Fed senkt Zinsen, Gold steigt
Eine Aktie, die möglicherweise vom Anstieg des Goldpreises betroffen sein könnte

DOW JONES WKN: CG3AA2 ISIN: US2605661048 Forum: Indizes Thema: Hauptdiskussion

42.050,27 PKT
+0,04 %+15,36
20. Sep, 22:00:57 Uhr, TTMzero RT (USD)
Kommentare 32.771
BN_BERT22, 27.10.2023 10:22 Uhr
"Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys." - P.J. O’Rourke -> Our Drunken Sailors: In Q3, all our drunken sailors had a blast. The much-awaited slowdown in the second half has turned into a drunken party in Q3. Maybe Q4 will finally bring some sense to the drunken sailors and cause them to sober up. But that may be wishful thinking, and the party may go on. It’s not hard to see that inflation isn’t going to just vanish in this environment. When business investment takes off like this, and when government spending, particularly at the federal level takes off like this, and when consumers are blowing their big pay increases and their newly discovered interest income left and right, a slowdown is just hard to imagine. What is easier to imagine in this scenario is more persistent inflation and therefore higher for longer interest rates. https://wolfstreet.com/2023/10/26/our-drunken-sailors-consumers-governments-businesses-had-a-blast-in-q3-gdp-spiked-powell-was-observed-tearing-out-his-hair/
BN_BERT22, 27.10.2023 8:53 Uhr

Die Zentralbanken brauchen ein "Bailout": "The Riksbank needs to restore its capital: Today, Governor Erik Thedéen visited the Riksdag Committee on Finance to present an analysis of the Riksbank's financial position, earnings capacity and long-term capital requirements. “The preliminary results of the analysis indicate that the Riksbank needs to have its equity restored to at least the basic level stated in the Sveriges Riksbank Act of SEK 40 billion. As per the end of September 2023, a restoration to the basic level would entail a capital injection of almost SEK 80 billion. The Riksbank also needs prospects for additional earnings,” said Mr Thedéen. https://www.boersennews.de/community/diskussion/sbb/61506/83212623/

Sweden’s Central Bank Needs More Than $7 Billion to Cover Losses https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/sweden-s-central-bank-needs-more-than-7-billion-to-cover-losses-1.1988659
BN_BERT22, 26.10.2023 23:19 Uhr
Anleger wiederholen diesen einen Fehler, den viele vor der Finanzkrise 2008 auch gemacht haben https://www.businessinsider.de/wirtschaft/top-oekonom-warnt-anleger-vor-erneutem-crash/
BN_BERT22, 26.10.2023 23:09 Uhr
Money-Market Fund Inflows Resume As Bank Bailout Fund Hits New Record High Money Market funds saw a return to inflows last week (+24.9BN) https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/money-market-fund-inflows-resume-bank-bailout-fund-hits-new-record-high
BN_BERT22, 26.10.2023 23:07 Uhr
Treasury bonds are losing their status as safe-haven assets, Mohamed El-Erian says https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/bonds/treasury-bond-market-safe-haven-status-geopolitics-risks-el-erian-2023-10
BN_BERT22, 26.10.2023 23:05 Uhr
The bond market is acting like it's 1969, when rising yields preceded a recession, JPMorgan says https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/bonds/bond-market-bear-steepening-yield-curve-recession-indicator-economic-outlook-2023-10
Maismann666, 26.10.2023 21:56 Uhr
Wie lange fällt das alles noch was ist denn hier los was ist denn das für ein Bärenmarkt verdammt !!!!
BN_BERT22, 26.10.2023 21:45 Uhr
StanChart shares slump on almost $1 billion China hit https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/standard-chartered-reports-q3-profit-slump-impairments-2023-10-26/
BN_BERT22, 26.10.2023 20:56 Uhr
Fitch U.S. Leveraged Loan Default Insight Data File: October 2023 https://www.fitchratings.com/research/structured-finance/fitch-us-leveraged-loan-default-insight-data-file-october-2023-26-10-2023
BN_BERT22, 26.10.2023 20:14 Uhr
Blackrock: Bottom line: U.S. corporate earnings have stagnated along with the economy. Markets expect a pickup starting with Q3 reporting underway. We are cautious. Broad equities have started to adjust to the new regime of greater volatility, but don’t fully reflect the macro damage we expect. https://www.blackrock.com/corporate/literature/market-commentary/weekly-investment-commentary-en-us-20231023-us-stocks-selective-as-earnings-stall.pdf
BN_BERT22, 26.10.2023 19:40 Uhr
Inverted yield curves forshadow recession https://www.isabelnet.com/percent-of-10-yield-curves-inverted/
BN_BERT22, 26.10.2023 14:39 Uhr
The US Just Added $600 Billion In Debt In One Month https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/us-just-added-600-billion-debt-one-month-and-what-comes-next-will-shock-everyone
BN_BERT22, 25.10.2023 22:57 Uhr
Bailing out central banks https://www.ft.com/content/226d61dd-b9db-4c92-b51e-1f0da5205eeb
BN_BERT22, 25.10.2023 21:53 Uhr

World's Oldest Central Bank Seeking $7 Billion Bailout After Massive Bond Losses ...the Fed operating loss is now $111 billion and rising ... while the cumulative MTM loss on its multi-trillion bond and MBS portfolio is now a staggering, hold on to your hats, $1+ trillion https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/worlds-oldest-central-bank-seeking-7-billion-bailout-after-massive-bond-losses

Die Zentralbanken brauchen ein "Bailout": "The Riksbank needs to restore its capital: Today, Governor Erik Thedéen visited the Riksdag Committee on Finance to present an analysis of the Riksbank's financial position, earnings capacity and long-term capital requirements. “The preliminary results of the analysis indicate that the Riksbank needs to have its equity restored to at least the basic level stated in the Sveriges Riksbank Act of SEK 40 billion. As per the end of September 2023, a restoration to the basic level would entail a capital injection of almost SEK 80 billion. The Riksbank also needs prospects for additional earnings,” said Mr Thedéen. https://www.boersennews.de/community/diskussion/sbb/61506/83212623/
BN_BERT22, 25.10.2023 21:41 Uhr
World's Oldest Central Bank Seeking $7 Billion Bailout After Massive Bond Losses ...the Fed operating loss is now $111 billion and rising ... while the cumulative MTM loss on its multi-trillion bond and MBS portfolio is now a staggering, hold on to your hats, $1+ trillion https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/worlds-oldest-central-bank-seeking-7-billion-bailout-after-massive-bond-losses
BN_BERT22, 25.10.2023 21:33 Uhr
Bank of Canada holds key interest rate at 5%, keeps door open to more rate hikes
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