EUROPEAN MET.HLDGS CDIS 1 WKN: A14XRL ISIN: AU000000EMH5 Kürzel: EMH Forum: Aktien Thema: Hauptdiskussion
0,085 USD
-1,62 %-0,001
6. Jan, 23:20:00 Uhr,
Nasdaq OTC
Kommentare 463
03.02.2021 8:32 Uhr
• Firm Commitments from institutional and sophisticated investors
received for a private placement of AUD 7.1 million (before costs)
• Includes substantial support and participation with a A5 million
contribution by Luxembourg green energy fund, Thematica Future
• Funds raised will assist in further development of the Cinovec Project and
general working capital and to introduce strategic institutional investors
as the Company progresses the Project towards FID and full funding
• Cinovec contains the largest hard rock lithium deposit in Europe
• Cinovec is fully funded to final investment decision with approximately EUR
26.7m in the Project company currently
• EMH intending to become one of the lowest carbon footprint producers of
battery grade Lithium Hydroxide and Lithium Carbonate in Europe
• Cinovec is situated within 250 km of a large number of existing or proposed end
users of battery grade lithium chemicals
European Metals Holdings Limited (ASX & AIM: EMH, NASDAQ: ERPNF) (“European
Metals” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce it has successfully received firm
commitments for a placement for approximately 6.45 million CDI’s at an issue price of
A1.10 per CDI to raise A7.1 million (before costs) (Placement). The Placement was
well supported, especially by Thematica Future Mobility, a Luxembourg-based green
energy fund.
The proceeds of the Placement will assist in the further development of the Cinovec
Lithium Project, the largest hard rock lithium resource in Europe, and further general
working capital.
European Metals Executive Chairman Keith Coughlan said: “We are very pleased to
complete this capital raising at this *** and to add cornerstone shareholders to our
register who we believe will be very valuable to the Company as we move into our full
project funding. It is very pleasing in particular to welcome Thematica Future Mobility
to the Company. Thematica is a specialist investor in the Electric Vehicle supply chain,
based in Luxembourg. As such, Thematica recognizesthe unique opportunity presented
by investment in the Cinovec Project against a backdrop of unprecedented EU support.”
A Thematica representative said: “The strong growth in European EV sales and the rise
of domestic battery cell production is going to require substantial lithium supply in the
future. The European Raw Material Alliance (ERMA) has stated its ambition is to have
80% of lithium supply sourced locally – we see European Metals Holdings, that should
reach final investment decision in early 2022 post the completion of a definitive
feasibility study, as one of the first producers of battery-grade lithium chemicals on the
continent and given its large resource, a meaningful contributor to the ERMA target.”
03.02.2021 8:32 Uhr
• Firm Commitments from institutional and sophisticated investors
received for a private placement of AUD 7.1 million (before costs)
• Includes substantial support and participation with a A5 million
contribution by Luxembourg green energy fund, Thematica Future
• Funds raised will assist in further development of the Cinovec Project and
general working capital and to introduce strategic institutional investors
as the Company progresses the Project towards FID and full funding
• Cinovec contains the largest hard rock lithium deposit in Europe
• Cinovec is fully funded to final investment decision with approximately EUR
26.7m in the Project company currently
• EMH intending to become one of the lowest carbon footprint producers of
battery grade Lithium Hydroxide and Lithium Carbonate in Europe
• Cinovec is situated within 250 km of a large number of existing or proposed end
users of battery grade lithium chemicals
European Metals Holdings Limited (ASX & AIM: EMH, NASDAQ: ERPNF) (“European
Metals” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce it has successfully received firm
commitments for a placement for approximately 6.45 million CDI’s at an issue price of
A1.10 per CDI to raise A7.1 million (before costs) (Placement). The Placement was
well supported, especially by Thematica Future Mobility, a Luxembourg-based green
energy fund.
The proceeds of the Placement will assist in the further development of the Cinovec
Lithium Project, the largest hard rock lithium resource in Europe, and further general
working capital.
European Metals Executive Chairman Keith Coughlan said: “We are very pleased to
complete this capital raising at this *** and to add cornerstone shareholders to our
register who we believe will be very valuable to the Company as we move into our full
project funding. It is very pleasing in particular to welcome Thematica Future Mobility
to the Company. Thematica is a specialist investor in the Electric Vehicle supply chain,
based in Luxembourg. As such, Thematica recognizesthe unique opportunity presented
by investment in the Cinovec Project against a backdrop of unprecedented EU support.”
A Thematica representative said: “The strong growth in European EV sales and the rise
of domestic battery cell production is going to require substantial lithium supply in the
future. The European Raw Material Alliance (ERMA) has stated its ambition is to have
80% of lithium supply sourced locally – we see European Metals Holdings, that should
reach final investment decision in early 2022 post the completion of a definitive
feasibility study, as one of the first producers of battery-grade lithium chemicals on the
continent and given its large resource, a meaningful contributor to the ERMA target.”
02.02.2021 12:22 Uhr
(Alliance News) - European Metals Holdings Ltd gab am Dienstag bekannt, dass die Zwischenergebnisse der sechs kürzlich abgeschlossenen Bohrlöcher im Cinovec-Lithium-Zinn-Projekt in der Tschechischen Republik den Erwartungen entsprachen oder diese übertrafen.
Das Mineralexplorations- und -entwicklungsunternehmen, das eine 49% ige Beteiligung am Cinovec-Projekt hält, sagte, dass in allen sechs Löchern der obere Teil des gebohrten Erzkörpers in Zinn erhöht ist. Der beste Abschnitt wurde aus dem Loch CIS-22 mit einem Intervall von 28 Metern mit durchschnittlich 0,3% Zinn zurückgegeben.
European Metals gab bekannt, dass das Bohren von 12 von 19 Löchern, die bereits im August begonnen wurden, abgeschlossen ist. Das dreizehnte Loch ist derzeit im Gange. Alle sechs Löcher wurden in Lithiumerz und nicht in dem darunter liegenden Granit mit niedrigem Glimmergehalt abgeschlossen, der als Fußwand des Lithiumgranits angesehen wird.
"Der Hauptzweck des Programms besteht darin, einen größeren Teil der Ressource in die gemessene Kategorie umzuwandeln, um dem Finanzmodell mehr Sicherheit und Sicherheit für die Finanziers zu bieten, mit denen wir derzeit diskutieren. Es ist wichtig, dies im ersten zu beachten In der Phase des vorgeschlagenen Verfahrens hat die feuchte magnetische Trennung den Effekt, dass der Gehalt an Lithiumoxid im Konzentrat auf etwa 2,9% stark erhöht wird ", sagte Keith Coughlan, Executive Chairman.
Die Aktien von European Metals stiegen am Dienstag in London um 11% auf 61,00 Pence.
Von Zoe Wickens;
24.01.2021 12:34 Uhr
24.01.2021 12:34 Uhr
Ne nichts
24.01.2021 8:57 Uhr
Ich bin auch investiert in der Hoffnung das dort auch abgebaut wird. Man kann ja nichts lesen wie der Stand bei den Bohrungen ist. Oder hat jemand dazu news?
21.01.2021 10:05 Uhr
Reine Gewinnmitnahmen?
21.01.2021 10:05 Uhr
Was ist passiert
21.01.2021 6:42 Uhr
Oha drüben -11%
20.01.2021 10:18 Uhr
Tesla und viele andere wollen unsere Ressourcen 😍😍 das wird grossartig - schaut euch dieses tolle Video an!
20.01.2021 10:17 Uhr
19.01.2021 19:08 Uhr
Auf der Homepage von EHM steht die VGG... Isin
19.01.2021 17:54 Uhr
Denke das eine ist einfach ein ltd die woanders gelistet ist..
18.01.2021 0:24 Uhr
Also ich bin verwirrt welche aktie ist den die richtige wenn man European Metall eingibt kommen 2 Stück 😃 welche ist den den die die in Tschechin arbeitet bitte um Antwort
14.01.2021 16:48 Uhr
Hallo zusammen. Ich bin neu hier und habe nach dem Kauf gemerkt, dass es zwei verschiedene Aktien von diesem Unternehmen gibt. Eine A2AB5D und die unsere hier. Kann jemand hier mir erklären woran das liegt, wäre total hilfreich, vielen Dank!
14.01.2021 16:24 Uhr
Knackt man die 1 EUR marke in absehbarer zeit?
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1 | Plug Power ohne Spam | +21,67 % | |
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3 | Gamestop💎🙌 | +3,80 % | |
4 | ATOS Hauptdiskussion | -3,45 % | |
5 | Neues DeFi Technologies Forum | +2,94 % | |
6 | Droneshield-Fakten und fundamentale Beiträge | -3,92 % | |
7 | BRAINCHIP HOLDINGS LTD Hauptdiskussion | -11,08 % | |
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9 | Quantum Blockchain Technologies | +16,67 % | |
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