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Diskussion zur BICO Group Aktie WKN: A2PX00 ISIN: SE0013647385 Forum: Aktien User: Hedgehog3

3,153 EUR
±0,00 %±0,000
17. Nov, 18:58:24 Uhr, Lang & Schwarz
Kommentare 19.427
Statusq, 24.02.2023 15:33 Uhr
Discover Echo bringt neues konfokales Mikroskop für hochauflösende Bildgebung auf den Markt Discover Echo, ein BICO-Unternehmen und ein führender Anbieter innovativer Mikroskopie- und Bildgebungstechnologien, hat sein neuestes Produkt auf den Markt gebracht: das Echo Confocal-Mikroskop – ein fortschrittliches Bildgebungssystem, das hochauflösende Bilder biologischer Proben mit außergewöhnlicher Klarheit und Detailtreue liefert. Dieses Produkt öffnet die Tür zu einem brandneuen globalen Markt für Discover Echo, da das Echo Confocal eine beispiellose Benutzerfreundlichkeit und Zugänglichkeit bietet. Das Echo Confocal-Mikroskop ist auf Benutzerfreundlichkeit ausgelegt und verfügt über eine Reihe automatisierter Funktionen zur Vereinfachung der Bilderfassung. Seine einzigartige intuitive Benutzeroberfläche erleichtert Forschern aller Erfahrungsstufen die Bedienung, während es sich dank seines kompakten Designs problemlos in jede Laborumgebung einfügt. Konfokale Mikroskope werden zur Untersuchung lebender Zellen und Gewebe verwendet und liefern hochauflösende, dreidimensionale Bilder mit außergewöhnlichen Details. Sie sind besonders nützlich für die Untersuchung von zellulären Prozessen, Proteinlokalisierung und fluoreszenzmarkierten Molekülen in lebenden Zellen. Das Echo Confocal-Mikroskop bietet eine erhöhte räumliche Auflösung und minimiert die durch unscharfes Licht verursachte Bildverschlechterung. Es enthält auch eine Reihe fortschrittlicher Bildgebungsfunktionen, darunter 3D-Bildgebungsfunktionen, Mosaikkacheln und Lebendzellen-Bildgebung im Zeitraffer. „Wir freuen uns, dieses fortschrittliche konfokale Mikroskop der wissenschaftlichen Gemeinschaft vorzustellen“, sagte Eugene Cho, CEO von Discover Echo. "Mit seinen hochauflösenden Bildgebungsfunktionen und seiner benutzerfreundlichen Oberfläche ist das Echo Confocal-Mikroskop ein unverzichtbares Werkzeug für Forscher in Bereichen, die von der grundlegenden Zellbiologie bis hin zur Arzneimittelentwicklung und Neurobiologie reichen." „Wir freuen uns sehr, eine bedeutende Erweiterung unserer Palette innovativer Laborprodukte ankündigen zu können“, sagte Erik Gatenholm, Präsident und CEO der BICO Group. „Das Echo Confocal-Mikroskop bringt Zugänglichkeit, hochwertige Bildgebung und beispiellose Benutzerfreundlichkeit in die konfokale Mikroskopiebranche und fordert die herkömmliche Vorgehensweise heraus. Das System ergänzt die zellbiologischen Technologien von BICO – einschließlich 3D-Zellkultur, Organoide und Bioprinting-Produkte – mit einer Hochgeschwindigkeits-, High-Content-3D-Bildgebungs- und Analyseplattform, die unseren Kunden auf der ganzen Welt zugänglich ist.“ BICO setzt sich weiterhin dafür ein, der wissenschaftlichen Gemeinschaft zugängliche Life-Science-Lösungen bereitzustellen, die wissenschaftliche Entdeckungen vorantreiben und den Fortschritt in Richtung der Zukunft lebensrettender Behandlungen vorantreiben. Das Echo Confocal-Mikroskop ist jetzt direkt auf der Website von Discover Echo unter https://discover-echo.com/confocal/ erhältlich. Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie bitte Discover Echo unter info@discover-echo.com.
Madami2012, 24.02.2023 15:31 Uhr

Discover Echo Launches New Confocal Microscope for High-Resolution Imaging Discover Echo, a BICO company and a leading provider of innovative microscopy and imaging technologies, has launched its latest product: the Echo Confocal microscope – an advanced imaging system delivering high-resolution images of biological samples with exceptional clarity and detail. This product opens the door to a brand-new global market for Discover Echo as the Echo Confocal will bring unparalleled usability and accessibility. The Echo Confocal microscope is designed for ease of use, and with a range of automated functions to simplify image acquisition. Its unique intuitive user interface makes it easy for researchers of all skill levels to operate, while its compact design allows it to fit easily into any lab setting. Confocal microscopes are used to study living cells and tissues, providing high-resolution, three-dimensional images with exceptional detail. They are particularly useful for investigating cellular processes, protein localization, and fluorescently-labeled molecules in living cells. The Echo Confocal microscope provides increased spatial resolution and minimizes image degradation caused by out-of-focus light. It also includes a range of advanced imaging features, including 3D imaging capabilities, mosaic tiling and live cell imaging timelapse. "We're excited to bring this advanced confocal microscope to the scientific community," said Eugene Cho, CEO of Discover Echo. "With its high-resolution imaging capabilities and user-friendly interface, the Echo Confocal microscope is an essential tool for researchers in fields ranging from basic cell biology to drug development and neurobiology." “We are thrilled to announce a major enhancement to our suite of innovative laboratory products,” said Erik Gatenholm, President & CEO of BICO Group. "The Echo Confocal microscope brings accessibility, high-quality imaging, and unparalleled user-friendliness to the confocal microscopy industry, challenging the conventional way of doing things. The system complements BICO’s cell biology technologies – including 3D cell culture, organoids, and bioprinting products – with a high-speed, high-content 3D imaging and analysis platform that is accessible to our customers around the globe." BICO remains committed to providing the scientific community with accessible life science solutions that advance scientific discovery and drive progress towards the future of life-saving treatments. The Echo Confocal microscope is now available for purchase directly from Discover Echo's website at https://discover-echo.com/confocal/. For more information, please contact Discover Echo at info@discover-echo.com.

Madami2012, 24.02.2023 15:31 Uhr

Discover Echo Launches New Confocal Microscope for High-Resolution Imaging Discover Echo, a BICO company and a leading provider of innovative microscopy and imaging technologies, has launched its latest product: the Echo Confocal microscope – an advanced imaging system delivering high-resolution images of biological samples with exceptional clarity and detail. This product opens the door to a brand-new global market for Discover Echo as the Echo Confocal will bring unparalleled usability and accessibility. The Echo Confocal microscope is designed for ease of use, and with a range of automated functions to simplify image acquisition. Its unique intuitive user interface makes it easy for researchers of all skill levels to operate, while its compact design allows it to fit easily into any lab setting. Confocal microscopes are used to study living cells and tissues, providing high-resolution, three-dimensional images with exceptional detail. They are particularly useful for investigating cellular processes, protein localization, and fluorescently-labeled molecules in living cells. The Echo Confocal microscope provides increased spatial resolution and minimizes image degradation caused by out-of-focus light. It also includes a range of advanced imaging features, including 3D imaging capabilities, mosaic tiling and live cell imaging timelapse. "We're excited to bring this advanced confocal microscope to the scientific community," said Eugene Cho, CEO of Discover Echo. "With its high-resolution imaging capabilities and user-friendly interface, the Echo Confocal microscope is an essential tool for researchers in fields ranging from basic cell biology to drug development and neurobiology." “We are thrilled to announce a major enhancement to our suite of innovative laboratory products,” said Erik Gatenholm, President & CEO of BICO Group. "The Echo Confocal microscope brings accessibility, high-quality imaging, and unparalleled user-friendliness to the confocal microscopy industry, challenging the conventional way of doing things. The system complements BICO’s cell biology technologies – including 3D cell culture, organoids, and bioprinting products – with a high-speed, high-content 3D imaging and analysis platform that is accessible to our customers around the globe." BICO remains committed to providing the scientific community with accessible life science solutions that advance scientific discovery and drive progress towards the future of life-saving treatments. The Echo Confocal microscope is now available for purchase directly from Discover Echo's website at https://discover-echo.com/confocal/. For more information, please contact Discover Echo at info@discover-echo.com.

Madami2012, 24.02.2023 15:30 Uhr

Discover Echo Launches New Confocal Microscope for High-Resolution Imaging Discover Echo, a BICO company and a leading provider of innovative microscopy and imaging technologies, has launched its latest product: the Echo Confocal microscope – an advanced imaging system delivering high-resolution images of biological samples with exceptional clarity and detail. This product opens the door to a brand-new global market for Discover Echo as the Echo Confocal will bring unparalleled usability and accessibility. The Echo Confocal microscope is designed for ease of use, and with a range of automated functions to simplify image acquisition. Its unique intuitive user interface makes it easy for researchers of all skill levels to operate, while its compact design allows it to fit easily into any lab setting. Confocal microscopes are used to study living cells and tissues, providing high-resolution, three-dimensional images with exceptional detail. They are particularly useful for investigating cellular processes, protein localization, and fluorescently-labeled molecules in living cells. The Echo Confocal microscope provides increased spatial resolution and minimizes image degradation caused by out-of-focus light. It also includes a range of advanced imaging features, including 3D imaging capabilities, mosaic tiling and live cell imaging timelapse. "We're excited to bring this advanced confocal microscope to the scientific community," said Eugene Cho, CEO of Discover Echo. "With its high-resolution imaging capabilities and user-friendly interface, the Echo Confocal microscope is an essential tool for researchers in fields ranging from basic cell biology to drug development and neurobiology." “We are thrilled to announce a major enhancement to our suite of innovative laboratory products,” said Erik Gatenholm, President & CEO of BICO Group. "The Echo Confocal microscope brings accessibility, high-quality imaging, and unparalleled user-friendliness to the confocal microscopy industry, challenging the conventional way of doing things. The system complements BICO’s cell biology technologies – including 3D cell culture, organoids, and bioprinting products – with a high-speed, high-content 3D imaging and analysis platform that is accessible to our customers around the globe." BICO remains committed to providing the scientific community with accessible life science solutions that advance scientific discovery and drive progress towards the future of life-saving treatments. The Echo Confocal microscope is now available for purchase directly from Discover Echo's website at https://discover-echo.com/confocal/. For more information, please contact Discover Echo at info@discover-echo.com.

Schmonti, 24.02.2023 15:15 Uhr
Discover Echo Launches New Confocal Microscope for High-Resolution Imaging Discover Echo, a BICO company and a leading provider of innovative microscopy and imaging technologies, has launched its latest product: the Echo Confocal microscope – an advanced imaging system delivering high-resolution images of biological samples with exceptional clarity and detail. This product opens the door to a brand-new global market for Discover Echo as the Echo Confocal will bring unparalleled usability and accessibility. The Echo Confocal microscope is designed for ease of use, and with a range of automated functions to simplify image acquisition. Its unique intuitive user interface makes it easy for researchers of all skill levels to operate, while its compact design allows it to fit easily into any lab setting. Confocal microscopes are used to study living cells and tissues, providing high-resolution, three-dimensional images with exceptional detail. They are particularly useful for investigating cellular processes, protein localization, and fluorescently-labeled molecules in living cells. The Echo Confocal microscope provides increased spatial resolution and minimizes image degradation caused by out-of-focus light. It also includes a range of advanced imaging features, including 3D imaging capabilities, mosaic tiling and live cell imaging timelapse. "We're excited to bring this advanced confocal microscope to the scientific community," said Eugene Cho, CEO of Discover Echo. "With its high-resolution imaging capabilities and user-friendly interface, the Echo Confocal microscope is an essential tool for researchers in fields ranging from basic cell biology to drug development and neurobiology." “We are thrilled to announce a major enhancement to our suite of innovative laboratory products,” said Erik Gatenholm, President & CEO of BICO Group. "The Echo Confocal microscope brings accessibility, high-quality imaging, and unparalleled user-friendliness to the confocal microscopy industry, challenging the conventional way of doing things. The system complements BICO’s cell biology technologies – including 3D cell culture, organoids, and bioprinting products – with a high-speed, high-content 3D imaging and analysis platform that is accessible to our customers around the globe." BICO remains committed to providing the scientific community with accessible life science solutions that advance scientific discovery and drive progress towards the future of life-saving treatments. The Echo Confocal microscope is now available for purchase directly from Discover Echo's website at https://discover-echo.com/confocal/. For more information, please contact Discover Echo at info@discover-echo.com.
Schmonti, 24.02.2023 8:03 Uhr
Erik Gatenholm ist seit vergangener Nacht in Los Angeles.. im vorherigen Post hat er was von "business season 🚀"gepostet. Vielleicht kommt da was!
Michiback, 23.02.2023 22:25 Uhr
Heute hält es sich stabil, zumindest keine großen ab Verkäufe
Keks22, 23.02.2023 19:06 Uhr
Keks22, 23.02.2023 19:06 Uhr
Fragen wir doch den anderen Experten.
Michiback, 23.02.2023 18:47 Uhr
Das hat Google ausgespuckt 🙈☺️😂
Michiback, 23.02.2023 18:47 Uhr
Wie lange gilt Kursziel? Kursziele gelten so lange, bis sich etwas ereignet, das bei der Berechnung des Kursziels noch nicht bekannt war und imstande ist, die Einschätzung zu verändern – egal, ob es sich da um fundamentale oder um charttechnische Ereignisse handelt. Das bedeutet: Kursziele sind beweglich.
Michiback, 23.02.2023 18:08 Uhr
Am besten würde ich es finden, wenn XY ein Kurs Ziel raus gibt und dieses müsste dann klassifiziert sein, welches dann in den nächsten 52 Wochen eintreffen sollte laut dem Analyst
Madami2012, 23.02.2023 18:06 Uhr
Bei bico wird aufgeräumt, das geht aber nicht in wenigen Wochen, das ist ein etwas längerer Prozess, dieser wird sich auszahlen, bico ist sehr gut aufgestellt, natürlich trifft man nicht immer die richtigen Entscheidungen, sonst wären wir alle Millionäre, aber bico wird seinen Weg gehen, und ich bin überzeugt, dass die nächsten Zahlen wieder deutlich besser ausfallen werden
Michiback, 23.02.2023 18:05 Uhr

Ich frage mich ja auch, welchen zeitlichen Horizont diese Kursziele haben, und ob, sofern diese unterschiedlich sind, man sie überhaupt zusammen aufführen kann.

Ich denke, die Kursziele können sich am ehesten immer um mittelfristige Anlage Horizonte handeln weil zu weit in die Zukunft kann es niemand voraus schauen
Madami2012, 23.02.2023 18:02 Uhr

Ich bin dort hab das auch schon gesehen allerdings bei Nebenwerten und auch generell sind Analysten Bewertungen mit Vorsicht zu genießen

Das stimmt allerdings 👍🏻
Keks22, 23.02.2023 17:48 Uhr
Ich frage mich ja auch, welchen zeitlichen Horizont diese Kursziele haben, und ob, sofern diese unterschiedlich sind, man sie überhaupt zusammen aufführen kann.
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