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NATURALLY SPLENDID ENT WKN: A1W8HG ISIN: CA63902L1004 Kürzel: 50N Forum: Aktien Thema: Hauptdiskussion

Kommentare 1.536
POW, 07.12.2019 10:16 Uhr
Ich blicke es nicht mehr. Warum? Was bebt denn schon wieder? Warum fällt es anstatt durch die Decke zu gehen? Sind hier nur *** investiert? Ich verstehe es nicht oder begreife ich die Zahlen nicht? Bin ich unfähig? Bitte helft mir und erklärt es mir.
GoldenGoooal, 03.12.2019 9:12 Uhr
Moin! DANKE @ POW für die Infos! Schönen Tag allseits!
POW, 30.11.2019 10:09 Uhr
Müsst halt bei ihnen direkt schauen
POW, 30.11.2019 10:08 Uhr
Sorry, die Tabelle funktioniert nicht
POW, 30.11.2019 10:07 Uhr
         Naturally Splendid Reports Third Quarter Results     Dear Naturally Splendid subscribers, News  - November 29, 2019 Vancouver, British Columbia, November 29, 2019 - Naturally Splendid Enterprises Ltd. ("Naturally Splendid", “NSE” or “the Company”) (FRANKFURT:50N) (TSX-V:NSP) (OTCQB:NSPDF) announces its unaudited financial results for the nine months ended September 30, 2019.  All amounts are in Canadian dollars and are prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards.  Naturally Splendid recorded sales of $2,359,525 during the nine months ended September 30, 2019, compared to $1,304,040 for the nine months ended September 30, 2018.  The Company’s sales increased by approximately $1,055,485 representing an 81% increase over the same period last year.  The Company continued to expand its private label bars and bites business by approximately $856,000 and other branded products increased by approximately $11,000. Branded hemp products decreased by approximately $208,000 as the Company focused more on its new Natera Sport™ products which expanded by approximately $396,000. The Company is focused on private label and branded sales and has entered the international markets such as German, Australian and Japanese markets. Gross profits increased by approximately 77% for the nine months ended September 30, 2019 at $731,251 (31.0% of sales) compared to $413,235 (31.7%) for the nine months ended September 30, 2018. Cost of Sales during the nine months ended September 30, 2019 was $1,628,274 compared to $890,805 in the nine months ended September 30, 2018.  The Company continues to maintain an approximate 31% gross margin for the nine months ended September 30, 2019. Increases in the costs of sales were approximately consistent with increased revenue and sales. The Company recorded a net loss from continuing operations of $3,627,472 for the nine months ended September 30, 2019, compared to a net profit from continuing operations of $301,793 during the nine months ended September 30, 2018.   The net profit in 2018 was mainly due to the Company’s disposition of its shareholding of POS BPC Manufacturing Corp. which resulted in a material gain of $5,102,068 for the same period ended in 2018.            Statement of Loss Data For the Three Months Ended September 30, 2019 $ For the Three Months Ended September 30, 2018 $ For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2019 $ For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2018 $ Revenue $                  635,984 $                  499,538 $               2,359,525 $          1,304,040 Cost of sales 436,229 344,044 1,628,274 890,805 Gross profit 199,755 155,494 731,251 413,235 Selling and distribution expenses 689,911 193,587 1,395,274 622,055 Administrative Expenses 1,632,409 1,658,467 4,081,547 4,557,017 Discontinued Operations - - - 5,071,223 Net Income (Loss) (2,046,395) (1,699,726) (3,647,472) (301,793) Basic and Diluted Earnings (Loss) Per Share (0.02) (0.02) (0.03) 0.00 Market opportunities remain strong for Company Branded Products domestically with a vision to expand international distribution. Naturally Splendid’s recently launched Natera™ Sport Key-to-Life Keto Bars were strong contributors to the increase in sales for the quarter.  It is expected that new company branded products under development and scheduled for launch soon, are expected to positively impact revenue. Products such as Natera™ Sport Bites are already gaining notoriety having appeared in an international sporting publication and are indicative of the growing roster of NSE branded products that are adding to the sales of the Company. Naturally Splendid CEO Mr. J.Craig Goodwin states, “I am pleased to be back in the role of CEO. In the first 60 days I have been focused on reviewing the operations of the Company and ongoing individual projects. While in the role of President the past two years, I worked closely with Vice President, Bryan Carson overseeing the development of the Prosnack Division to diversify our business model. I am pleased to report the most significant growth came from our Prosnack Division and I am confident that our strategic plan of diversifying into a manufacturer of plant-based nutritional products, many of which will contain hemp, will continue to be a key driver to our business moving forward. Our 2019 gross sales have now surpassed gross sales for all of 2018 representing an increase of over $1,000,000, over the same period last year, while maintaining margins exceeding 30%. Sales. The Prosnack Division sales were accomplished, while undergoing over $600,000 in facility upgrades, including full scale shutdowns as we obtained our Safe Quality Food Level 2 (SQF2) certification this past July. The recent success of the company branded Natera Sport™ *** spearheaded by Bryan Carson, significantly contributed to this increased revenue. The challenge of reduced production time during these expansions are well worth the effort as we begin to reap the rewards of our proactive diversification actions.  This has resulted in several successful launches including the Natera Sport™ KEY-TO-LIFE keto-friendly ***, as well as increased contract manufacturing business as was indicated in our news release of November 13, 2019. The Company acknowledges that the cannabis edibles opportunity presents significant growth and revenue potential, however much of the cannabis industry has been challenged with finding viable economic models which led to Naturally Splendid’s diversification as a nutritional bar manufacturing Company. The Company will continue to expand business, focusing on manufacturing more traditional plant-based nutritional bars and bites while regulations regarding edibles continue to evolve. Since Naturally Splendid's incorporation twelve years ago, the Company has proactively diversified and established a thriving business in our state-of-the-art, 20,000 square foot SQF2 certified manufacturing facility located in Pitt Meadows, BC. We believe this is the foundation to delivering sustained shareholder value.” Naturally Splendid’s financial statements can be viewed at:  About Naturally Splendid Enterprises Ltd.  NSE has established numerous healthy, functional foods under recognized brands such as Natera Sport™, Natera Hemp Foods, CHII ™, Elevate Me™ and Woods Wild Bar. The Company has a myriad of new products and *** extensions under development that are approaching launch. NSE has also developed proprietary technologies for the extraction of high demand, healthy omega 3 and 6 oils from hemp. (NSE sales revenues for the first half 2019 exceeded FY2018).NSE is the current “go-to” manufacturer for healthy, functional food products and ingredients focusing on plant-based ingredients. The Company provides contract manufacturing services for many global healthy food companies, private labelling a wide variety of nutritional food products destined for global healthy food markets. NSE plans to utilize current and new technologies to meet the expected exponential demand developing in the cannabis market. Pending appropriate NSE licensing and regulations in permitting jurisdictions, NSE's current production facilities will be one of very few facilities that is capable of meeting the demand for infused edibles and oils for both in-house and contract manufacturers' brands.  For more information e-mail or call Investor Relations at 604-673-9573 On Behalf of the Board of Directors Mr. Craig Goodwin  CEO, President, Director Contact Information Naturally Splendid Enterprises Ltd. (NSP:TSX Venture; NSPDF:OTCQB; 50N Frankfurt) #108-19100 Airport Way Pitt Meadows, BC, V3Y 0E2 Office:  (604) 465-0548 Fax:      (604) 465-1128 E-mail: Website:                                                          Unsubscribe This message was sent to from Naturally Splendid Enterprises (NSP) Naturally Splendid Enterprises 108-19100 Airport Way Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 0E2, Canada - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  
POW, 30.11.2019 10:05 Uhr
POW, 30.11.2019 10:05 Uhr
Der neue Bericht ist hervorragend!!!!!
GoldenGoooal, 29.11.2019 11:13 Uhr
Danke @POW für die Infos! Wenn der Kurs halt mal entsprechend reagieren würde, wärs mir recht! Wo das noch hingehen soll mit den Cannas, ich checks nimma. Trotzdem ein entspanntes Wochenende allseits!
POW, 27.11.2019 3:14 Uhr
Natürlich großartig Bietet weitere Informationen zur Herstellung von Energiebissen für International Plant-Based Nutrition Company Sehr geehrte Naturally Splendid-Abonnenten, Pressemitteilung - 26. November 2019 Vancouver, British Columbia, 26. November 2019 - Naturally Splendid Enterprises Ltd. ("Naturally Splendid", "NSE" oder "das Unternehmen") (FRANKFURT: 50N) (TSX-V: NSP) (OTC: NSPDF) ist ein gesundes Lebensmittel , Hanfproduktentwickler und Großproduzent für Eigenmarken sowie weltweiter Vertragshersteller, der sich auf pflanzliche Inhaltsstoffe konzentriert, gibt gerne weitere Einzelheiten zu seiner vorherigen Pressemitteilung vom 13. November 2019 bekannt Tatsache ist, dass bereits begonnen wurde, pflanzliche Energiebissen für ein internationales Unternehmen für pflanzliche Sporternährung und gesunde Lebensweise (der „Kunde“) herzustellen. Nach mehreren Monaten der Rezepturentwicklung und der Verfeinerung von Herstellungsprozessen produzierte Naturally Splendid im Juli 2019 den ersten Durchlauf von „pflanzlichen Energiebissen“, kurz nachdem es die Zertifizierung für Lebensmittel der Stufe 2 mit sicherer Qualität erhalten hatte. In den letzten 45 Tagen haben sich die Bestellungen beschleunigt, und bis heute hat Naturally Splendid Bestellungen über 275.000 USD erhalten, um diesen immer beliebter werdenden pflanzlichen Energiebiss für den Kunden in seiner zertifizierten Einrichtung für sichere Lebensmittel der Stufe 2 in Pitt Meadows, BC, herzustellen . Natürlich geht Splendid davon aus, dass die Bestellungen fortgesetzt werden und die Produktlinien einen Umsatz von mehr als 1.000.000 USD erzielen werden. Diese erwarteten Verkäufe basieren auf der Tatsache, dass: (i) die anfänglichen Bestellungen über 275.000 USD innerhalb eines Zeitraums von 60 Tagen ausgeführt werden müssen, (ii) Naturally Splendid in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Kunden fünf (5) anlagenbasierte SKUs entwickelt hat Während der letzten sechs (6) Monate hat Naturally Splendid angebissen und sichergestellt, dass der Produktionsanlauf von Naturally Splendid, wie in früheren Pressemitteilungen berichtet, befriedigt werden kann. (iii) Obwohl es keine Mindestkaufgarantie gibt, hat der Kunde angegeben, dass Naturally Splendid as kontinuierlich engagiert wird der Hersteller. Von den fünf (5) SKUs, die hergestellt werden, sind drei (3) dieser SKUs für Märkte in den USA bestimmt. Derzeit werden Naturally Splendid und die Kundenbeziehung Bestellungen abwickeln, wobei der Kunde Naturally Splendid Aufträge zur Herstellung von pflanzlichen Energiebissen erteilt. Obwohl Naturally Splendid davon ausgeht, dass der Kunde solche pflanzlichen Energiebissen weiterhin bei Naturally Splendid bestellen wird, unterliegt der Kunde keinen Mindestbestellungen. Natürlich ist Splendid stolz darauf, mit dieser Weltklasseorganisation zusammenzuarbeiten, die gesunde, pflanzliche Nährstoffe wie Energiebissen herstellt. Über Naturally Splendid Enterprises Ltd. NSE hat zahlreiche gesunde, funktionelle Lebensmittel unter anerkannten Marken wie Natera Sport ™, Natera Hanfnahrung, CHII ™, Elevate Me ™ und Woods Wild Bar etabliert. Das Unternehmen hat eine Vielzahl neuer Produkte und Produktlinienerweiterungen in der Entwicklung, die kurz vor der Markteinführung stehen. NSE hat auch firmeneigene Technologien zur Gewinnung gesunder Omega-3- und 6-Öle aus Hanf entwickelt. (Die NSE-Umsatzerlöse für das erste Halbjahr 2019 lagen über dem GJ2018.) .NSE ist der derzeitige „go-to“ -Produzent für gesunde, funktionelle Lebensmittelprodukte und Inhaltsstoffe mit Schwerpunkt auf pflanzlichen Inhaltsstoffen. Das Unternehmen bietet Auftragsfertigungsdienstleistungen für viele globale Unternehmen für gesunde Lebensmittel an. Private Labels kennzeichnen eine Vielzahl von Nahrungsmitteln, die für die globalen Märkte für gesunde Lebensmittel bestimmt sind. NSE plant, aktuelle und neue Technologien einzusetzen, um die erwartete exponentielle Nachfrage auf dem Cannabismarkt zu befriedigen. In Erwartung entsprechender NSE-Lizenzen und -Vorschriften in den zuständigen Behörden wird die derzeitige Produktionsstätte von NSE eine der wenigen sein, die den Bedarf an infundierten Lebensmitteln und Ölen sowohl für Eigenmarken als auch für Marken von Vertragsherstellern decken kann. Für weitere Informationen senden Sie eine E-Mail an oder rufen Sie Investor Relations unter der Nummer 604-673-9573 an Im Namen des Verwaltungsrates Herr Craig Goodwin CEO, Präsident, Direktor Kontakt Informationen Naturally Splendid Enterprises Ltd. (NSP: TSX Venture; NSPDF: OTCQB; 50N Frankfurt) # 108-19100 Airport Way Pitt Meadows, BC, V3Y0E2 Büro: (604) 465-0548 Fax: (604) 465-1128 E-Mail: Website: Abmelden Diese Nachricht wurde von an gesendet Natürlich großartige Unternehmen (NSP) Natürlich großartige Unternehmen 108-19100 Airport Way Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 0E2, Kanada - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
POW, 27.11.2019 3:13 Uhr
                                                                                                          Naturally Splendid                           Provides Further Details on Producing Energy Bites                             for International Plant-Based Nutrition Company                 Dear Naturally Splendid subscribers, News Release - November 26, 2019 Vancouver, British Columbia, November 26, 2019 - Naturally Splendid Enterprises Ltd. ("Naturally Splendid", “NSE” or “the Company”) (FRANKFURT:50N) (TSX-V:NSP) (OTC:NSPDF) a healthy food, hemp product developer and large scale producer for in-house brands as well as global contract manufacturer focused on plant-based ingredients, is pleased to provide further details regarding its previous news release dated November 13, 2019. To clarify, the Company has in fact already begun manufacturing plant-based energy bites for an international, plant-based sports nutrition and healthy lifestyle company (the “Client”). After several months of formulation development and refining manufacturing processes, Naturally Splendid produced the first run of ‘plant-based energy bites’ in July 2019 shortly after receiving Safe Quality Food Level 2 certification. Purchase orders have accelerated over the last 45 days and to date Naturally Splendid has received purchase orders totaling over $275,000 CDN to manufacture this increasingly popular, plant-based energy bite for the Client at its Safe Quality Food Level 2 Certified facility in Pitt Meadows, BC.  Naturally Splendid anticipates that purchase orders will continue and the product lines will generate sales in excess of $1,000,000.  These anticipated sales are based on the fact that: (i) the initial purchase orders of $275,000 CDN are to be filled within a sixty day period, (ii) Naturally Splendid, working with the Client, developed five (5) SKUs of plant based bites over the last six (6) months and ensured manufacturing ramp up can be satisfied by Naturally Splendid as reported in previous news releases, and (iii) although there is no minimum purchase guarantee, the Client has indicated it will continually engage Naturally Splendid as the manufacturer. Of the five (5) SKUs being manufactured, three (3) of those SKUs are destined for markets in the USA. Currently, Naturally Splendid and the Client’s relationship will operate on purchase orders whereby the Client will submit orders to Naturally Splendid to manufacture plant-based energy bites.  Although Naturally Splendid anticipates the Client will continue ordering such plant-based energy bites from Naturally Splendid, the Client is not subject to any minimum purchase orders.  Naturally Splendid is proud to be working with this world class organization producing healthy, plant-based nutritional products such as energy bites.  About Naturally Splendid Enterprises Ltd.  NSE has established numerous healthy, functional foods under recognized brands such as Natera Sport™, Natera Hemp Foods, CHII ™, Elevate Me™ and Woods Wild Bar. The Company has a myriad of new products and *** extensions under development that are approaching launch. NSE has also developed proprietary technologies for the extraction of high demand, healthy omega 3 and 6 oils from hemp. (NSE sales revenues for the first half 2019 exceeded FY2018).NSE is the current “go-to” manufacturer for healthy, functional food products and ingredients focusing on plant-based ingredients. The Company provides contract manufacturing services for many global healthy food companies, private labelling a wide variety of nutritional food products destined for global healthy food markets. NSE plans to utilize current and new technologies to meet the expected exponential demand developing in the cannabis market. Pending appropriate NSE licensing and regulations in permitting jurisdictions, NSE's current production facilities will be one of very few facilities that is capable of meeting the demand for infused edibles and oils for both in-house and contract manufacturers' brands.  For more information e-mail or call Investor Relations at 604-673-9573 On Behalf of the Board of Directors Mr. Craig Goodwin  CEO, President, Director Contact Information Naturally Splendid Enterprises Ltd. (NSP:TSX Venture; NSPDF:OTCQB; 50N Frankfurt) #108-19100 Airport Way Pitt Meadows, BC, V3Y 0E2 Office:  (604) 465-0548 Fax:      (604) 465-1128 E-mail: Website:                                                          Unsubscribe This message was sent to from Naturally Splendid Enterprises (NSP) Naturally Splendid Enterprises 108-19100 Airport Way Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 0E2, Canada - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  
Chris.H, 21.11.2019 22:08 Uhr
Dachte ich eigentlich auch a ebwr aber die hatten ja den Deal mit crop. Infrastructure und die konnten ja ihren Deal nich einhalten wo ca. 70 %, ihre ernte durch Pestizide Befall und wilderung (nenn ich s mal) verloren haben.... und jetzt aufgekauft wurden nich ihrem Deal nach Kamen.... vermute ich mal (reine Vermutung aber ca. 1 Jahr im Auge hab)dass sie durch die fehlende Lieferung in mitleidenschaft gezogen wurden
böresenwoifal, 20.11.2019 15:12 Uhr
Bei 0.1 dachte ich das der Boden da ist, nix da 🙄. Naja jetzt is eh schon wurscht..... Aussitzen ist angesagt.....
böresenwoifal, 20.11.2019 15:10 Uhr
Leider nur in einer Richtung......
POW, 14.11.2019 17:35 Uhr
Es gab irgendwann einen Newsletter für Investoren. Seither bekomme ich ihn
Chris.H, 13.11.2019 19:37 Uhr
Aufjedenfall scheint du durstrecke unterbrochen zu sein
Chris.H, 13.11.2019 19:36 Uhr
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