CHINA RARE EARTH WKN: 590363 ISIN: KYG210891001 Kürzel: RAE Forum: Aktien Thema: Hauptdiskussion

0,0335 EUR
-2,90 %-0,0010
20. Sep, 23:00:22 Uhr, L&S Exchange
Kommentare 67
Pleitegeierx77x, 22.01.2021 4:07 Uhr
MrMalindi1, 21.01.2021 22:09 Uhr
Pleite.... Sehr netter Artikel 👍
Pleitegeierx77x, 21.01.2021 20:51 Uhr
Freddiemoney, 21.01.2021 19:53 Uhr
Hier ist kein Ami drin
Freddiemoney, 21.01.2021 19:52 Uhr
Dann kommen die chinesische Investoren und nehmen die Gewinne raus
Pleitegeierx77x, 21.01.2021 15:58 Uhr
Gibt immer wieder Rücksetzer....nur wie weit fliegt es bevor es Rücksetzer gibt....,Und je nach Uhrzeit gibt es auch teilweise Schwankungen...
Kukuk12, 21.01.2021 12:57 Uhr
Ich bin raus
BurkutII, 21.01.2021 11:08 Uhr
Sehr interessant... denkst du, dass es einen Rücksetzer gibt?
Pleitegeierx77x, 21.01.2021 10:59 Uhr
Zum Inhalt springen  Asia Times Speisekarte VERÖFFENTLICHT INCHINA China verschärft die strategische Kontrolle über Seltene Erden Watchdog veröffentlicht einen Regelentwurf, der das Management der Seltenerdproduktion, das Investmentmanagement und die Überwachung umfasst Von DAVE MAKICHUK20. JANUAR 2021 Ungefähr 80% der Seltenerdmetalle gehen in Hochtemperatur-Superlegierungen über, insbesondere in solche, die zur Herstellung der Turbinenschaufeln für kommerzielle und militärische Flugzeugtriebwerke verwendet werden. Gutschrift: Handout. China bemühte sich, die Kontrolle über die Seltenerdmetallindustrie zu verschärfen, was einige Experten als jüngste Reaktion auf den anhaltenden Handelskrieg mit den USA ansehen. Die vorgeschlagenen Regelungen, die alles vom Bergbau bis zum Export umfassen, wurden letzte Woche vom Ministerium für Industrie und Informationstechnologie (MIIT) angekündigt, berichtete die Global Times . Ein Branchenbeobachter hat am Freitag einen Entwurf für eine Regel zur Bewirtschaftung von Seltenen Erden veröffentlicht, der die Quotenverwaltung für die heimische Produktion von Seltenen Erden, das Investitionsmanagement und die Überwachung umfasst. Analysten sagten, es sei wahrscheinlich ein Zeichen dafür, dass China entschlossen ist, das Management der Seltenerdindustrie zu standardisieren, eine qualitativ hochwertige Entwicklung zu fördern und die Kontrolle über strategische Ressourcen zu verschärfen. Der Entwurf enthält 29 Artikel, in denen die Gesamtquotenkontrolle für den Abbau, das Schmelzen und die Trennung von Seltenen Erden sowie das Genehmigungssystem für Investitionsprojekte für Seltene Erden klargestellt werden, berichtete Global Times. Laut MIIT wird auch die Stärkung des Managements der gesamten Industriekette und der Aufsicht betont. A new Chinese law introduced in December will restrict exports of controlled items, which experts said will increase market supply volatility of some products and technologies, including rare earths, Global Times reported. The law, passed by the country’s top legislative body in October, stipulates that China will impose restrictions or bans on exports of military and nuclear products, as well as other goods, to protect the national interest and security. While rare earth elements are used in building consumer electronics, in healthcare and transportation, they are especially important for governments because of their use in manufacturing defense equipment, The Indian Express reported. At present, China refines approximately 80%-90% of the world’s rare earths, thereby having substantial control over their supply. The Pentagon, of course, has taken note and also expressed alarm that China has grasped control of most of the world’s rare earths supply. Leaders of a recent bipartisan commission concluded the US needs to move fast, and it must work with allies and partners to compete with China in high tech, not go it alone, Breaking Defense reported. “I went with the chairman of the seapower committee on HASC, Joe Courtney, the chairman of the Friends of Australia Caucus, to Australia,” recalled Rep. Mike Gallagher, the Republican co-chair of the congressionally chartered Cyberspace Solarium Commission. In particular, they visited western Australia, a major source of rare earth minerals essential to many high-tech products – minerals that, today, the US mostly gets from China, Breaking Defense reported. “Our biggest takeaway,” he told a CNAS webcast, “was the need to … really enhance our partnership, particularly with our Five Eyes allies” – Australia, Britain, Canada, New Zealand, and the US – “and Japan” – which made major investments in its rare earths supply after China put it under embargo. Overall, Gallagher said, Congress is taking the Chinese threat seriously and moving out but that isn’t guided by a clear strategy. It is also apparent that China could use rare earths as leverage in the ongoing trade dispute — a position the US does not want to be in. “I think, in our eagerness to do something about a very real challenge, the United States has leapt without a plan of action,” he said. “We’ve had some positive developments … like the American Foundries Act, the CHIPS Act, the Telecoms Act. But we need a broader strategic effort to shore up our ICT [information and communications technologies] supply chains.” The commission studied strategic minerals from relatively common ones like silicon and germanium, to esoteric rare earths, the commission’s executive director, retired Rear Adm. Mark Montgomery, explained. “We used to be a leading extraction, mining and refining country, but it is a very messy process,” he said. The high costs of both environmental protection and American labor have repeatedly scuppered attempts to revive domestic production of strategic minerals, Breaking Defense reported. While some US mines are still in production, limited refinery capacity means that “the reality is what we mine right now already gets sent back to China,” he said. “China has too much of an advantage  for us to compete. It would just be putting a lot of money down a hole.” The 17 rare earths are cerium (Ce), dysprosium (Dy), erbium (Er), europium (Eu), gadolinium (Gd), holmium (Ho), lanthanum (La), lutetium (Lu), neodymium (Nd), praseodymium (Pr), promethium (Pm), samarium (Sm), scandium (Sc), terbium (Tb), thulium (Tm), ytterbium (Yb), and yttrium (Y). Despite their classification, most of these elements are not really “rare.” One of the rare earths, promethium, is radioactive. Aside from a Malaysian plant operated by Australia-based Lynas Corp., all rare earth separation facilities are currently located in China. Rare earth elements (REEs) are used in a variety of industrial applications, including electronics, clean energy, aerospace, automotive and defense. The manufacturing of magnets represents the single largest and most important end use for REEs, accounting for 21% of total consumption. Permanent magnets are an essential component of modern electronics used in cellphones, televisions, computers, automobiles, wind turbines, jet aircraft and many other products. REEs are also widely used in high-technology and “green” products because of their luminescent and catalytic properties. According to the Rare Earth Technology Alliance (RETA), the estimated size of the rare earth sector is between $10 billion and $15 billion. About 100,000-110,000 tonnes of rare earth elements are produced annually around the world. China’s exports of rare earths have been decreasing in recent years.  The total export of rare earths was down to 35,447.5 tons, or 23.5% year-on-year in 2020, China’s customs authority said, registering the lowest figure since 2015. Sources: Government of Canada, MetalTech News, The Global Times, The Indian Express, Breaking Defense TAGGED:Block 4ChinaFriends of Australia CaucusMinistry of Industry and Information Technologyrare earths  TOP TRENDING STORIES  America on a new fast track to fusion energy  China tightens strategic control of rare earths  China at the heart of rising Nile River conflict  Biden's CIA director signals a shift to the left  How Pakistan lost $6 billion on a gold mine  It's no secret, Germany's Type 212 sub has cool, new tech  Get real about the Chinese semiconductor industry  Don't confuse vaccine ‘efficacy’ and ‘effectiveness’  Iranians flee their failing state for Turkey and beyond  The making of US empire at the dawning of its end  MILITARY & SECURITY It’s no secret, Germany’s Type 212 sub has cool, new tech January 18, 2021 Local hero: Chef Andrés steps up to feed an army in DC January 18, 2021 Pyongyang unveils sub-launched missile at parade January 15, 2021 China calculation: More Rafale fighters bound for Ladakh January 15, 2021 Hefty jail terms await some Capitol rioters: experts January 13, 2021 Generals blast Capitol attack; US confronts threat January 13, 2021 With China, Russia rapidly arming, clock is ticking on US Navy January 12, 2021  THE CHAIN Ethereum could soar to $10,500: Fundstrat January 20, 2021 Asia accounts for almost half of all digital asset trading January 20, 2021 US Treasury nominee: Crypto crime of ‘particular concern’ January 20, 2021 Cautionary tale: Robbers target HK crypto trader 19. 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matze0891, 21.01.2021 8:16 Uhr
Pleitegeierx77x, 21.01.2021 8:05 Uhr
0 schlägt die Stunde meines Investments hier😁
Carlos88888, 15.01.2021 20:03 Uhr
Bin erstmal auf andere ausgewichen aus Kanada
Carlos88888, 15.01.2021 20:02 Uhr
Bei dem gerade laufenden Handelsstreit bin ich lieber erstmal Vorsichtig und warte auf die Reaktions Chinas am Montag
Ertan26, 30.11.2020 11:42 Uhr
BigLebowski, 07.09.2019 21:22 Uhr
Also ich hab in der VDI gelesen, dass es genau so eine Erde sein sollte, welche für Handys, e-Autos etc. verwendet wird. Denke eine Investition könnte sich für die Zukunft lohnen! Hat jemand noch irgendwelche interessanten news?
Pleitegeierx77x, 30.05.2019 4:58 Uhr
Gibt ja viele verschiedene Erden aber nur China hat eine bestimmte Sorte die in jedem Handy und sogut wie allen elektronischen Geräte steckt...müsste man nur wissen auf welche Erden die Firma Zugang hat....einige sind halt um einiges wertvoller...Genau wie Gold oder Blei....
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