K33 WKN: A1415N ISIN: SE0007614722 Kürzel: 869 Forum: Aktien User: Higgins

0,0039 EUR
-7,14 %-0,0003
10. Jan, 11:43:58 Uhr, Gettex
Kommentare 775
Roger72, 23.04.2024 12:56 Uhr

Hat hier jemand mitbekommen, dass Arcario angeblich die Veröffentlichung des 2023-Anschlusses auf Anfang Mai verschoben haben soll? Ich frag auch nochmal bei Arcario nach.

Ist der nicht schon veröffentlicht. https://www.arcario.com/ir
Roger72, 23.04.2024 12:49 Uhr
Mit K33 haben wir einen neuen Standard für Preis und Liquidität für den Handel mit Kryptowährungen in den nordischen Ländern gesetzt. Jetzt haben wir unsere Preise weiter verbessert und sind günstiger als Coinbase und Kraken. Gepostet vom CEO
Higgins, 23.04.2024 7:08 Uhr
Hat hier jemand mitbekommen, dass Arcario angeblich die Veröffentlichung des 2023-Anschlusses auf Anfang Mai verschoben haben soll? Ich frag auch nochmal bei Arcario nach.
Cris11, 22.04.2024 18:10 Uhr
Text kommt von dir, Higgins 😄
Higgins, 22.04.2024 18:04 Uhr
Die sind momentan sehr still …
Cris11, 22.04.2024 17:59 Uhr
If anyone here is interested, here are a few answers from the CEO to my questions about IR work and the top owner-investor structure. „We have not discontinued our IR work, but rather shifted our focus. Currently the main focus is on building K33, and then increase the level of communication over time in line with the development of K33 and other portfolio companies. As for more general awareness work, that is currently being down prioritised as we believe using those resources on business growth will create better returns for our investors long term. With regards to the top 10 investor list, that is not tracked all the way to ultimate owners when there is just partial ownership in between. As a result, you will get owners that both own directly, and indirectly through partial ownership in other entities holding the Arcario share (like Avarius, which is 50% owned by Middelborg, which again is owned 100% by Lundkvist).“
Roger72, 19.04.2024 15:37 Uhr
Absolut, ich kann keines erkennen. Ausser das der Chef mal was postet. Ja das ist echt noch verbesserungswürdig. Heute haben wir mal wieder Umsatz. Aktuell 72 Mio. Die letzten Wochen waren es oft nur um die 10 Mio. Mal sehen ob der Kurs das plus vergrößert bis am Abend.
Higgins, 19.04.2024 14:05 Uhr

Befürchte wir werden bis Q2 warten müssen. Mal sehen für Richtung Norden bin ich natürlich trotzdem immer zu haben. Mein vorhergehender Post hatte bei Facebook einen kleinen hyp ausgelöst. Nur am Kurs war der bisher nicht zu bemerken.

Deren Marketing ist leider absolut unzureichend. Arcario wird - so scheint es zumindest - überhaupt nicht wahrgenommen. So erreichen die guten News zu wenig Leute.
Roger72, 19.04.2024 13:06 Uhr

Mal sehen, wann sich der Kurs mal Richtung Norden bewegt. Vielleicht tut sich ja was nach dem Halving.

Befürchte wir werden bis Q2 warten müssen. Mal sehen für Richtung Norden bin ich natürlich trotzdem immer zu haben. Mein vorhergehender Post hatte bei Facebook einen kleinen hyp ausgelöst. Nur am Kurs war der bisher nicht zu bemerken.
Higgins, 19.04.2024 9:57 Uhr

K33 reduces prices further to compete with international exchanges Arcario is excited to announce that its subsidiary, K33 has significantly lowered its price for cryptocurrency trading against USD and EUR, including stablecoins, with a more than 60% reduction in trading costs. This initiative is part of K33’s strategy to outperform global exchanges like Coinbase and Kraken. As a result of recent optimizations, K33 have slashed the bid-ask spread by more than 60% lowering it to just about 0.45% for trades in USD, USDT, USDC, DAI, and EUR, with the actual rates varying based on the specific tokens and market conditions. K33’s setup as a brokerage gives it competitive edge over exchanges like Coinbase and Kraken when it comes to pricing. Being a broker means that K33 earns money directly from the bid-ask spread, and therefore does not need to charge any additional trading fees. The standard fee model for Coinbase and Kraken includes additional charges of 0.60% and 0.40% respectively, on top of the bid-ask spread inherent to their orderbook setups. Consequently, users can incur up to 1.20% in extra fees for a round-trade. On K33 Markets on the contrary, there are no additional trading fees at all. “In the case of an exchange, your trade has to be matched with someone else's who wants to trade in the opposite direction. This can be tricky for larger orders and often leads to a worse execution price, especially in fragmented markets like crypto” said Torbjørn Bull Jenssen, CEO of K33 and Arcario, and continued: “In our setup however, you trade directly with us and we source the liquidity from large liquidity providers in the background. This allows us to quote extremely competitive prices, for both small and even very large orders. For the end users, our recent spread improvements means that K33 is now cheaper than both Coinbase and Kraken, unless you have substantial volume-based discounts.” For more information, please visit K33.com or contact the IR team at ir@arcario.com. About K33

Mal sehen, wann sich der Kurs mal Richtung Norden bewegt. Vielleicht tut sich ja was nach dem Halving.
Roger72, 18.04.2024 11:28 Uhr
K33 reduces prices further to compete with international exchanges Arcario is excited to announce that its subsidiary, K33 has significantly lowered its price for cryptocurrency trading against USD and EUR, including stablecoins, with a more than 60% reduction in trading costs. This initiative is part of K33’s strategy to outperform global exchanges like Coinbase and Kraken. As a result of recent optimizations, K33 have slashed the bid-ask spread by more than 60% lowering it to just about 0.45% for trades in USD, USDT, USDC, DAI, and EUR, with the actual rates varying based on the specific tokens and market conditions. K33’s setup as a brokerage gives it competitive edge over exchanges like Coinbase and Kraken when it comes to pricing. Being a broker means that K33 earns money directly from the bid-ask spread, and therefore does not need to charge any additional trading fees. The standard fee model for Coinbase and Kraken includes additional charges of 0.60% and 0.40% respectively, on top of the bid-ask spread inherent to their orderbook setups. Consequently, users can incur up to 1.20% in extra fees for a round-trade. On K33 Markets on the contrary, there are no additional trading fees at all. “In the case of an exchange, your trade has to be matched with someone else's who wants to trade in the opposite direction. This can be tricky for larger orders and often leads to a worse execution price, especially in fragmented markets like crypto” said Torbjørn Bull Jenssen, CEO of K33 and Arcario, and continued: “In our setup however, you trade directly with us and we source the liquidity from large liquidity providers in the background. This allows us to quote extremely competitive prices, for both small and even very large orders. For the end users, our recent spread improvements means that K33 is now cheaper than both Coinbase and Kraken, unless you have substantial volume-based discounts.” For more information, please visit K33.com or contact the IR team at ir@arcario.com. About K33
Cris11, 27.03.2024 9:47 Uhr
Es fehlen Zahlen und Daten bzgl. K33, zB wieviele Kunden haben sie, aus welchen Ländern, wie ist das Handelsvolumen, Umsätze, konnten Zuwächse verzeichnet werden usw.
Higgins, 26.03.2024 22:07 Uhr
Man kann nur hoffen, dass der Q1/24-Abschluss wirklich so gut ist, wie vom CEO angedeutet. Ausserdem sollten die dringend an Ihrer Vermarktung arbeiten. Arcario ist doch völlig unbekannt. Das Einzige, was im Markt bekannt ist, ist K33.
Roger72, 26.03.2024 21:59 Uhr

Dann bin ich mit meinen 2.3 ja noch gut dabei 😂 Aber was sagt man? Die Enkel freuen sich. Was?

Ach 2,3 sind auch ordentlich😉. Hab 5 Mill. Ist letzlich natürlich auch mit der Zeit aus dem Ruder gelaufen. Ich hoffe schon das ich selbst was davon habe. Zumindest würde ich es ungern verzockt haben.
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