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MARINE HARVEST WKN: 924848 ISIN: NO0003054108 Kürzel: MOWIAD Forum: Aktien Thema: Hauptdiskussion

16,65 USD
-1,04 %-0,18
24. Dec, 17:51:43 Uhr, Nasdaq OTC
Kommentare 8.866
ArmerMarius!, 02.06.2022 21:38 Uhr
Consors kam heute an👍
TheChemist, 11.05.2022 18:58 Uhr
Aus der heutigen Mitteilung: "(Bergen, 11 May 2022) In a strong market, Mowi made an operational profit of 207 million euros at record-high levels in the first quarter. Mowi’s first quarter was characterised by a surge in salmon prices in all markets due to a continued increase in global demand for salmon combined with low supply. “The increase in salmon prices coming out of the pandemic has been impressive. Salmon is a fantastic product with great product features and the beneficiary of strong megatrends, and I firmly believe this will continue to boost demand going forward,” Mowi CEO Ivan Vindheim said. Mowi Farming’s results improved substantially in the quarter, driven by high prices. “I am pleased to see that our Norwegian Farming operations achieved record-high earnings and prices in the first quarter. It is also encouraging that our operations in Canada West are improving and delivering solid results,” Vindheim said. Mowi Consumer Products also delivered another good set of results considering the record high raw material prices, by means of sound operational performance and raw material management. “It is comforting that Mowi’s processing business continues to deliver strong results despite significantly higher raw material prices. This demonstrates the value of Mowi’s integrated value chain and the organisation’s relentless quest for increased productivity and cost efficiency,” Vindheim said. Mowi reported operational EBIT of EUR 207 million in the first quarter of 2022, compared with EUR 109 million in the corresponding quarter in 2021. Operational revenues in the quarter were EUR 1 095 million (EUR 1 022 million). Total harvest volume in the quarter was 96 600 tonnes gutted weight (125 469 tonnes). Full-year harvest guidance for 2022 is unchanged at 460 000 tonnes. The world economy is currently facing an unprecedented inflationary pressure, however, soaring salmon prices have so far more than offset increasing input prices for salmon. “We expect salmon to continue to stand out versus other animal protein sources due to its substantially lower feed conversion rate and energy usage, and its superior sustainability credentials,” Vindheim said. Mowi’s Board has decided to pay a quarterly dividend of NOK 1.95 per share, consisting of NOK 1.44 per share in ordinary dividend and an extraordinary dividend of NOK 0.51 per share supported by a strong financial position and a favourable outlook. "
suntrey09, 11.05.2022 9:54 Uhr
Wann hier kaufen?
Nikolai06, 04.05.2022 22:43 Uhr
@Chicky hoffe du findest einen guten Einstiegs Punkt vielleicht kommt ja bald Skandal oder so
Chicky, 23.04.2022 1:58 Uhr
Hab Mowi jetzt neben Leroy ebenfalls mal auf die WL gepackt. Bin also leider bei beiden (noch) nicht investiert. Bei Leroy fehlte mir zum richtigen Zeitpunkt einfach die Kohle und auf Mowi bin ich gerade eben erst gestoßen.
TheChemist, 13.04.2022 6:34 Uhr
Operational EBIT for the Group was approximately EUR 207 million in Q1 2022 (EUR 109 million in Q1 2021). Blended Farming cost per kg harvested was EUR 4.77. Total Operational EBIT per kg through the value chain was approximately as follows: NorwayEUR2.55 ScotlandEUR1.00 ChileEUR1.25 CanadaEUR2.55  IrelandEUR3.70 FaroesEUR1.50    Operational EBIT in Consumer Products was EUR 21 million (EUR 32 million in Q1 2021) and Feed EUR -4 million in Q1 2022 (EUR -3 million in Q1 2021).    Reported financial net interest-bearing debt (NIBD) was approximately EUR 1 180 million at the end of the quarter (excluding IFRS 16 effects). The complete Q1 2022 report will be released on 11 May at 06:30 CET.
TheChemist, 13.04.2022 6:34 Uhr
Mowi ASA (OSE:MOWI): Q1 2022 Trading update Harvest volumes Q1 2022 (1) Farming Norway59.5 thousand tonnes Farming Scotland10.5 thousand tonnes Farming Chile16.0 thousand tonnes Farming Canada9.0 thousand tonnesFarming Ireland1.0 thousand tonnes Farming Faroes1.0 thousand tonnes Total97.0 thousand tonnes   In connection with the presentation of the Q4 2021 results, Mowi ASA guided a total harvest volume of 98 thousand tonnes (GWE) for Q1 2022.
Gönner2, 09.04.2022 0:40 Uhr
Wilddieb1, 08.04.2022 10:09 Uhr
Verpasst🤘😉 Läuft ganz gut u Ostern kommt erst noch
Hkd99, 01.04.2022 15:08 Uhr
Warum Kasse gemacht? Einfach laufen lassen. Mowi läuft doch sehr solide. Und irgendwann kommt auch wieder die gewohnt hohe Dividende. Und wenn nicht: was nicht ausgezahlt wird, bleibt im Unternehmen und lässt es weiter wachsen.
Solix, 01.04.2022 9:18 Uhr
Eine gute Gelegenheit liegt bei welchem Kurs ? 🙄
Optionist, 28.03.2022 20:53 Uhr
Bei knapp über 25€ habe ich hier mal Kasse gemacht, würde aber bei guten Gelegenheiten wieder einsteigen
philipp1971, 02.03.2022 7:17 Uhr
0815Broker, 25.02.2022 11:11 Uhr
Wann gibt es Dividende
SEBS, 16.02.2022 9:04 Uhr
Sehr gute Ergebnisse https://mowi.com/blog/record-high-volumes-and-revenues-for-mowi-in-2021/
Gonzo411, 14.02.2022 16:33 Uhr
Mowi hält ich gut bei der unsicheren Lage. Verkaufen wohl keinen Lachs nach Russland. Die haben wie so vieles andere auch genug Lachs.
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