GENEX POWER LTD. WKN: A14UK5 ISIN: AU000000GNX5 Forum: Aktien Thema: Hauptdiskussion

0,1685 EUR
+0,60 %+0,0010
22. Jul, 23:00:48 Uhr, Lang & Schwarz
Kommentare 44
Dilos, 23.12.2021 8:53 Uhr
Genex Power Limited (ASX:GNX) (Genex or Company) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a binding Bi-directional Service Provider Connection and Access Agreement (the Agreement) with Powerlink Queensland (Powerlink) for the 50MW/100MWh Bouldercombe Battery Project (BBP or the Project) located in central Queensland. The Agreement, which was entered into by Genex’s wholly-owned subsidiary Bouldercombe Battery Project Co Pty Ltd as Trustee for Bouldercombe Battery Project Trust, allows for the connection of the Project into the National Electricity Market (NEM) via Powerlink’s network. The connection point will be located at the existing 132kV/275kV Bouldercombe Substation, adjacent to the Project. The close proximity of the Project to the Bouldercombe Substation has resulted in significant cost savings associated with the connection assets as well as a decrease in energy losses between the Project and the point of connection. The execution of the Agreement means the Project is now classified as a committed generator, with its position secured within the NEM. Being confirmed as a ‘committed generator’ enables the Company to now focus its attention on the remaining activities associated with achieving financial close for the Project.
Dilos, 09.12.2021 7:43 Uhr
GENEX unterschreibt Autobidder offtake agreement mit Tesla für das Bouldercombe Batterie Projekt
Dilos, 15.11.2021 7:06 Uhr
The 50MW Kidston Solar Project KS1, our first operating asset, located at our Kidston Clean Energy Hub in north Queensland, continued to perform well across the year, generating clean renewable energy into the NEM. The project delivered $10.6M in net revenue over the course of FY21. The 50MW/100MWh Bouldercombe Battery Project Genex’s Bouldercombe Battery Project (BBP) in Queensland continues to progress. Subsequent to the end of the 2021 financial year we announced a Supply Agreement with Tesla Motors Australia Pty Ltd (Tesla). The Project will utilise Tesla’s Megapack lithium-ion battery technology, an all-in-one utility- scale energy storage system. The 50MW/100MWh battery will comprise 40 Megapacks. Genex is continuing to fast track the development of the project. With a construction timeline of approximately 12 months, it is anticipated the BBP should begin commissioning in the second quarter of calendar year 2023 and be fully operational in the third quarter of calendar year 2023. The BBP diversifies the Company’s portfolio and further positions Genex as a leader in renewable energy generation and storage in Australia. The Kidston Wind Project Further diversifying the project portfolio, the Kidston Wind Project (K3-Wind) continues to advance with the Company, and our joint venture partner J-POWER, modelling the wind resource at a number of sites surrounding the Kidston Clean Energy Hub. Energy generated by K3-Wind will flow into the NEM via the new 275kV transmission line being constructed by Powerlink Queensland as part of the K2- Hydro project. The project is planned for completion in mid calendar year 2025. Corporate During FY21 the Company undertook two equity raisings to help progress the development of our portfolio of renewable energy generation and storage assets. In August 2020, we successfully raised $21.3M via a placement of shares to both existing and new sophisticated and institutional shareholders, coupled with a further $2.85M raised by a Share Purchase Plan. This raising helped to fast track the BBP, fund financial close costs at K2-Hydro and provide working capital. In March 2021, the Company raised a further $90M via an institutional placement and an 11-for-20 fully underwritten pro-rata accelerated non-renounceable entitlement offer. These proceeds completed the funding of the K2-Hydro project. J-POWER Investment Following approval at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Genex shareholders (EGM) held on 29th April 2021, J-POWER became a substantial shareholder in the Company with their $25M investment into Genex. J-POWER is providing valuable technical expertise to the K2-Hydro project.We have further extended our relationship with J-POWER by Genex and J-POWER becoming JV partners for the K3-Wind Project. The strategic relationship between our companies, and J-POWER’s direct investment, has resulted in the appointment of a J-POWER representative to the Genex Board of Directors, Kenichi Seshimo, who we welcomed to the Board in May this year. Ongoing support from our key Stakeholders I would like to acknowledge the ongoing strong support Genex has received from a number of Federal and Queensland State Government entities. The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) continues to support Genex via the provision of grants towards our projects. In particular, we recognise the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility (NAIF) and their investment decision to offer finance to K2-Hydro, which was pivotal in enabling Genex to reach financial close for K2-Hydro.
Dilos, 15.11.2021 7:04 Uhr
Zusammenfassung der Hauptversammlung: Company Activities Brief Overview Calendar year 2021 has been a landmark year for the Company as we energised the 50MW Jemalong Solar Project (JSP) and commenced construction on our flagship Kidston Pumped Storage Hydro Project (K2-Hydro). The development of these projects, coupled with our existing 50MW Kidston Solar Project (KS1) and extensive growth portfolio, position the Company as a leader in renewable energy generation and storage markets in Australia. By 2025, our portfolio of renewable energy projects will provide clean energy to meet the needs of over 350,000 homes, removing almost two million tonnes per annum of carbon dioxide from our country’s emission profile. Our Queensland projects will also contribute significantly in assisting the Queensland Government meet its 50% renewable energy target by 2030. The 250MW Kidston Pumped Storage Hydro Project The K2-Hydro Project reached financial close in May this year. Genex has been working towards this important milestone for over five years, and I would like to thank all of our stakeholders for their support as well as the team at Genex for their tireless work in reaching this significant event. K2-Hydro is now fully funded through to completion with commissioning planned to begin in late CY24. Construction activities are now well underway, and we will be working closely with our team of quality partners over the next 3 years to deliver this icon project on time and on budget. Just a reminder that the Kidston Pumped Storage Hydro project provides 2000MWh of energy storage for the National Electricity Market (NEM). The 50MW Jemalong Solar Project The energisation of the 50MW Jemalong Solar Project in December 2020 represented our second revenue earning renewable energy project and further demonstrated our track record of project delivery. JSP is located near Forbes in central NSW and is now fully commissioned and operating as a merchant generator connected to the NEM. JSP is expected to deliver a significant step change in the Company’s revenue from FY22 onwards.
Goldklumpen, 11.11.2021 8:20 Uhr
Dilos, 18.10.2021 6:38 Uhr
NOTIFICATION OF RESIGNATION OF DIRECTOR Genex Power Limited (ASX: GNX) (Genex or the Company) wishes to advise that Mr Michael Addison has given notice to the Genex Board of his resignation as a director of the Company. Together with Simon Kidston and Ben Guo, Michael co-founded Genex back in 2014 and, during his term with the Company, has acted in the roles of Executive Chairman, Managing Director and, more recently, as a non-executive Director. As a former engineer, Michael was instrumental in conceiving Genex’s Kidston Pumped Storage Hydro project and, during his tenure at the Company, turning the idea from a conceptinto what is now a reality. Michael’s retirement, which takes effect immediately, comes about after over 7 years of hard work, deep dedication and commitment to the Company, which has seen Genex evolve from its listing on the ASX in 2015 to a multi project renewable energy developer and operator with a current market value of over $245 million. Whilst Michael will no longer be active as a director of Genex, he will remain as a retained consultant to the Company with the Board being able to call upon Michael’s valuable knowledge as needed. The Genex Board wishes to thank Michael for his professionalism, loyalty and dedication to duty during his extended time with the Company and wishes him well in his future endeavours. Commenting on Michael’s retirement, CEO James Harding said: “I would like to thank Michael for his vision in foreseeing the business case for a pumped storage hydro project in North Queensland, and his ambition in launching the first such project to be developed by the private sector. It is a testament to his intellect, his drive and his strong entrepreneurial spirit that we have together managed to make this dream a reality and develop Genex into Australia’s leading renewable energy and storage company. My colleagues join me in sending him our very best wishes for his retirement.” Given Michael’s resignation, the Company advises that resolution 3, relating to his re-election as a director, will be withdrawn from the agenda for the AGM scheduled for 15 November 2021.
HuckleberryFin, 07.10.2021 12:13 Uhr
Dilos, 01.10.2021 7:39 Uhr
Genex Power unterzeichnet einen Abnahmevertrag von Tesla Batterien für das Bouldercombe Batterienspeicher Projekt. Die Batterien haben eine Garantie von 20 Jahren und eine Kapazität von 100MWh und sollen 2023 fertig installiert sein.
Dilos, 23.09.2021 8:03 Uhr
Heute in Australien das vierfache Volumen und ein Anstieg um fast 7%. Was ist da los?
Dilos, 11.09.2021 11:42 Uhr
Dilos, 06.09.2021 11:04 Uhr
ASX +Security Code and Description GNXAD : OPTION EXPIRING VARIOUS DATES EX VARIOUS PRICES Unquoted +equity securities that have ceased Number of securities that have ceased 2,400,000 Reason for cessation Expiry of option or other convertible security without exercise or conversion Date of cessation 2/9/2021 Is the entity paying any consideration for the cessation? Any other information the entity wishes to notify to ASX about the cessation?
Dilos, 01.09.2021 7:15 Uhr
Date of Annual General Meeting Genex Power Limited (ASX:GNX) (Genex or the Company) advises, for the purposes ASX Listing Rule 3.13.1 that: • Genex’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at 10.00 a.m. (AEDT) on Monday 15 November 2021 by virtual meeting technology; and • The closing date for receipt of director nominations is Friday 24th September 2021, being at least 35 business days prior to the AGM. Further details regarding the AGM, including the Notice of Meeting, will be made available to shareholders in accordance with regulatory requirements. This announcement was approved by the Company Secretary of Genex Power Limited.
Dilos, 27.08.2021 16:31 Uhr
Bezüglich der Dividende, aus dem Annual Report Seite 31: Results of Operations and Dividends The consolidated entity’s net loss after taxation attributable to the members of Genex Power Limited for the year ended 30 June 2021 was ($18,725,873). The Directors of Genex have resolved not to recommend a dividend for the financial year ended 30 June 2021.
Dilos, 25.08.2021 7:15 Uhr
FY2021 Results Webinar Genex Power Limited (ASX: GNX) (Genex or the Company) is pleased to invite shareholders and investors to attend a virtual group briefing to discuss its results for the 2021 financial year. The online briefing will be held on Friday August 27th at 11am Sydney time (AEST). During the briefing Chief Executive Officer James Harding, Executive Director Simon Kidston and Finance Director Ben Guo will discuss the highlights from the year. This will be followed by a Q&A session. Participants will need to pre-register ahead of time via the following link: Once the registration form is completed, participants will receive a confirmation email with details on how to access the briefing. This announcement was approved by the Board of Genex Power Limited.
Dilos, 07.08.2021 8:57 Uhr
Gibt es zu der Dividendeninfo einen Link?
Dilos, 06.08.2021 15:21 Uhr
Dividende klingt natürlich nicht schlecht. Mit genügend Anteilen lohnt sich das dann auch.
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