Fed senkt Zinsen, Gold steigt
Eine Aktie, die möglicherweise vom Anstieg des Goldpreises betroffen sein könnte

DOW JONES WKN: CG3AA2 ISIN: US2605661048 Forum: Indizes Thema: Hauptdiskussion

42.050,27 PKT
+0,04 %+15,36
20. Sep, 22:00:57 Uhr, TTMzero RT (USD)
Kommentare 32.771
BN_BERT22, 20.10.2023 18:13 Uhr
The 30-year fixed mortgage rate just hit 8% for the first time since 2000 https://www.cnbc.com/2023/10/18/30-year-fixed-mortgage-rate-just-hit-8percent-for-the-first-time-since-2000.html
BN_BERT22, 20.10.2023 17:47 Uhr

Ownership breakdown of the U.S. equity market. U.S. households currently posses the largest portion of the U.S. equity market. https://www.isabelnet.com/ownership-breakdown-of-the-u-s-equity-market-share-of-corporate-equity-market/

Margin Call: Finra Margin Debt https://en.macromicro.me/charts/415/us-margin-debt
BN_BERT22, 20.10.2023 16:05 Uhr
U.S. Department of Energy Announces Monthly Solicitations to Purchase Oil for Strategic Petroleum Reserve Replenishment https://www.energy.gov/ceser/articles/us-department-energy-announces-monthly-solicitations-purchase-oil-strategic
BN_BERT22, 20.10.2023 15:41 Uhr
Time-to-VIX: Volatility Market Flashes Stock Warning in Fresh VIX Inversion. Fear gauge sees front-month ‘backwardation’ first time in year. Signal of near-term stress often coincides with equity losses https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-10-20/volatility-market-flashes-stock-warning-in-fresh-vix-inversion
BN_BERT22, 20.10.2023 15:37 Uhr
China schränkt Export von wichtigem Batterie-Rohstoff Grafit ein https://de.investing.com/news/economy/china-schrankt-export-von-wichtigem-batterierohstoff-grafit-ein-2471585
BN_BERT22, 20.10.2023 15:20 Uhr
Schuldenkrise: Der Internationale Währungsfonds und die westlichen Gläubigerstaaten stecken in der China-Falle: Die Erholung war von kurzer Dauer. Zwar ist die globale Verschuldung 2022 im zweiten Jahr in Folge gesunken. Doch wie der Internationale Währungsfonds (IMF) in der jüngsten Aktualisierung seiner Global Debt Database feststellt, ist dies kein Grund zur Erleichterung. Erstens liegt die Schuldenlast mit 238 Prozent des weltweiten Bruttoinlandprodukts (BIP) noch immer 9 Prozentpunkte über dem Vor-Pandemie-Niveau des Jahres 2019. Zweitens zeichnet sich bereits wieder eine Rückkehr auf den Pfad wachsender Schulden ab, wie vor Ausbruch der Pandemie. https://www.nzz.ch/pro-global/schuldenkrise-der-internationale-waehrungsfonds-und-die-westlichen-glaeubigerstaaten-stecken-in-der-china-falle-ld.1760237
BN_BERT22, 20.10.2023 15:10 Uhr
Ownership breakdown of the U.S. equity market. U.S. households currently posses the largest portion of the U.S. equity market. https://www.isabelnet.com/ownership-breakdown-of-the-u-s-equity-market-share-of-corporate-equity-market/
BN_BERT22, 20.10.2023 14:03 Uhr
Counterparty Radar: US funds add to single-name CDS positions. Corporate positions exceed SSA contracts for first time on record in Q2. US mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) showed a quarterly increase in single-name credit default swap (CDS) positions for the first time since relevant data became available. https://www.risk.net/derivatives/7958000/us-funds-add-to-single-name-cds-positions
BN_BERT22, 20.10.2023 13:43 Uhr
China Liquidated The Most US Securities In Four Years To Prop Up Plunging Yuan https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/china-liquidated-most-us-securities-four-years-prop-plunging-yuan
BN_BERT22, 20.10.2023 13:30 Uhr
Home Sales on Track for Slowest Year Since Housing Bust Residential real-estate market hindered by mortgage rates, limited inventory https://wsj-article-webview-generator-prod.sc.onservo.com/webview/WP-WSJ-0001283491
BN_BERT22, 19.10.2023 23:07 Uhr
Home Prices Fall Further. Demand Crashes, Price Cuts Jump, NAR, the Realtor lobbying group, demands its easy-money heroin back that the Fed has confiscated. https://wolfstreet.com/2023/10/19/median-price-of-existing-homes-falls-further-peak-was-june-2022-demand-crashes-price-cuts-jump-supply-days-on-market-rise/
BN_BERT22, 19.10.2023 21:27 Uhr
Refinitiv: Big Players Walking Away: CRE’s Default Crisis Continues: Big Players Walk Away: Large property owners are walking away from their investments as portfolios no longer meet investor requirements and generate adequate returns. Banks Brace for Impact: US banks, once considered resilient to CRE defaults, are now preparing to sell off property loans at a discount to reduce their exposure, reflecting their waning confidence in the market. https://www.refinitiv.com/perspectives/market-insights/big-players-walking-away-cres-default-crisis-continues/
BN_BERT22, 19.10.2023 21:26 Uhr

European real estate: companies face jump in bond refinancing in 2024-26 as investment burden grows Europe’s real estate firms face a 40% rise in aggregate bond refinancing to EUR 45bn in 2026 from EUR 32bn next year. With high interest rates set to prevail and multiple pressures for more investment, access to funding is vital to protect credit quality. https://www.scoperatings.com/ratings-and-research/research/EN/175388

Scope: Debt-laden companies need to accept steep discounts when selling assets https://www.recapitalnews.com/scope-debt-laden-companies-need-to-accept-steep-discounts-when-selling-assets/
BN_BERT22, 19.10.2023 21:25 Uhr
European real estate: companies face jump in bond refinancing in 2024-26 as investment burden grows Europe’s real estate firms face a 40% rise in aggregate bond refinancing to EUR 45bn in 2026 from EUR 32bn next year. With high interest rates set to prevail and multiple pressures for more investment, access to funding is vital to protect credit quality. https://www.scoperatings.com/ratings-and-research/research/EN/175388
BN_BERT22, 19.10.2023 21:22 Uhr
Apollo US Housing Outlook: High mortgage rates slowing demand. But housing supply remains very low. https://apolloacademy.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/USHousingOutlookOctober2023.pdf
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