensors and software. This is the first specific purchase order under the framework contract announced on December 16. The framework contract covers a period of 10 years, with revenue effect expected to exceed EUR 5 million in 2023. The revenue effect of the first purchase order is expected in Q1 2023.    The framework contract covers the production and supply of Heimdal sensors, maintenance and modifications related to the sensor, and other related work on the Lockheed Martin Indago 4 drone. More general information will be given about the contract in the Q4 2022 report. “We’re pleased that the framework contract is so quickly turned into a revenue-generating purchase order, a further confirmation of the attraction of the Heimdal sensor for small drones in the defence market and current time-to-market expectations, ” says Knut Roar Wiig, CEO of Nordic Unmanned. The Heimdal sensor is a dual Electro-Optical/Infra-Red (EO/IR) sensor developed by Nordic Unmanned’s German subsidiary AirRobot. The announcement of the framework contract and subsequent purchase order comes after Lockheed Martin UK Ltd. was awarded the Prime Contract for the TIQUILA drone program by the UK Ministry of Defence.
MAXimumBörse, 19.12.2022 14:13 Uhr
Der Anstieg wird direkt wieder komplett abverkauft. Norwegen einfach top
BSch, 16.12.2022 7:31 Uhr
... Nordic Unmanned receives a 10-year framework contract from Lockheed Martin UK Ltd. 16.12.2022 07:30:00 CET | Nordic Unmanned | Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a member state Nordic Unmanned UK Ltd announces today that it has received an award for a large quantity of Heimdal sensors and software from its partner and customer, Lockheed Martin UK Ltd. The announcement comes after Lockheed Martin UK Ltd. was awarded the Prime Contract for the TIQUILA drone programme by the UK Ministry of Defence. The contract covers the production and supply of Heimdal sensors, maintenance and modifications related to the sensor, and other related work on the Lockheed Martin Indago 4 drone. The contract period is 10 years, with revenue effect expected to exceed EUR 5 million in 2023.  Initial contract call-off is expected later this quarter. The contract work will primarily be delivered by Nordic Unmanned’s subsidiary, AirRobot GmbH & Co. KG. The contract is expected to more than double AirRobot’s revenue for 2023 and will make a significant contribution to the backlog of Nordic Unmanned.   “This contract confirms that AirRobot Heimdal is a leading sensor for small drones in the defence market, and we are pleased that Lockheed Martin has made it a preferred solution for its clients. This contract confirms the proven technical capabilities of the Heimdal sensor system, as it is selected and integrated into a second major defence programme this year,” says Knut Roar Wiig.  The Heimdal sensor is a dual Electro-Optical/Infra-Red (EO/IR) sensor, initially developed for AirRobot’s AR-100 drone system sensor, is designed and produced in Germany. It is already integrated with the Lockheed Martin Indago 3 system and will, as a result of this award, be fully integrated into the next-generation Indago 4 drone system.   The Heimdal sensor offers real-time EO/IR fused video images in full HD, which allows the user to effortlessly identify points of interest in challenging terrains and conditions. In addition, the system offers an innovative proprietary temperature-based search mode that clearly displays points of interest in the user-defined temperature range. The system also includes a Laser Range Finder and illuminator.  
Demokrator, 14.12.2022 11:21 Uhr
Da die Bezugsrechte für Aktionäre ausgeschlossen wurden: Kennt jemand den Investor, der die neuen Aktien zeichnet ? Vlt. ist eine Übernahme damit bereits angestoßen ? Wäre das im Falle von Nordic Unmanned realistisch zu sehen ?
Gunzo, 09.12.2022 17:59 Uhr
Bei Marketcap (20-25 Mio) wäre NU ja ein super Übernahmekandidat...andere Firmen geben jährlich mehr Geld für den Kaffee in der Kantine aus...warum schlägt keiner zu?
Starbeam, 09.12.2022 14:00 Uhr

Man muss sich das auf der Zunge zergehen lassen...diese Platzierung sagt zum einen aus, wieviel die Firma in den Augen des Managements eigentlich wert ist und wie dringend sie Geld benötigen, dass sie sogar einen 50% Abschlag akzeptieren...

Es ist eben das passiert, was zu erwarten war. Die KE im Juni sollte, laut Management, die letzte gewesen sein. Das hätte ich ihnen noch geglaubt wenn man Cashflow positiv geworden wäre. Nun ist das eingetreten wovor ich Bedenken hatte, nämlich eine erneute KE aus Geldmangel mit massiver Verwässerung und mit erheblichen Abschlag. Man ist nur bereit mit großem Risikoabschlag die neu emittierten Papiere abzunehmen, da eine Insolvenz absolut möglich ist. Da bleibt dem Management nicht viel übrig, mittlerweile haben sie es nicht mehr wirklich selbst in der Hand. Zusätzlich ist die Kapitalallokation furchtbar und Leidtragende sind die Investoren, dessen Geld hier verbrannt wird.
BSch, 09.12.2022 10:30 Uhr
Über diesen Punkt bin ich auch sehr verwundert... und habe mich gefragt, weshalb es so niedrig war.
Gunzo, 09.12.2022 9:57 Uhr
Man muss sich das auf der Zunge zergehen lassen...diese Platzierung sagt zum einen aus, wieviel die Firma in den Augen des Managements eigentlich wert ist und wie dringend sie Geld benötigen, dass sie sogar einen 50% Abschlag akzeptieren...
Gunzo, 08.12.2022 19:52 Uhr
Ich bin über Ehang auf Nordic Unmanned aufmerksam geworden...bei Ehang habe ich den Run voll erwischt...10x super...naja, wie gewonnen so zerronnen...ich werde meine Teile aber nicht verkaufen, sondern als mahnendes Beispiel behalten (habe auch noch 300Stk QCells)
BSch, 08.12.2022 17:54 Uhr
Nuja, is nun wohl wirklich für die Kinder... sofern Starbeam mit dem Insolvenzgedanken nicht doch recht behält.
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