Fed senkt Zinsen, Gold steigt
Eine Aktie, die möglicherweise vom Anstieg des Goldpreises betroffen sein könnte

DOW JONES WKN: CG3AA2 ISIN: US2605661048 Forum: Indizes Thema: Hauptdiskussion

42.050,27 PKT
+0,04 %+15,36
20. Sep, 22:00:57 Uhr, TTMzero RT (USD)
Kommentare 32.771
BN_BERT22, 10.10.2023 22:31 Uhr
You know it when you see it: US (tech) stocks vs. global stocks https://matttopley.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/image-54.png
BN_BERT22, 10.10.2023 23:07 Uhr

woohoo! National Debt Increases By Another Half-Trillion In Just 20 Days. $33,513,382,512,663.51 and lift off ... https://fiscaldata.treasury.gov/datasets/debt-to-the-penny/debt-to-the-penny

Mit der katastrophalen Schuldenmacherei-Fiskalpolitik der US Regierung ist der weitere Renditeanstieg bereits vorprogrammiert. Um das Haushaltdefizit von voraussichtlich 1,6 Billionen US-Dollar auszugleichen, muss das Bruttoangebot an Staatsanleihen um rund 700 Milliarden US-Dollar in 10-jährigen Anleiheäquivalenten auf über 3 Billionen US-Dollar steigen. Das ist eine riesige Welle von Staatsanleihemissionen, die der Markt da in kurzer Zeit auffangen muss. Diese Flut an neuen Staatsanleihen, steigender Zinsprämie und der Preisgestaltung höherer Endzinsen wird die Renditen immer weiter in die Höhe treiben. Gleichzeitig nimmt die weltweite Liquidität jetzt ab während viele Unternehmen bereits vor einer extrem hohen Schuldenmauer stehen und in den nächsten Jahren ihre Schulden verlängern müssen. Damit ist eine Insolvenzwelle auch breits abzusehen. Das wird keine weiche Landung, sondern eine verdammt harte und vermtulich sogar eine Bruchlandung.
BN_BERT22, 10.10.2023 23:13 Uhr
Wall Street traders have taken on the biggest short position in US stocks on record. Trend-following CTAs are short $47 billion of US equities, according to data from Goldman Sachs. https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/most-bearish-bet-against-stocks-ever-record-wall-street-cta-2023-10
BN_BERT22, 10.10.2023 23:14 Uhr

US Sovereign-Rating Downgrade Exposes Significant Debt, Fiscal and Governance Vulnerabilities https://internationalbanker.com/banking/us-sovereign-rating-downgrade-exposes-significant-debt-fiscal-and-governance-vulnerabilities/

US credit downgrade means junk sovereign bonds now outweigh AAA debt for the first time, Fitch says https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/bonds/junk-sovereign-bonds-aaa-debt-us-credit-downgrade-fitch-ratings-2023-10
BN_BERT22, 10.10.2023 23:17 Uhr
Inflation could come roaring back 1970s-style. Here are 4 reasons why markets should be concerned, according to Deutsche Bank. There are signs that investors should be concerned inflation makes a comeback and takes a path similar to the 1970s, and that means the Federal Reserve can't afford to declare victory just yet, according Deutsche Bank. https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/inflation-us-economic-outlook-fed-interest-rates-stagflation-recession-deutsche-2023-10
BN_BERT22, 10.10.2023 21:55 Uhr
woohoo! National Debt Increases By Another Half-Trillion In Just 20 Days. $33,513,382,512,663.51 and lift off ... https://fiscaldata.treasury.gov/datasets/debt-to-the-penny/debt-to-the-penny
BN_BERT22, 10.10.2023 19:39 Uhr
ECB Steps Up Scrutiny of Banks’ Commercial Real Estate Loans: concerns grow that banks in the region have been too slow to mark down the value of their commercial real estate loans. https://news.bloomberglaw.com/banking-law/ecb-steps-up-scrutiny-of-banks-commercial-real-estate-loans-1
BN_BERT22, 10.10.2023 19:37 Uhr
October 2023 Credit Outlook - Global Default Risk Rising: Commercial real estate woes are a continuing problem for corporate owners, financial lenders and fund investors; this sector is the likely source of any further problems in second line and shadow bank sub-sectors. Property is also at the core of problems in the Chinese financial system; with likely contagion into the real economy, as well as some risk to international property values if Chinese real estate investors try to raise liquidity from overseas markets. https://www.creditbenchmark.com/october-2023-credit-outlook/
BN_BERT22, 10.10.2023 17:13 Uhr
Trend hedge funds come out winners in bond market rout. They stand out as winners from the latest bond selloff, with bond yields from the United States to Germany this week hitting multi-year highs as concern about elevated interest rates and high debt levels took hold, derailing stock markets in turn. https://www.hellenicshippingnews.com/trend-hedge-funds-come-out-winners-in-bond-market-rout/
BN_BERT22, 10.10.2023 17:08 Uhr
US Sovereign-Rating Downgrade Exposes Significant Debt, Fiscal and Governance Vulnerabilities https://internationalbanker.com/banking/us-sovereign-rating-downgrade-exposes-significant-debt-fiscal-and-governance-vulnerabilities/
BN_BERT22, 10.10.2023 17:07 Uhr
Scope rating Euro area: inverted yield curve, rising yields test governments’ debt management, fiscal reforms. An extended period of higher euro area interest rates is testing governments’ debt management as financing costs rise, adding urgency to the need for fiscal reforms to create space for higher social spending and green investment. https://scoperatings.com/ratings-and-research/research/EN/175378
BN_BERT22, 10.10.2023 15:22 Uhr

Another one bites the dust: EY Approaches Lenders in Push to Find Metro Bank Buyer by Monday https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-10-08/ey-approaches-lenders-in-push-to-find-metro-bank-buyer-by-monday

A rescue package for the troubled UK challenger bank includes issuing new bail-in debt at a significantly higher yield, and selling existing mortgage portfolios to free up risk-weighted assets. This will eat into net interest margins at a time when deposit rates are also rising, so the bank’s plan to build up specialist mortgages and commercial lending will need to be realised quickly to avoid tipping Metro back into an operating loss. https://www.risk.net/risk-management/7957938/metro-bank-bets-the-house-on-lending-pivot
BN_BERT22, 10.10.2023 12:27 Uhr

Welche bedeutung hat diese Meldung? Geht hier wieder runter?

How Country Garden Plays Into China’s Property Mess: A total collapse could undermine China’s $60 trillion financial system and jolt the world economy. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/10/10/what-is-happening-with-country-garden-2007-hk-and-its-debt/ec3967fa-673e-11ee-9753-2b3742e96987_story.html
BN_BERT22, 10.10.2023 12:27 Uhr
China’s Real Estate Crisis - Economic Analysis 2024: China’s real estate crisis is a major challenge facing the country today. The sector, which accounts for around 30% of GDP, is in a deep slump, with falling prices, rising defaults, and a slowdown in construction. https://medium.com/@toprealestatebuzz/chinas-real-estate-crisis-economic-analysis-2024-7ef10cc22cee
BN_BERT22, 10.10.2023 12:26 Uhr
China’s Real Estate Landscape from the World Bank https://seoagencychina.com/chinas-real-estate-landscape-from-the-world-bank/
Georgos987, 10.10.2023 10:11 Uhr

Chinas Bauriesen Evergrande droht ein „unkontrollierter Zusammenbruch“ https://www.boersennews.de/community/diskussion/evergrande-real-estate-grp-ltd-registered-shares-dl-01/15172/82856561/

Welche bedeutung hat diese Meldung? Geht hier wieder runter?
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