Hydrogenpro WKN: A2QD5A ISIN: NO0010892359 Kürzel: R6Z Forum: Aktien Thema: Hauptdiskussion

0,6985 EUR
+6,89 %+0,0450
23. Oct, 22:58:16 Uhr, L&S Exchange
Kommentare 7.165
DIBO, 08.08.2023 18:54 Uhr
HydrogenPro ASA – Invitation to Q2 2023 results presentation Oslo, 8 August 2023 – HydrogenPro ASA (OSE: HYPRO) will publish the financial results for the second quarter of 2023 on Tuesday 15 August 2023 at 07:00 CET. The company will host a webcast presentation of the results the same day at 10:00 CET, followed by a Q&A session. Questions can be posted online during the presentation. Link to webcast: https://channel.royalcast.com/landingpage/hegnarmedia/20230815_4/ The presentation will be held in English by CEO Jarle Dragvik and Head of Technology Richard Espeseth. The presentation will include an elaboration on the revised priorities of HydrogenPro, as announced in today’s stock exchange notice. The report and presentation will be made available at www.hydrogen-pro.com and www.newsweb.no. For further information, please contact: Ida Eilertsen Nygård, Acting CFO & Head of Investor Relations and ESG, +47 986 11 952, ida@hydrogen-pro.com
timeout666, 08.08.2023 12:38 Uhr
timeout666, 08.08.2023 12:35 Uhr
DancingShiva, 08.08.2023 9:24 Uhr
Wenn sie Testresulate von der dritten Generation bald veröffentlichen, dann eher gut. Wenn nicht, ich wäre vorsichtig mit Investieren. Der bisherige CEO hat mich persönlich nicht überzeugt, ich bin froh dass er weg ist.
E241i, 08.08.2023 8:04 Uhr
Mmhm. Ist das gut oder schlecht?
E241i, 08.08.2023 8:03 Uhr
 HydrogenPro ASA (OSE: HYPRO) - Revised priorities in HydrogenPro ASA HydrogenPro and Tarjei Johansen have today agreed to end their collaboration with immediate effect due to revised priorities in the Company’s strategy. The plan for building capacity in the US stays firm, but with the current market sentiment raising funding in the market is an unattractive proposition from a shareholder value perspective and the Company is actively working on alternative ways to finance the expansion.  To facilitate the new strategic direction, Tarjei Johansen will step down as CEO and Jarle Dragvik will serve as a CEO of HydrogenPro ASA. Mr. Dragvik is the current CEO of TM Holding AS, the Company’s second largest shareholder. Mr. Dragvik knows HydrogenPro well as he served on the Board of Directors until May 2023 and has for years been chairman of the Company’s China operations. He brings 25 years of industrial experience from companies including Norsk Hydro, Orkla/Sapa and Norske Skog. "The Board wishes to thank Tarjei for the collaboration during his tenure at HydrogenPro", says Ellen Hanetho, chair of the Board of Directors of HydrogenPro. "I wish Jarle Dragvik and all of HydrogenPros hard working employees the very best on the journey ahead", says Tarjei Johansen. On this backdrop, HydrogenPro has decided to:  Focus efforts on the North American market and take specific actions along two avenues: Commence preparations for a possible listing at the Nasdaq stock exchange in New York in order to secure access to a larger investor universe. Build up the US management team to become a strong force in the Company´s US strategy and thereby draw on local business development knowledge and use of financial resources, including working with the most progressive US states. Maintain HydrogenPro’s position as a technology leader to generate shareholder value by continuing to develop next generation efficient, high pressure electrolyzers. Build a competent European organization to i) take good care of local customers and successfully develop the ANDRITZ collaboration, ii) streamline the current production facility in China and iii) develop the Middle East markets with local partners.  For more details about strategy and priorities, please be referred to “HydrogenPro Extended Revised Priorities” on our home page www.hydrogen-pro.com. For additional information, please contact: Ellen Hanetho, Chair of the Board of Directors Email: ellen@hanetho.com   Phone: +47 48 220 750 Jarle Dragvik, CEO Email: jarle.d@hydrogen-pro.com Phone: +47 911 72 734 About HydrogenPro: HydrogenPro is a technology company and an OEM for high pressure alkaline electrolyser and supplies large scale green hydrogen technology & systems. The Company was founded in 2013 by individuals with background from the electrolysis industry which was established in Telemark, Norway by Norsk Hydro in 1927. We are an experienced engineering team of leading industry experts, drawing upon unparalleled experience and expertise in the hydrogen and renewable energy industry. This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) Article 17 no. 1 and section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
Mätti91, 07.08.2023 15:14 Uhr
21.08 Financials Realease
NooGameNooLife, 06.08.2023 11:20 Uhr
ist ein Investment Denke ich wert
1000prozentig!!!, 05.08.2023 6:26 Uhr
Bin ich bei dir
Mätti91, 04.08.2023 19:03 Uhr
Hydrogen bin ich für die Zukunft positiver dinge
Thomas1993, 02.08.2023 15:31 Uhr
Stark wie der heute hällt bei dem markt :)
1000prozentig!!!, 27.07.2023 20:28 Uhr
HydrogenPro erweitert die chinesische Elektrolyseurproduktion auf 500 MW Von Charlie CurrieAn 27. Juli 2023  Übersetzen  NACHRICHTENTECHNOLOGIE _ HydrogenPro gab am Dienstag (25. Juli) bekannt, dass es seine Elektrolyseur-Produktionskapazität in China erfolgreich um 66 % auf 500 MW erweitert hat. Der Produktionsstandort des norwegischen Unternehmens im chinesischen Tianjin verfügte zuvor über eine Kapazität von 300 MW. Die neue Erweiterung ist ein wichtiger Schritt, um die Fähigkeit des Unternehmens zu demonstrieren, der steigenden globalen Nachfrage gerecht zu werden. HydrogenPro hat außerdem Produktionsanlagen sowohl in den USA als auch in Europa geplant, mit Zielen von 500 MW in den USA und einer Partnerschaft mit Andritz in Europa. https://www.h2-view.com/story/hydrogenpro-expands-chinese-electrolyser-production-to-500mw/
CO2, 27.07.2023 18:05 Uhr
das Gap bei 1,17€ will auch noch abgeholt werden :(
Lightfoot, 27.07.2023 17:41 Uhr
DG Fuels News https://dgfuels.com/2023/07/25/dg-fuels-announces-successful-completion-of-key-financing-milestone/
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