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GEL ENERGY WKN: A1JBXU ISIN: JE00B55Q3P39 Kürzel: GENL Forum: Aktien Thema: Hauptdiskussion

0,80385 USD
+4,98 %+0,03815
26. Dec, 21:19:03 Uhr, Nasdaq OTC
Kommentare 198
Tulpi, 22.01.2017 18:38 Uhr
Die Rechnung vom September 2016 wurde auch erst am 5. Dezember 2016 beglichen. Genel hat genug Cash. Interessant werden die kommenden Quartalszahlen
Tulpi, 22.01.2017 18:32 Uhr
Die zahlen doch eigentlich sonst auch pünktlich
Bütze, 22.01.2017 18:23 Uhr
Q-Zahlen. Problem ist, dass die KRG immer noch nicht ihr Öl aus q4 2016 bezahlt haben.
MisterT, 22.01.2017 18:03 Uhr
Was passiert dann?
Bütze, 22.01.2017 17:51 Uhr
Der 24. rückt näher :)
OnkelBützHandy, 22.01.2017 17:44 Uhr
Der 24. Kommt näher :)
OnkelBütz, 19.01.2017 15:48 Uhr
Freitag oder Montag 90 GBP und Dienstag die dicke Überraschung :)
Tulpi, 19.01.2017 15:17 Uhr
Schöner Abpraller an der 0,81 gbx. Jetzt aber?!
OnkelBütz, 17.01.2017 14:57 Uhr
Hier mal ein Post aus dem LSE Forums REASONS TO BE CHEERFUL.... New world renounded CEO announced soon for Genel Share price very stable considering no payment. Shorts still closing USA building huge base in Kurdistan KRG budget deficit narrows much more than anticipated. KRG have signed 2nd compliance audit for overall accountability KRG Record production & revenue for 2016 Moroccan drills farmin due to be announced soon New Iraqi Oil Minister Debt to Equity less than 1 Very large payment due to latest production Some of lowest Production cost in the world. 2D Seismic to start in Somaliland in December (massive area) Peshkabir hopefully completed and successful ?? Profit should rise a lot due to oil price rising OPEC countries actually implementing oil production cuts. Massive Gas fields development being planned Market cap 7x less net assets Positive world bank meeting involving KRG 2.5 billion dollars in net assets Tawke gross production up to 135k bopd from 2017 Largest KRG production oil in December for a year. Over 400$ million dollars in the Bank 10% owned by Major Turkish Energy company Oil & Gas law recent positive statement ISIL on verge of being defeated Breakeven at less than 20$ per Barrel
OnkelBütz, 17.01.2017 13:24 Uhr
Genel Energy PLC (LON:GENL) was upgraded by stock analysts at Jefferies Group to a “hold” rating in a research note issued on Friday. The brokerage currently has a GBX 78 ($0.97) price target on the stock. Jefferies Group’s price target indicates a potential upside of 8.33% from the stock’s current price. Several other research analysts have also recently issued reports on the stock. Barclays PLC lowered their target price on shares of Genel Energy PLC from GBX 130 ($1.62) to GBX 120 ($1.50) and set an “equal weight” rating for the company in a report on Friday, October 28th. Credit Suisse Group AG lowered their target price on shares of Genel Energy PLC from GBX 90 ($1.12) to GBX 85 ($1.06) and set a “neutral” rating for the company in a report on Thursday, October 27th. Canaccord Genuity cut shares of Genel Energy PLC to a “speculative buy” rating and lowered their target price for the company from GBX 195 ($2.44) to GBX 150 ($1.87) in a report on Wednesday, October 26th. Numis Securities Ltd lowered their target price on shares of Genel Energy PLC from GBX 210 ($2.62) to GBX 180 ($2.25) and set a “buy” rating for the company in a report on Wednesday, October 26th. Finally, Deutsche Bank AG restated a “sell” rating on shares of Genel Energy PLC in a report on Thursday, September 29th. One equities research analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating, eight have issued a hold rating and four have issued a buy rating to the company’s stock. The stock has an average rating of “Hold” and an average target price of GBX 147.07 ($1.84). Shares of Genel Energy PLC (LON:GENL) opened at 72.00 on Friday. The company’s 50-day moving average is GBX 87.52 and its 200 day moving average is GBX 107.69. The firm’s market cap is GBX 200.44 million. Genel Energy PLC has a 52-week low of GBX 66.93 and a 52-week high of GBX 268.50.
casperskagen, 13.01.2017 19:18 Uhr
Wird in DE auch einfach nicht gehandelt
BützbusterTablet, 06.01.2017 17:55 Uhr
Was Kurskapriolen hier....
Mr.Arbogast, 05.01.2017 7:33 Uhr
Lange hat es gedauert. Aber hier sind wirklich richtige hohe Kurse von über € 5,00 möglich. Man benötigt nur ein wenig Geduld und weiterhin steigende Ölkurse.
BützbusterTablet, 04.01.2017 23:42 Uhr
Schwubs, da ist Genel kein Penny mehr....
BützbusterTablet, 04.01.2017 18:35 Uhr
53k ist eine deutliche Steigerung. Dazu der gestiegene Ölpreis. Am 24. Januar kommen die Zahlen.
Mr.Arbogast, 04.01.2017 4:46 Uhr
Genel hat Potential, welches von der breiten Anlegerschar noch erkannt werden muss. Wer hier zu früh verkauft oder Schwächephasn nicht zum zukaufen nutzt ist selber Schuld.
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