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Nordic Unmanned WKN: A2QK7L ISIN: NO0010907090 Forum: Aktien Thema: Hauptdiskussion

Kommentare 2.132
Finanzcheck100, 03.06.2022 22:05 Uhr
Wenn das so weiter geht wird das bald ein Pennystock
Finanzcheck100, 03.06.2022 22:03 Uhr
Sind die Insolvenz oder was?
Starbeam, 03.06.2022 15:33 Uhr
@redripp_ wie zu erwarten war, wird nun wieder Geld benötigt. Irgendwie habe ich beim Management kein gutes Gefühl. Es werden sehr hohe Ziele gesetzt, die nur sehr schwer zu erreichen sein werden. Zudem viel Geld verbrannt im aktuellen Umfeld. Der fallende Aktienkurs und die immer höhere Verwässerung machen zukünftige KE nicht einfacher. Man wird unter Zugzwang kommen… Für mich höchstens Seitenlinie und beobachten ob geliefert wird. Für die Aktionäre wird hier mittelfristig nicht viel zu holen sein.
BSch, 02.06.2022 17:30 Uhr
ÄffchenNotToGo, 28.05.2022 10:01 Uhr
BSch, 27.05.2022 13:17 Uhr
... Nordic Unmanned: Amendments to the articles of association, including change of company name 27.5.2022 13:11:58 CEST | Nordic Unmanned | Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a member state Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement by Nordic Unmanned AS (OSE: NUMND) on 25 May 2022 regarding the minutes from the annual general meeting.  The amendments to the company's articles of association resolved by the annual general meeting, including the conversion of the company into a Norwegian public limited liability company and change of company name to Nordic Unmanned ASA, have now been registered with the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises (Nw.: Foretaksregisteret). Disclosure regulation This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. Contacts Knut Roar Wiig CEO Tel:  +47 92 66 66 59 krw@nordicunmanned.com Trond Østerhus CFO Tel:  +47 95 99 08 79 to@nordicunmanned.com
redripp_, 25.05.2022 15:34 Uhr
@Starbeam da mache ich mir tatsächlich auch Gedanken. Im aktuellen Umfeld wird reines Wachstum nicht ausreichen. FCF ist deutlich negativ. Hier wurde kein klarer Weg aufgezeigt….
BSch, 23.05.2022 11:29 Uhr
... Nordic Unmanned’s AirRobot signs contract for 145 drone systems with German Armed Forces 23.5.2022 11:21:13 CEST | Nordic Unmanned | Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a member state AirRobot GmbH & Co. KG, part of the Nordic Unmanned group, has today signed the MIKADO contract to supply the Bundeswehr (German Armed Forces) with 145 of its novel and modular AR100-H drone systems and support the military personnel with training. “The AR100-H system is designed, developed, and produced by our expert team in Germany by AirRobot, according to military DIN EN9100 standards. The robust and compact drone system is one of a kind, and we are thrilled to continue the already long-lasting trustful cooperation with the Bundeswehr with our multi-mission industry-leading solution”, details Björn Behrmann, MD of AirRobot. The AR100-H system is a foldable small drone, with modular construction. All relevant components can be replaced in a few simple steps without the use of tools. It is a flexible, low weight, low noise, drone system developed specifically with the armed forces and special police forces in mind. The drone systems contain all required equipment for a modern deployed soldier to gain situational awareness day and night in all kinds of weather.  “Mikado” (Mikroaufklärungsdrohne) is a local area micro-reconnaissance drone. The system is based on the 24 000+ flights and operational experience of the legacy AR100-B, which is still in service with the German Armed Forces. “The MIKADO contract is one of the largest military drone contracts ever awarded in Europe, in its category. It strengthens our already excellent position in the German defence market, and we are honoured to continue working with the German Armed Forces. We are delighted to see that the great efforts of AirRobot resulted in being selected as the preferred supplier of system integrations and support with their new AR100-H system. For global use, we will achieve a military airworthiness certification, the first one in its class” says CEO of Nordic Unmanned, Knut Roar Wiig.   AirRobot has been a long-standing drone supplier to the German Armed Forces since 2005 and currently holds a maintenance (MRO) contract with the German Armed Forces. “We see this contract as a breakthrough for AirRobot and the AR100-H drone system, timed at a point of extremely high market interest and demand for small military drones globally. The AR100-H system including support will add a long-term potential of around EUR 12 million to the backlog of the Security segment of the Nordic Unmanned Group. Based on the stamp of quality this contract is, we are very optimistic about other opportunities that will follow in Germany and other NATO and EU countries in the short and long term,” Knut Roar Wiig adds.
Starbeam, 21.05.2022 16:56 Uhr
Das war ja alles schön und gut. Ab dem 2. Quartal/Jahreshälfte soll sich das Wachstum nochmals beschleunigen, aber die Geldverbrennung ist nicht ohne. Operating Cashflow deutlich negativ, die nächste KE lässt nicht lang auf sich warten. Wann will man hier trotz Wachstumsphase effizienter/profitabler werden? Vor allem im aktuellen Umfeld….?!
BSch, 20.05.2022 16:47 Uhr
... Nordic Unmanned AS: Notification of transactions by primary insiders 20.5.2022 16:44:54 CEST | Nordic Unmanned | Mandatory notification of trade primary insiders Mandatory notification of trade primary insiders Skaulen AS, a company 100% owned by Nordic Unmanned CEO Knut Roar Wiig, has today renewed a forward contract with underlying exposure to 281,690 shares of Nordic Unmanned. The new contract expires on 26th of August at a strike price of NOK 26,60 per share. Following this transaction, Knut Roar Wiig directly and indirectly holds 2,424,184 shares, 310,000 share options, and forward contracts for 281,690 shares of Nordic Unmanned AS.   Disclosure regulation   This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. https://kommunikasjon.ntb.no/ir-files/17847587/1474/2016/VEDLEGG Melding om transaksjon person med ledlesesansvar KRW.pdf
BSch, 20.05.2022 6:38 Uhr
... Irgendwie hat es mit dem Link zur ppt nicht ganz geklappt. Wenn mann ihn aber komplett kopiert und im Browser öffnet sollte es funktionieren. Hatte es eben mal versucht.
BSch, 20.05.2022 6:32 Uhr
... Nordic Unmanned reports growth and repeats strong outlook 20.5.2022 06:30:01 CEST | Nordic Unmanned | Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a member state Nordic Unmanned today announced first quarter 2022 results demonstrating revenue growth as well as preparations to execute on a substantial contract backlog, in accordance with previously communicated plans. “Our mature verticals, Maritime and Security, continued to grow in the first quarter, while the Logistics vertical was boosted by the strategically important contract with Equinor. As previously communicated, we have spent considerable resources during the quarter preparing for strong expansion during the rest of 2022, and we have already surpassed the Q1 revenues in Q2 as of the 11th of May,” says Knut Roar Wiig, CEO of Nordic Unmanned. 54 percent revenue growth Revenues in the first quarter amounted to EUR 2.5 million, an increase of 54 percent from the first quarter of last year. EBITDA was negative EUR 1.9 million, compared to negative EUR 0.7 million in the first quarter of last year. The first quarter tends to be seasonally slower than the following quarters. Nordic Unmanned has changed accounting standards from NGAAP to IFRS from January 1st, 2022. Please see the attachment for details on the impact of the change. The change is part of the preparation to uplist the company to the Oslo Stock Exchange. At the end of the first quarter, the total contract backlog was EUR 59 million, roughly double the year-ago level. The company has a liquidity position of EUR 5.1 million, including cash and available overdraft and credit lines. Building organisation and capabilities Nordic Unmanned continues to expand its organisation and capabilities. The number of flight hours in the quarter increased by 60 percent compared to the same quarter last year, and the staff expanded from 123 to 140 during the quarter.   During the quarter, Nordic Unmanned started operations with the Textron Aerosonde fixed-wing drones in Europe, increasing the company’s ability to conduct long-range Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) surveillance operations by adding this fixed-wing drone capability. Adding additional capacity, a third Camcopter system was delivered in the quarter. After the end of the quarter, Nordic Unmanned announced the acquisition of a majority of DroneMatrix of Belgium, offering a fully autonomous AI-powered Drone-In-A-Box solution. “Integrating first-class niche players such as DroneMatrix, Ecoxy, AirRobot and NUAer to the Nordic Unmanned growth platform broadens our offering for a drone market which is growing strongly, partly due to the changed security situation in Europe, but also to the general acceptance of unmanned flights as a superior alternative in several markets,” says Mr. Wiig. Outlook For 2022, Nordic Unmanned expects revenues to be about EUR 30m, three times the 2021 level. The EBITDA margin is expected to be in the range of 10 to 20 percent. The company works off a strong backlog and is expecting significant opportunities to materialise throughout the rest of the year. The first quarter presentation is enclosed. There will be a livestreamed presentation as well as a Q&A session at 10:00 CET: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2724317557702521611 Disclosure regulation   This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. Contacts   Knut Roar Wiig CEO Tel:  +47 92 66 66 59 krw@nordicunmanned.com Trond Østerhus CFO Tel:  +47 95 99 08 79 to@nordicunmanned.com https://kommunikasjon.ntb.no/ir-files/17847587/1463/2004/Nordic Unmanned Q1 2022.pdf
Klarname, 17.05.2022 18:40 Uhr
Ich wage keine konkrete Prognose, aber ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass die Zahlen den Markt vom Hocker reißen werden. Die laufenden Projekte haben im Q1 noch keine hohen Umsätze generiert, der Schwerpunkt liegt in der 2. Jahreshälfte. Eine Unbekannte ist AirRobot. Da hieß es im März, man sei beinahe ausverkauft. Im Shareville-Forum finde ich, dass die monatlichen Produktionskapazitäten des HR100 bei 50 Einheiten liegen, eine Einheit kostet ca. 75.000 Euro Listenpreis. Aber inwiefern sich das auf die Q1-Umsätze ausgewirkt hat, werden wir erst am Freitag erfahren. Meine Tendenz geht also eher dahin, dass man Erwartungen enttäuscht statt übertrifft.
Toppovic, 17.05.2022 7:52 Uhr
Bei der optimistischen Guidance müsste diesmal ein ausgeprägter umsatzsprung zu sehen sein. Airrobot sollte hoffentlich auxh etwas Wind reinbringen. Einige von euch haben ja hier immer ein recht gutes Gespür, was denkt ihr, erwartet uns?
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