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Nordic Unmanned WKN: A2QK7L ISIN: NO0010907090 Forum: Aktien Thema: Hauptdiskussion

Kommentare 2.132
BSch, 18.02.2022 7:37 Uhr
BSch, 18.02.2022 7:35 Uhr
... Nordic Unmanned reports expanding backlog and strong growth outlook 18.2.2022 07:30:00 CET | Nordic Unmanned | Half yearly financial reports and audit reports / limited reviews Nordic Unmanned today announced fourth quarter 2021 results underpinning the strong growth outlook for 2022. "During 2021, we have laid the foundation for accelerating growth. We combine a strong position within our established maritime and security vertical with exciting upside in the other verticals, as illustrated by the breakthrough logistics contract with Equinor announced in December. We are also well-positioned for major contracts expected to be awarded within the security vertical, a position which we significantly strengthened through the acquisition of AirRobot. In total, we are awaiting awards with a total value of around EUR 228 million,” says Knut Roar Wiig, CEO of Nordic Unmanned. At the end of the fourth quarter, the total contract backlog was EUR 59 million, an increase of 87 percent during 2021. EUR 18.5 million of the backlog is for 2022, supporting the growth outlook. Full-year 2021 revenue amounted to EUR 10.4 million, an increase of 60 percent from 2020. Revenues in the fourth quarter amounted to EUR 2.5 million, in line with fourth quarter 2020. As previously announced, fourth quarter revenue was negatively impacted by the deliberate delay of a system sale in order to retain available assets for the awarded Equinor contract. Adjusted operating profit (EBITDA) for the fourth quarter was negative EUR 1.5 million. Full year adjusted EBITDA was negative EUR 1.3 million. The figures are adjusted for Covid-19 related personnel cost. At the end of 2021, the company had a liquidity position of EUR 11.1 million, including cash and available overdraft and credit lines. Breakthrough logistics contract In December, Equinor awarded Nordic Unmanned a contract for offshore drone cargo services on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. Fully utilized, the contract value is EUR 2.7 million over the next 12 months. The award represents one of the largest drone logistics contracts awarded in the European market and is the largest and most ambitious drone logistics award in the offshore energy industry. Work on the contract was initiated in early January 2022. Strengthening organization for growth Nordic Unmanned's operations continued to grow during 2021. At the end of 2021, the company had 123 employees, up from 43 at the end of 2020. The company targets a staff of 210 by the end of 2022. The new positions will largely be operational and commercial and directly linked to expected growth. “The market is maturing alongside our technology, and 2022 will be the year for the commercial introduction for many of our new products, such as the Staaker Railway Drone, Staaker Cargo Drone, the AR 100H drone and the Nordic Unmanned data platform. In short, this is going to be an extremely exciting year for Nordic Unmanned,” says Mr. Wiig. Outlook For 2022, Nordic Unmanned expects revenues to be about three times the 2021 level. The EBITDA margin is expected to be in the range of 10 to 20 percent. The fourth quarter presentation is enclosed. There will be a livestreamed presentation as well as a Q&A session at 10:00 CET: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/8707725693678022927 Disclosure regulation This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. Contacts Knut Roar Wiig CEO Tel:  +47 92 66 66 59 krw@nordicunmanned.com Trond Østerhus CFO Tel:  +47 95 99 08 79 to@nordicunmanned.com
BSch, 16.02.2022 9:10 Uhr
... Invitation to Nordic Unmanned (NUMND) Q4 2021 presentation 16.2.2022 09:08:03 CET | Nordic Unmanned | Non-regulatory press releases Nordic Unmanned will publish its financial results for the fourth quarter of 2021 on Friday the 18th of February 2022. There will be a livestreamed presentation as well as a Q&A session at 10:00 CET. It is possible to send in questions in advance of the webcast via e-mail to ir@nordicunmanned.com. Deadline to send in question via e-mail is on Friday, 18th of February at 09:00 CET. Register here: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/8707725693678022927
Starbeam, 14.02.2022 11:26 Uhr
@redripp das ist genau das, was ich schon letztes Jahr immer wieder gesagt habe. Damals wurde mir eine zu starke Kursfixation vorgeworfen, aber letztendlich muss man bei einem Investment immer kritisch bleiben. Natürlich ist hier Potenzial auf 10 oder noch mehr Jahre gesehen, jedoch überwiegen aktuell und mittelfristig die Risiken. Steigende Zinsen, höhere Kosten durch Covid, Anschaffung neuer Drohnen kostet viel Geld, keine nachhaltige Profitabilität auf absehbare Zeit, Verlagerung des Geschäftsschwerpunktes hin zu Logistik. Einige (auch mir bekannte) Anleger sind hier ausgestiegen und schauen sich die Entwicklung zunächst von außen an, einsteigen kann man immer noch. Ein Abfallen auf IPO Niveau ist nicht ausgeschlossen und hohe Renditen sollte man mittelfristig zunächst nicht in Betracht ziehen. Wie gesagt ist hier natürlich Potenzial, aber dies allein reicht noch nicht. Ich denke, dass das Drohnengeschäft noch weiter am Anfang steht als man annehmen wollte.
redripp_, 10.02.2022 15:43 Uhr
Bin gespannt wie tief das hier noch gehen wird. Die Zahlen sollten zumindest kein großer Antreiber werden mit erwarteter EBIT-Marge von -11% und gestiegenem Capex. Dieses und nächstes Jahr werden eher Übergangsjahre.
BSch, 27.01.2022 10:06 Uhr
... https://nordicunmanned.com/investor-relations/stock-exchange-announcements/
BSch, 27.01.2022 10:04 Uhr
... Nordic Unmanned completes test for potential customer 27.1.2022 09:34:45 CET | Nordic Unmanned | Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a member state Nordic Unmanned has completed a week of multitask trials, including flights, payload configurations and training simulation demonstration for a potential customer relating to a tender for the acquisition of tactical unmanned aircraft systems, including sustainment, support and training. The week of testing is a mandatory evaluation stage of an ongoing tender process. The tender has a contractual value of DKK 500 million with a maximum value of DKK 1 billion over a 10-year period. Nordic Unmanned’s chosen supplier for this tender is Textron Systems with its Aerosonde Mk 4.7, and a joint team consisting of Nordic Unmanned and Textron System performed the test according to the test criteria.  The next phase of the tender process will be an invitation to negotiation on the First Indicative Offer (INDO) submitted December 2021. Disclosure regulation This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. Contacts Knut Roar Wiig CEO Tel:  +47 92 66 66 59 krw@nordicunmanned.com
redripp_, 26.01.2022 23:15 Uhr
Sie sehen den Umsatz 2025 bei 664 Mio. NOK, deutlich unter dem Unternehmensziel. Schon eine sehr große Differenz…
Klarname, 25.01.2022 22:25 Uhr
Neuer Analystenkommentar (SpareBank): 50 NOK (vorher 60) und Buy-Empfehlung. Hier die ausführliche Einschätzung: https://research.sb1markets.no/FileDownLoad.ashx?file=b1f148c3d9cf49168275c922c37a3eb3.pdf
BSch, 24.01.2022 9:44 Uhr
... Nordic Unmanned starts operations with the Textron Aerosonde in Europe 24.1.2022 09:32:26 CET | Nordic Unmanned | Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a member state Nordic Unmanned has taken delivery of its first Textron Aerosonde Mk 4.7 system. The complete system was received in Odense at the UAS Test Center and marks the starting point of operational flights, maintenance and training activities for tactical fixed-wing drones in Europe for Nordic Unmanned. The delivery of the first Textron Aerosonde Mk 4.7 will increase Nordic Unmanned’s capability of conducting long-range Beyond Visual Line of Sign (BVLOS) general surveillance operations significantly by adding longer range, longer endurance, new sensor capabilities and increased capacity. The system will be under framework contract with a client for up to the next four years and will be used for maritime operations under a mission profile that could be ramped up to 24/7 operations with a range of up to 1000 km and 11 hours endurance. Nordic Unmanned becomes the first operator in Europe to include such a capability in its fleet of LUC (Light Unmanned Operator Certificate) approved drones. Reference is also made to Nordic Unmanned’s announcement on the 21st of October 2021 and previous announcements regarding the award of the EMSA/OP/46/2020 contract, which concerns fixed wing RPAS (drone) services carrying out long-range general maritime surveillance, and the acquirement of two Textron Systems' Aerosonde systems. Nordic Unmanned will during Q1 progress to achieve full operational capability (FOC) on the Aerosonde system. This initial period also includes client flights, in-house training of our next crew of pilots and technicians, and the availability to demo our new capability to future potential clients in Europe. Nordic Unmanned is in parallel preparing for the first deployment that will commence in Q2 2022 in a European country. Nordic Unmanned’s second Aerosonde system will be delivered in Q2 2022. Knut Roar Wiig, CEO at Nordic Unmanned, said: “Again we have successfully achieved another millstone in the buildup of our capability. This is fully aligned with our previous communicated investment plan and is backing our steep growth plan for 2022. The Aerosonde Mk 4.7 has a long operational history with more than 550 000 flight hours. We are the first civilian operator to put this world-leading tactical drone system into use in Europe and one of the few global operators to have this capability in operation.” This first Aerosonde system consists of two drones. They are named GRO (LN-0310-UA) and JAN (LN-0310-UB). Nordic Unmanned have chosen Norwegian prime ministers in the naming of its fleet of large drones.  The information provided in this stock exchange release was submitted for publication, contact persons set out below, at 09:32 CET on the 24th of January 2022. Disclosure regulation This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. Contacts Knut Roar Wiig CEO Tel:  +47 92 66 66 59 krw@nordicunmanned.com
BSch, 24.01.2022 9:43 Uhr
... https://nordicunmanned.com/investor-relations/stock-exchange-announcements/
Inde1989, 22.01.2022 12:02 Uhr
@Lukwil so sieht es aus 👍🏻 Bei einem Titel wie NU ist das Wachstum entscheidend. Hoffen wir mal, dass die Ziele mit 4 Mrd. NOK erreicht werden.
Lukwil, 22.01.2022 10:51 Uhr
Meiner Meinung nach ist es natürlich aktuell schwer wenn die Profitabilität ausbleibt, aber dennoch ist mir das Wachstum erst mal wichtiger... Die 4mrd Nok wenn annähernd erreicht werden finde ich es gut. Die Auftragsbücher sind gut gefüllt und die Mitarbeiterzahlen steigen das ist für mich zunächst das entscheidende... eine watchlist interessiert mich momentan überhaupt nicht... Ich werde nochmal nachlegen wenn der Markt wieder etwas stabiler aussieht.
Klarname, 21.01.2022 20:46 Uhr
Langfristig fällt meine Risiko-/Chancen-Abwägung immer noch sehr positiv aus, daher warte ich weiterhin geduldig ab. Die Weichenstellungen der letzten Monate ergeben für mich ein stimmiges Gesamtbild.
Klarname, 21.01.2022 20:17 Uhr
Die Fantasie ist hier momentan irgendwie raus. Ich sehe das Unternehmen weiterhin gut aufgestellt, aber man erkennt jetzt doch, dass ein paar mehr Steine auf dem Weg liegen als anfangs erhofft. Für kurz- und mittelfristige Anlagen also nur bedingt empfehlenswert.
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