ENERGY FUELS WKN: A1W757 ISIN: CA2926717083 Kürzel: EFR Forum: Aktien Thema: Hauptdiskussion

4,185 USD
+0,48 %+0,020
7. Mar, 00:40:00 Uhr, Nasdaq
Kommentare 2.441
RudiRendite, 27.11.2024 19:15 Uhr
Why Businesses and the Government Are Turning to Nuclear Reactors for Our Increasing Energy Demands
RudiRendite, 26.11.2024 7:24 Uhr
China triples uranium imports from Russia
RudiRendite, 25.11.2024 7:04 Uhr
Why nuclear power is so hot right now Governments, industries eye nuclear to meet rising electricity demand with net-zero emissions
Grasmensch, 24.11.2024 21:22 Uhr
Fakt ist, KI und Server-Farmen brauchen Energie. Und das in rauen Mengen. Solch einen energieintensiven Sprung gab es in der technologischen Entwicklung lange nicht mehr. So viel Gas und Kohle kannst du gar nicht fördern.
RudiRendite, 24.11.2024 20:26 Uhr
Krösus1, 24.11.2024 19:46 Uhr
Kaum irgendwas wird mehr beworben.....ja, für normal ist es zu schön, um wahr zu sein.
RudiRendite, 24.11.2024 19:32 Uhr
Aus allen Richtungen kommt nun Kernkraft - es ist so offensichtlich das es fast nur noch ein Rohrkrepierer werden kann. 🤔
RudiRendite, 24.11.2024 19:31 Uhr
Analysts, industry see ongoing support for nuclear energy in second Trump term
RudiRendite, 24.11.2024 19:28 Uhr
The Biden administration announced the framework for the US to triple #Nuclear power capacity by 2050. At Energy Fuels, we applaud this forward thinking to safeguard America’s energy future. As a #US based company, our expertise in recovering critical minerals such as #Uranium & #Monazite, supports the country’s #CleanEnergyTransition while securing American energy supply chains.
Grasmensch, 24.11.2024 11:48 Uhr
Krösus1, 24.11.2024 10:27 Uhr
Das Uran dürfte ja nicht das große Problem sein, die Anreicherung, da könnte und wird es Troubles geben. Franzosen wollen sich dem annehmen.
RudiRendite, 23.11.2024 23:04 Uhr
Making uranium ready for nuclear energy: Explore Utah’s White Mesa Mill
Trendchange, 23.11.2024 20:19 Uhr

As I have stated previously, shareholders should wait until 2025 to see sequentially increasing uranium production, sales, and profits. The three mines that were restarted in 2024, namely Pinyon Plain, La Sal, and Pandora, are still being ramped up and won't reach the mining capacity of 1.1-1.4 Mlb per year until late 2024. Uranium project pipeline Energy Fuels is preparing its fully licensed and developed Nichols Ranch in situ recovery (or ISR) project in Wyoming and Whirlwind mine in Colorado for production restart, expecting to increase its corporate production run-rate to 2 Mlb per year by 2026. In the longer term, the company is advancing permitting and pre-development at the Roca Honda (New Mexico), Bullfrog (Utah) and Sheep Mountain (Wyoming) projects, which collectively contain nearly 70 Mlb of uranium resources, with the objective of expanding its uranium production to a run-rate of up to 5 Mlb per year. The White Mesa mill has a licensed capacity of over 8 Mlb of U3O8 per year and is still underutilized, even when Energy Fuels has put all of its mines on stream. Energy Fuels owns the only operable uranium mill in the U.S.—the White Mesa Mill in Utah. This mill is likely protected, at least in the medium term, by significant barriers to entry, as permitting and constructing a new uranium mill in the U.S. is incredibly difficult, if not impossible. White Mesa is the only mill in North America that can extract rare earths from monazite feed. It is worth noting that the Phase 1 REE separation circuit has not diminished and will not diminish the company's uranium production capacity in any way. Once the REE initiative is fully implemented, Energy Fuels is poised to produce 4,000–6,000 tpa of separated NdPr and 200–300 tpa of separated Dy and Tb, which are equivalent to 4 to 6 million electric vehicles. The global titanium dioxide market is valued at US$19 billion to US$22 billion and grows at over 5% per year, with current consumption at approximately 10 million tons per year. Energy Fuels is expected to emerge as a global leader in titanium dioxide and zirconia, producing around 510 Kt of titanium dioxide (roughly 5% of global supply) and 66 Kt of zirconia per year.

Gute Einschätzung denke ich, nachvollziehbar. Und wenn sie fast die einzigen sind die ihre Lizenz noch haben. Sind sie wohl klar im Vorteil. 60$ halte ich zwar für utopisch, aber wer weiss. Hätte bei Palantir auch keiner vermutet. Leg mir mal ein paar K hin. ... und gehe in 2 Jahren in Rente.. 😅
Krösus1, 23.11.2024 17:46 Uhr
Kursziel 60 erst in zwei Jahren......warum soll das solange dauern?😜 Das wären 13 Mrd. Marktkapitalisierung......denke, da muss einiges klappen. Aber natürlich würde ich das auch nehmen.
RudiRendite, 23.11.2024 16:20 Uhr

Energy Fuels: the misunderstood ugly duckling of the nuclear sector. Plans to ramp up uranium production have me salivating. Long-term investors, take note: this underdog's set to shine in 2025 and beyond.

As I have stated previously, shareholders should wait until 2025 to see sequentially increasing uranium production, sales, and profits. The three mines that were restarted in 2024, namely Pinyon Plain, La Sal, and Pandora, are still being ramped up and won't reach the mining capacity of 1.1-1.4 Mlb per year until late 2024. Uranium project pipeline Energy Fuels is preparing its fully licensed and developed Nichols Ranch in situ recovery (or ISR) project in Wyoming and Whirlwind mine in Colorado for production restart, expecting to increase its corporate production run-rate to 2 Mlb per year by 2026. In the longer term, the company is advancing permitting and pre-development at the Roca Honda (New Mexico), Bullfrog (Utah) and Sheep Mountain (Wyoming) projects, which collectively contain nearly 70 Mlb of uranium resources, with the objective of expanding its uranium production to a run-rate of up to 5 Mlb per year. The White Mesa mill has a licensed capacity of over 8 Mlb of U3O8 per year and is still underutilized, even when Energy Fuels has put all of its mines on stream. Energy Fuels owns the only operable uranium mill in the U.S.—the White Mesa Mill in Utah. This mill is likely protected, at least in the medium term, by significant barriers to entry, as permitting and constructing a new uranium mill in the U.S. is incredibly difficult, if not impossible. White Mesa is the only mill in North America that can extract rare earths from monazite feed. It is worth noting that the Phase 1 REE separation circuit has not diminished and will not diminish the company's uranium production capacity in any way. Once the REE initiative is fully implemented, Energy Fuels is poised to produce 4,000–6,000 tpa of separated NdPr and 200–300 tpa of separated Dy and Tb, which are equivalent to 4 to 6 million electric vehicles. The global titanium dioxide market is valued at US$19 billion to US$22 billion and grows at over 5% per year, with current consumption at approximately 10 million tons per year. Energy Fuels is expected to emerge as a global leader in titanium dioxide and zirconia, producing around 510 Kt of titanium dioxide (roughly 5% of global supply) and 66 Kt of zirconia per year.
RudiRendite, 23.11.2024 15:22 Uhr

KI und Uran sind wohl erstmal angesagt. 60$steht tatsächlich im (gekauften) Börsenbrief. Im Zusammenhang mit Iperionx. Die sind verbandelt und tatsächlich gestern um 5,3% gestiegen. @rudi, hättest bei Palantir noch genug Zeit gehabt wieder einzusteigen. Bin auch erst später rein. Lieber weniger Gewinn als gar keinen. 😉

Bei Palantir hätte ich geglaubt das Ding geht hoch. War leider falsch.
1 StrategyB -0,50 %
2 Marathon Digital Holdings -0,20 %
3 Volt Resources Hauptdiskussion ±0,00 %
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Alle Diskussionen
1 StrategyB -0,50 %
2 Marathon Digital Holdings -0,20 %
3 Volt Resources Hauptdiskussion ±0,00 %
4 ATOS Hauptdiskussion +66,67 %
5 NEL ohne Spam +2,33 %
6 CARNIVAL Hauptdiskussion -5,66 %
7 XIAOMI CORP. CL.B Hauptdiskussion -1,82 %
8 PAYPAL Hauptdiskussion -1,61 %
9 Lithium Americas USA Thacker Pass +7,39 %
10 NETLIST Hauptdiskussion -3,14 %
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