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DOW JONES WKN: CG3AA2 ISIN: US2605661048 Forum: Indizes Thema: Hauptdiskussion

42.136,24 PKT
+0,74 %+309,66
5. Nov, 20:54:13 Uhr, Ariva Indikation
Kommentare 32.887
SousSherpa, 20.04.2024 10:43 Uhr
Die europäischen Geldmärkte bieten derzeit Bruttorenditen von fast 4 Prozent. Selbst bei erwarteten Zinssenkungen dürften die EZB-Zinsen auf absehbare Zeit über 3 Prozent bleiben. Für die meisten institutionellen Anleger erfordern solche Niveaus eine strukturelle Allokation in Bargeld. Die derzeitige Wirtschaftslage könnte jedoch die Kreditqualität der Unternehmen beeinträchtigen». Deshalb empfehlen wir, mit Kreditengagements vorsichtig zu sein, zumal die Kreditspreads auf einem Zwei-Jahres-Tief liegen und die geopolitischen Risiken in Europa und im Nahen Osten zu berücksichtigen sind» https://www.finews.ch/service/advertorials/61962-natixis-zins-warum-bargeld-weiterhin-koenig-bleiben-wird
SousSherpa, 20.04.2024 10:19 Uhr
IMF Warns Surge in U.S., China Debt Could Have ‘Profound’ Impact on Global Economy https://globalinsolvency.com/headlines/imf-warns-surge-us-china-debt-could-have-profound-impact-global-economy
SousSherpa, 19.04.2024 19:49 Uhr

Housing Market Slumps as Mortgage Rates Top 7%. Existing home sales in March fell 4.3% from February https://www.wsj.com/economy/housing/home-sales-mortgage-rates-march-report-4a501537

Price reductions of existing homes jump to 31.7% of active listings, highest since 2017. https://wolfstreet.com/2024/04/18/home-sales-clobbered-by-mortgage-rates-most-price-reductions-for-any-march-in-years-new-listings-active-listings-surge/
SousSherpa, 19.04.2024 19:08 Uhr

It's time for backtesting! Ice Europe’s liquidity risk at record high https://www.risk.net/risk-quantum/7959256/ice-europes-liquidity-risk-at-record-high-in-q4

Peak Margin Breach https://www.fia.org/fia/margin-breaches
SousSherpa, 19.04.2024 19:08 Uhr
It's time for backtesting! Ice Europe’s liquidity risk at record high https://www.risk.net/risk-quantum/7959256/ice-europes-liquidity-risk-at-record-high-in-q4
SousSherpa, 19.04.2024 19:04 Uhr
Housing Market Slumps as Mortgage Rates Top 7%. Existing home sales in March fell 4.3% from February https://www.wsj.com/economy/housing/home-sales-mortgage-rates-march-report-4a501537
SousSherpa, 19.04.2024 18:11 Uhr

Goldman's trading desk noted that for the first time all year, it feels like the market is starting to question the strong growth narrative on the back of weaker earnings this AM: ASML -8% spilling into all Semis; JBHT a bellwether transport -7.5% and KNX -3.5% cut their forecast; Industrial REITs (GSSIREID) -3.2% on back of a neg print in the space. Beige Book Reveals Economy In Far Worse Shape Than White House Claims https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/beige-book-reveals-economy-far-worse-shape-white-house-claims

Hedgefonds werden im April pessimistisch, sagt Goldman: In allen Regionen, vor allem in Nordamerika, Europa und in geringerem Maße in den asiatischen Entwicklungsländern, wurden Long-Positionen abgebaut und Short-Positionen aufgebaut.."da die Manager das Tempo der Long-Käufe verlangsamten und gleichzeitig die Leerverkaufsaktivitäten erhöhten. https://de.marketscreener.com/kurs/index/S-P-500-4985/news/Hedgefonds-werden-im-April-pessimistisch-sagt-Goldman-46480887/
mokachino, 18.04.2024 8:44 Uhr
Dow Jones wird dieses Jahr die Marke von 44000 einholen. Die Frage ist nur ob vorher bis 36000 korrigiert wird. Jede zusätzliche Krise kommt der Dow zugute wegen weltweite Vorteile
SousSherpa, 17.04.2024 23:18 Uhr

Apollo: Rising US government debt: What to watch? Treasury auctions, rating agencies, and the term premium https://www.apolloacademy.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/OutlookForDemandForTreasuries-041224_v3.pdf

IMF Warns Biden's Fiscal Profligacy Poses "Significant Risks" To Global Economy https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/imf-warns-bidens-fiscal-profligacy-poses-significant-risks-global-economy-great-election
SousSherpa, 17.04.2024 22:25 Uhr
Goldman's trading desk noted that for the first time all year, it feels like the market is starting to question the strong growth narrative on the back of weaker earnings this AM: ASML -8% spilling into all Semis; JBHT a bellwether transport -7.5% and KNX -3.5% cut their forecast; Industrial REITs (GSSIREID) -3.2% on back of a neg print in the space. Beige Book Reveals Economy In Far Worse Shape Than White House Claims https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/beige-book-reveals-economy-far-worse-shape-white-house-claims
SousSherpa, 17.04.2024 21:56 Uhr
Apollo: Rising US government debt: What to watch? Treasury auctions, rating agencies, and the term premium https://www.apolloacademy.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/OutlookForDemandForTreasuries-041224_v3.pdf
SousSherpa, 17.04.2024 20:52 Uhr
The U.S. Reaches $33.2 Billion In Defaulted Debt In First-Quarter 2024. Although Europe has seen elevated defaults in first-quarter 2024, the amount of debt issuers have defaulted on remains low at US$1.5 billion. However, Europe is the only region in which year-to-date defaults are above the 2023 year-to-date tally. Defaults in the region remain at their highest, year-to-date, since 2008. https://www.spglobal.com/ratings/en/research/articles/240416-default-transition-and-recovery-global-defaults-are-still-high-despite-dipping-in-march-13075186
SousSherpa, 17.04.2024 20:21 Uhr
Laut Moody’s liegt die US-Büroleerstandsquote bei nahezu 20 % und stellt damit einen neuen Rekord auf https://cre.moodysanalytics.com/insights/cre-news/the-cre-digest-april-15-2024/
SousSherpa, 17.04.2024 20:13 Uhr
Take shelter - Moody's "Not Another Inflation Crush" https://cre.moodysanalytics.com/insights/cre-news/not-another-inflation-crush/
SousSherpa, 17.04.2024 19:36 Uhr
Hot inflation may put Fed rate cut in thick of election season: “We do not think the Fed will gain the confidence it needs to start cutting rates until December,” Bank of America economists wrote, meaning Biden would be campaigning against the stigma of both higher borrowing costs and persistent inflation. https://www.hellenicshippingnews.com/hot-inflation-may-put-fed-rate-cut-in-thick-of-election-season/
SousSherpa, 17.04.2024 19:35 Uhr
What the fresh march higher in oil means for world markets: Oil prices are up around 16% so far this year...Investors are paying attention. After all, it was an energy price surge two years ago that helped drive inflation and interest rates higher on a scale not seen in decades...After U.S. inflation came in higher than expected for a third straight month in March, the spectre of inflation staying higher has returned with bets on interest rate cuts scaled back sharply. https://www.reuters.com/markets/commodities/what-fresh-march-higher-oil-means-world-markets-2024-04-17/
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