LIFESTYLE DELIVERY SYS. WKN: A14XHT ISIN: CA53224Y1043 Kürzel: LD6 Forum: Aktien Thema: Hauptdiskussion

Kommentare 2.176
Moonhawk, 27.04.2019 14:42 Uhr
Das hatte ich auch überlegt dann aber leider doch keine Eier gehabt. Bin inzwischen dennoch bei ca. 18% Depotanteil also auch gut dabei
freaKaaa1, 27.04.2019 12:39 Uhr
Wenn ich das Geld hätte... 😁 hab schon einen sehr großen Batzen, hab aufgestockt als wir bei 0,2 waren, alles was ging 😁
Moonhawk, 26.04.2019 21:03 Uhr
Jupp, interessant werden dann die offiziellen Infos. Stockt ihr nochmal auf?
Cash110, 26.04.2019 20:36 Uhr
Klingt ja soweit garnicht schlecht😉 mal gucken wie es weiter geht!!
Penningfuchs, 26.04.2019 19:15 Uhr
very nice
Moonhawk, 26.04.2019 18:05 Uhr
Aus *** ein Beitrag: From Tony501 on sh: Great meeting yesterday 6 hrs long! It was great to see the facility again yesterday and how Jonathan and his staff are doing a great job. The AGM video that gets posted has Brad answering 20-25 questions with full honesty. Should be posted by Monday. Some highlights were that I was able to spend lots of time with Brad, Dr. Sanderson and LDS's lawyer. Highlights are: -Lots of production ready to ship mainly in oils. LDS waiting for the taxes to change, will make a difference of approx $1000 bucks per litre in profit. - PP is over subscribed, they are very close to closing, final dollars coming in Having the 1.5 MW generator is saving approx $50k a month in electricity bills. Facility is using approx .9 MW's to operate which leaves enough to operate the build next door - Distributors continue to get product out , LDS's goal is to continue to educate people on the product to support sales. Cannastrips are slowly increasing in demand. The strip taste's great and works fast -Final patent should be received within 3 months which DR.Sanderson talks about in the AGM video. After spending time with him he explained how he has evolved the strip from it's first run and how the provisional patent supports the changes he is making. He is a very smart man. This product will be in Global demand! I have no doubt. Second post from him: I met a fellow from Adelanto yesterday that was at the meeting. I introduced myself and he let me know he lives in Adelanto. I asked him how he knew about LDS? He explained to me that he was on officer that was part of the Raid last year on the facility. He said someone called in reporting a huge meth lab so the county office sent their best group to shutdown and investigate. He said everything was in excellent order once the investigation was complete. Ultimately it *** him an investor! That is funny! Third post from him: All 10 nursery rooms are full of mother plants. These mother plants can generate up to 2000 seeds each, of which only 50 seeds with the correct genetics are kept. These then are to be used to support a full grown plant. They are starting to transfer 1600 plants into the grow room in a week or so, this will start the grow circle that LDS is looking for, every week harvest 1600 plants and start 1600 new ones. Plants will move in the grow room as they progress which is an approx 3 month grow cycle. So let's say august we will have a continuous circle of MJ life, harvest 1600 a week and start 1600 new seed plants. This grow opt itself will generate huge revenues. LDS is also excited to get their seeds growing outside as they will have an abundance of seeds available. They are very excited to start growing at the farm they are working with. Fourth post from him: We are less than a year away from LDS generating $10m a month in revenue. My guess is by 1st quarter next year! Yes, I agree it sounds far fetched! But we are closer than we've ever been. GLTA Today I'm even a bigger believer that LDS is doing everything correctly to protect it's shareholders. It has taken longer but there was many learnings that came with the journey. 4th quarter of 2019 will pave the way to huge profits by LDS quarter after quarter.
Moonhawk, 26.04.2019 17:54 Uhr
Moonhawk, 26.04.2019 17:54 Uhr
O_T_C, 26.04.2019 10:42 Uhr
freaKaaa1, 25.04.2019 22:13 Uhr
Zum Glück gibts die Aufnahme... bin auch sehr gespannt! Hoffentlich gibts Neuigkeiten und ggf eine Bestätigung des forecasts
Moonhawk, 25.04.2019 20:47 Uhr
In 15 min ist die AGM. Schade dass es keinen Livestream gibt. Bin mal gespannt wie die Finanzen stehen und was die Ziele dieses Jahr sind. Die Konkurrenz schläft nicht.
freaKaaa1, 25.04.2019 14:45 Uhr
freaKaaa1, 25.04.2019 14:44 Uhr
Nach 100% nur gesund
O_T_C, 25.04.2019 10:38 Uhr
Gewinnmitnahme von Leuten die keine Lust haben länger zu warten , they still got no cojones, ich bleibe weiterhin Long
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