LYNAS WKN: 871899 ISIN: AU000000LYC6 Kürzel: LYC Forum: Aktien Thema: Hauptdiskussion

5,11 USD
-1,16 %-0,06
18. Oct, 02:10:00 Uhr, Nasdaq OTC
Kommentare 1.788
RudiRendite, 23. Jul 23:17 Uhr
1 Money of Mine spricht in einem Chapter über Lynas
RudiRendite, 24. Jul 11:34 Uhr
Und Gina Rinehart lädt weiter auf Von 5,82% zu 7,14% Voting Power
RudiRendite, 29. Jul 12:27 Uhr
State street hat auch erhöht
TuDios, 29. Jul 14:10 Uhr
Die Großen schauen ganz genau hin wenn die in solche kleinen Unternehmen gehen, wir können also entspannt sein (imo)
RudiRendite, 30. Jul 5:33 Uhr
Lynas upbeat over future, says PM understands rare earth importance. By T.n. Alagesh - July 25, 2024 KUANTAN: After a roller coaster ride for the past 10 years, Lynas Malaysia can look forward to promising times as the rare earth plant now has a clear pathway to continue operations with full backing from the government. Lynas Corporation Ltd (Lynas) managing director and chief executive officer Amanda Lacaze said the company's future looks more assured in Malaysia after it has managed to overcome some of the political challenges faced in the past. "We are looking at the future with great enthusiasm. I think the government under the leadership of Prime Minister Anwar (Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim) truly understands the importance of rare earth in the 21st century.... in electric vehicles, wind turbines and new energy fuels. "There is opportunity in Malaysia to develop upstream resources and also towards developing downstream capabilities...this government is very focused on doing both because it will contribute to the economic wellbeing of all Malaysians and Lynas is a key part of that. "Lynas is quite confident that we have a very 'rosy' future in Malaysia," she told reporters after opening Lynas Malaysia's 10 years of partnering with Malaysian businesses at its Vendor Appreciation Day 2024 at a hotel here today.Meanwhile, Lacaze said since setting foot in Malaysia some 10 years ago, Lynas has had a new challenge every year and none of them have been small. "In the early stages, Lynas became a little of a political football (in Malaysia) facing challenges during different times of the political cycle. Finally, last year, we got a resolution to many matters that have been uncertain for quite some time."I have met Prime Minister Anwar twice in the last nine months and there has been positive progress as the government now understands that this (rare earth) is not about politics but economic development. Rare earths as an industry offers many opportunities in Malaysia's economic development."Malaysia is ahead of the game because Lynas is here and we are the only significant producer of separated rare earth outside of China which gives Malaysia a much bigger voice on the world stage."We now have a clear pathway forward with the government's support and have great confidence to invest in Malaysia," she said. Over the years, several non-governmental organisations have questioned the government's decision to allow the Australian rare earth company to operate here, voicing their concerns over the company's radioactive waste.Last year, Science, Technology, and Innovation Minister Chang Lih Kang said Lynas is allowed to operate with the newly allowed terms until March 2026. On the Lynas Advanced Materials Plant (Lamp) in Gebeng, Lacaze said Lynas has invested RM500 million to expand the facilities and works will be completed by the end of next year."Upon completion, it will help increase our capacity, heavy rare earth separation, execute several enhancements to the existing plant, improve safety and operate efficiently," she said, adding Lynas Malaysia employs over 850 people with 98 per cent are locals. Lacaze said over 80 per cent of Lynas Malaysia's suppliers are based in the country and the Vendors Appreciation Day event demonstrated the company's commitment to invest in the Malaysian economy, and the skills of its local communities.
pankman, 23. Jul 12:28 Uhr
Erschreckend, wie man sich von China u.a. durch das betriebene Preisdumping am Nasenring durch die Manege führen lässt. Gilt für seltene Erden, wie auch für z.B. Lithium. Die Abhängigkeit ist brandgefährlich und bekannt, aber es ändert sich nichts. Das Wort Lippenbekenntnissen trifft es. Man läuft sehenden Auges in den Untergang.
Chicky, 23. Jul 2:50 Uhr
Wenn man mal schaut,was z.B. 2022 noch für Quartalsgewinne zu Buche standen... 😱🥳 Und nun so ein Debakel. So gesehen ist der Kurs natürlich "zu Recht" da unten.... Wenn man aber die ganzen wertlosen Lippenbekenntnisse zur Umwelt, zur Transformation, zu E-Autos, Lieferketten usw betrachtet, ist es ein Unding.
Chicky, 23. Jul 2:44 Uhr
1 Lynas Rare Earths LYC.AX meldete am Dienstag einen Umsatzrückgang von 13,3 % im vierten Quartal, da die höhere Produktion in China den Preisdruck erhöhte. Der weltweit größte Produzent Seltener Erden außerhalb Chinas verzeichnete für die drei Monate bis zum 30. Juni einen Umsatz von 136,6 Millionen australischen Dollar (90,72 Millionen US-Dollar), verglichen mit 157,5 Millionen australischen Dollar im Vorjahr.
RudiRendite, 22. Jul 11:09 Uhr
1 Lynas signs contracts for Mt Weld hybrid power station
RudiRendite, 21. Jul 10:09 Uhr
Price slump: How China's rare earth companies struggle Rare earth prices are falling, with severe consequences for China's state-owned industrial companies. Some are already in the negative. Und genau das wird die Preise wieder anheben. Denke nicht das die Chinesen aus reiner Nächstenliebe dem Westen weiter niedrige Preise geben. Irgendwann kommt der Tag an dem sich das wieder dreht und dann geht es hier aufwärts.
RudiRendite, 21. Jul 10:03 Uhr
No longer rare: China's overproduction sends rare-earth prices tanking
RudiRendite, 18. Jul 10:38 Uhr
Australien Super lädt weiter auf
RudiRendite, 12.07.2024 4:40 Uhr
Following the announcement by BHP on 11 July 2024 that BHP’s Western Australia Nickel operations will be temporarily suspended from October 2024, Lynas Rare Earths Ltd (ASX: LYC, OTC:LYSDY) (“Lynas”) provides an update on acid supply for the Kalgoorlie Rare Earths Processing Facility. Lynas has a contract with BHP Nickel West for the supply of Sulphuric Acid to the Kalgoorlie Rare Earth Facility from either the Kalgoorlie nickel smelter or imported sources. The initial term of the contract is until 30 June 2027. BHP’s ability to supply acid from the Kalgoorlie nickel smelter will be affected by BHP’s announcement. In line with the terms of the supply contract, BHP has affirmed its commitment to using reasonable efforts to supply imported acid to Lynas. Sulphuric acid is available for purchase on global markets. Lynas and BHP have been working together on contingencies for continued acid supply to Kalgoorlie and these plans will now be finalised for implementation.
DocM, 11.07.2024 15:47 Uhr
Heute erst entdeckt. Bin gespannt und beobachte erst
RudiRendite, 05.07.2024 5:48 Uhr
Top brokers agree that Lynas shares are 'undervalued',run%20rare%20earths%20price%20forecast.
JMNN52, 04.07.2024 18:18 Uhr
Langsam geht aufwärts 👍
1 für alle, die es ehrlich meinen beim Traden.
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