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Nordic Unmanned WKN: A2QK7L ISIN: NO0010907090 Forum: Aktien Thema: Hauptdiskussion

Kommentare 2.132
Louis68, 25.11.2022 17:58 Uhr
Klarname, 25.11.2022 17:13 Uhr
Hängt wohl damit zusammen, CEO Wiig hat sich eingedeckt: https://kommunikasjon.ntb.no/announcement?publisherId=17847587&announcementId=1698
Louis68, 25.11.2022 15:13 Uhr
Großes Volumen in Oslo heute. Weiss jemand warum?
redripp_, 17.11.2022 14:17 Uhr
Naja nichts was einen begeistern dürfte. Umsatz steigt, Kosten noch mehr. Operativer Cashflow weiterhin deutlich negativ, Cashreserven gehen langsam aber sicher aus. Mal schauen wohin das führt….
BSch, 17.11.2022 8:08 Uhr
BSch, 17.11.2022 7:49 Uhr
... Nordic Unmanned reports record revenue and flight hours 17.11.2022 07:00:01 CET | Nordic Unmanned | Half yearly financial reports and audit reports / limited reviews Nordic Unmanned today announced record-high revenue and number of flight hours in the third quarter of 2022, demonstrating the potential of the company’s established growth platform. Revenues in the third quarter amounted to EUR 5.5 million compared to EUR 2.7 million, an increase of 101 percent from the same quarter last year. EBITDA was negative EUR 1.2 million, compared to negative EUR 0.8 million in the third quarter of last year on an IFRS basis. Compared to the preceding quarter, EBITDA improved by EUR 1.8 million.  “Nordic Unmanned entered a new phase in the third quarter. Over the previous quarters, we have invested heavily in a platform for further growth. Our performance in the third quarter illustrates that we are now able to leverage this platform. We grew the topline rapidly without increasing the size of the organisation, and we took decisive action on cost control, leading us substantially closer to breaking even,” says Knut Roar Wiig, CEO of Nordic Unmanned. At the end of the third quarter, the total contract backlog was approximately EUR 65 million. EUR 157 million of opportunities in the commercial pipeline is currently awaiting tender decision, of this EUR 120 million is expected to reach a decision in the next two months. A commercial highlight for the quarter was the logistics operations performed by the Staaker Logistics Drone between installations in the North Sea. The company also performed a number of advanced operations, including four simultaneous BVLOS (Beyond Visual Line of Sight) deployments.  A North American office was opened in Baltimore during the quarter to serve American and Canadian customers, while a joint venture was formed with an operational base in Rio de Janeiro to serve Latin American clients. Shortly after the end of the quarter, Nordic Unmanned received a conditional letter of award from the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) regarding drone services for multipurpose maritime surveillance with medium range and endurance. The official value of the framework contract is up to EUR 20.5 million over a period of up to four years. Record number of flight hours and customer operations The number of flight hours in the quarter was 1450, an increase of 179 percent compared to the same quarter last year and an increase of 78 percent from the preceding quarter. During the quarter, substantial support has been provided to our customers, with air pollution measured on 471 vessels and participation in 90+ search and rescue operations. So far in 2022, Nordic Unmanned has participated in search and rescue activities involving more than 3000 people. Outlook Over the first nine months of 2022, Nordic Unmanned exceeded full-year 2021 revenue by 40 percent. Profitability is improving and is expected to continue to improve through cost control and as operations keep scaling.  The current contract backlog is expected to contribute revenues of EUR 25.7 million in 2023. A significant portion of the backlog is coming from framework agreements. With the current high market activity and demand, additional awards are expected, and these would further increase 2023 revenues accordingly. Based on the current outlook, Nordic Unmanned expects to be profitable and cash-positive from operations in 2023. The third quarter report and presentation are enclosed. There will be a livestreamed presentation as well as a Q&A session at 10:00 CET. Register here to view it: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/5564828885478288143
BSch, 07.11.2022 11:54 Uhr
... Invitation to Nordic Unmanned (NUMND) Q3 2022 presentation 7.11.2022 11:49:22 CET | Nordic Unmanned | Non-regulatory press releases Nordic Unmanned will publish its financial results for the third quarter of 2022 on Thursday the 17th of November 2022. There will be a live-streamed presentation and a Q&A session at 10:00 CET. It is possible to send questions in advance of the webcast via e-mail to ir@nordicunmanned.com. The deadline to send in questions via e-mail is on Thursday, 17th of November at 09:00 CET. Register here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5564828885478288143
BSch, 21.10.2022 15:05 Uhr
.... mal noch der Link von der Euronext https://live.euronext.com/en/product/equities/NO0010907090-MERK Ist ja fast schon unheimlich... der Kurs dort, Stand 15:04Uhr ist +53,75% since previous close
Klarname, 21.10.2022 14:14 Uhr
Eine solche Nachricht war dringend nötig. Gibt einiges an Nachholbedarf, was den Auftragseingang angeht.
BSch, 21.10.2022 14:11 Uhr
... steigt u.U. gerade wegen dieser🔝 Nachricht
BSch, 21.10.2022 14:08 Uhr
... Nordic Unmanned receives notification of EUR 20,5 million contract award 21.10.2022 14:02:07 CEST | Nordic Unmanned | Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a member state Nordic Unmanned has received a conditional letter of award from the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) regarding drone services for multipurpose maritime surveillance with medium range and endurance, with the tender name EMSA/OP/5/2022. The official value of the framework contract is up to EUR 20,5 million over a period of up to 4 years.   Following a routine mandatory initial configuration test within the next eight weeks, the official signing of the contract is expected by mid-January 2023.  Nordic Unmanned will utilise its current crew and part of its current drone fleet. Additionally, some specific additions and upgrades of payloads and drones will be required to deliver the operations under this framework contract. Upgrades and additions to the fleet will start from Q1 2023, following contract signature.  The first call off under the framework contract is estimated in Q1 2023 with financial effect from Q1 2023. The activity is expected to be ramped up during 2023, with full potential contract delivery from 2024. The utilisation of the framework contract is contingent on call-offs from the client during the lifetime of the contract. The structure of the framework contract is the same as our four current contracts Nordic Unmanned holds with EMSA.   “Nordic Unmanned has performed 3700+ flight hours in the maritime surveillance segment. These operations include search and rescue assistance, emission monitoring, border surveillance and general maritime surveillance. The conditional award of this multipurpose maritime surveillance contract confirms Nordic Unmanned’s position as a global leader in the unmanned maritime surveillance domain, building on years of investment in operational capabilities” says Knut Roar Wiig, CEO of Nordic Unmanned  Disclosure regulation   This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. Contacts   Knut Roar Wiig CEO Tel:  +47 92 66 66 59 krw@nordicunmanned.com ...
BSch, 17.10.2022 16:18 Uhr
... Resignation of board member and nomination of new board member 17.10.2022 14:22:43 CEST | Nordic Unmanned | Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a member state As a consequence of a change of employer, Liv Annike Kverneland has notified Nordic Unmanned ASA (the "Company") that she is obligated to resign as a member of the Company’s Board of Directors. The resignation will take immediate effect. The remaining members of the Board of Directors constitute a quorum after Kverneland's resignation Nils Johan Holte, Chairman of the Board of Directors, expresses deep gratitude for Kverneland’s dedication and extraordinary contribution during her tenure as a member of the Board of Directors. In consequence of Liv Annike Kverneland’s notification to the Board of Directors, the Nomination Committee has nominated Siw Ødegaard as a new board member for a two-year term, expiring at the Company’s general meeting in 2024. Siw Ødegaard, born in 1966, has extensive and broad management and board experience from the tech sector, including international businesses and listed companies. She holds the position of CFO and Head of IR at EcoOnline Global with previous experience as CEO and CFO of Ayfie Group and CFO and EVP M&A and IR at Link Mobility. She is currently a member of the Board of Directors at Webstep, where she also heads the audit committee, and she is a board member at Lexit Group. Ødegaard holds an IB from United World College of the Adriatic in Italy, a BA from the University of London in the UK, and Master of Management programs from BI in Norway. An extraordinary general meeting will be announced shortly in order to formally address the nomination mentioned above.  Disclosure regulation   This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. Contacts   Knut Roar Wiig CEO Tel:  +47 92 66 66 59 krw@nordicunmanned.com Trond Østerhus CFO Tel:  +47 95 99 08 79 to@nordicunmanned.com About Nordic Unmanned   Nordic Unmanned is a global leader of high-end products and services related to drones and data capture. Through worldwide operational experience and industry-leading expertise, Nordic Unmanned supports large governmental and industrial clients in the adaption of unmanned systems and services. Founded in 2014, the Group has offices in Sandnes, Molde, Odense (DK), Cranfield (UK), Hasselt (BE), Arnsberg (GER) and Baltimore (US) and has quickly become one of the leading providers of unmanned systems and services, with operations across Europe. Nordic Unmanned has one of the world's most comprehensive permits to fly beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS), through the EASA approved Light UAS operator Certificate (LUC). The Group is OEM for the drone products Staaker, AirRobot and DroneMatrix, and is also world leading in the collection of vessel emission data. It is ISO 9001-2015 and AS9100 certified for the operation, maintenance, sale, design, development, and production of unmanned systems and sensor technology. For more information visit - https://nordicunmanned.com/ Share Du mottar denne meldingen fordi du abonnerer på innhold fra NTB Kommunikasjon Avslutt eller endre epostabonnement
Gunzo, 26.09.2022 18:50 Uhr
So spielt das Leben, war bei der Verzehnfachung von Ehang dabei und jetzt bei der (demnächst) Zehntelung von Nordic Unmanned
Finanzcheck100, 26.09.2022 18:48 Uhr
Starbeam, 26.09.2022 18:46 Uhr

Tut mir leid an alle investierten :/

Ja, aber wenn man dem Unternehmen gefolgt ist, konnte man viele Dinge lernen.
Rayyl1310, 26.09.2022 18:29 Uhr
Tut mir leid an alle investierten :/
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