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BICO - The Bio Convergence Company WKN: A2PX00 ISIN: SE0013647385 Forum: Aktien User: KeXStarQ

3,171 EUR
+7,13 %+0,211
22. Nov, 22:58:41 Uhr, Lang & Schwarz
Kommentare 558
aniqahmed92, 21.08.2023 22:22 Uhr

Danke fürs posten.

Sz38, 21.08.2023 20:08 Uhr
Eine neue CEO bringt das ganze vielleicht auf den richtigen Weg. Mal schauen wo Bico in 2 Jahren steht.
tragflechentoni, 21.08.2023 19:58 Uhr
Sz38, 21.08.2023 19:56 Uhr

Woher die Info ?\investors
Sz38, 21.08.2023 19:55 Uhr

BICO Group AB (publ) announces that Erik Gatenholm, after initiating discussions with the Board of Directors, has decided to step down as President and CEO of BICO Group. Maria Forss has been appointed new President and CEO. Maria Forss will assume office on November 27, 2023, or sooner. Maria Forss has been appointed new President and CEO and will assume office on November 27, 2023, or sooner. Maria Forss (born 1972) has extensive international experience from leading positions in both medtech and pharma companies, such as Vitrolife and AstraZeneca. The last years within Vitrolife Maria Forss has as the Senior Vice President led the Consumables Business Area and before that she was the Vice President of Business Development and Global Marketing. Maria Forss has successfully developed businesses through the whole value chain and in the whole product life cycle as well as acquisitions and integration of companies. The Board of Directors has, together with Erik Gatenholm, concluded that the timing is right for a new CEO and President. This discussion was initiated by Erik Gatenholm, and he has together with the board concluded that in the next phase BICO needs a CEO with strong operating skills and experience in scaling a global organization. “On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to welcome Maria Forss. She has profound leadership skills and life science experience, which will secure steadfast focus during BICO’s further development and create shareholder value”, says Rolf Classon, Chairman of the Board, BICO Group AB. “I would also like to thank Erik Gatenholm for his vision and dedication to build a strong life science company. During his tenure the company has evolved into a Group which is built on a market leading commercial portfolio.” In order to enable a seamless transition, Erik Gatenholm will remain in his current position until Maria Forss assumes as new President and CEO. To secure continuity Erik Gatenholm will, as major shareholder, also remain in his role as board member of BICO. ..

Danke fürs posten.
tragflechentoni, 21.08.2023 19:51 Uhr
Woher die Info ?
aniqahmed92, 21.08.2023 19:48 Uhr
Und noch eine schlechte Nachricht ziele für 2024 ubd 2023 nicht erreichbar un d Wertminderung
tragflechentoni, 21.08.2023 19:46 Uhr
Was hier los 🫣
aniqahmed92, 21.08.2023 18:52 Uhr
Gatenholm tritt zurück
aniqahmed92, 21.08.2023 18:52 Uhr
BICO Group AB (publ) announces that Erik Gatenholm, after initiating discussions with the Board of Directors, has decided to step down as President and CEO of BICO Group. Maria Forss has been appointed new President and CEO. Maria Forss will assume office on November 27, 2023, or sooner. Maria Forss has been appointed new President and CEO and will assume office on November 27, 2023, or sooner. Maria Forss (born 1972) has extensive international experience from leading positions in both medtech and pharma companies, such as Vitrolife and AstraZeneca. The last years within Vitrolife Maria Forss has as the Senior Vice President led the Consumables Business Area and before that she was the Vice President of Business Development and Global Marketing. Maria Forss has successfully developed businesses through the whole value chain and in the whole product life cycle as well as acquisitions and integration of companies. The Board of Directors has, together with Erik Gatenholm, concluded that the timing is right for a new CEO and President. This discussion was initiated by Erik Gatenholm, and he has together with the board concluded that in the next phase BICO needs a CEO with strong operating skills and experience in scaling a global organization. “On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to welcome Maria Forss. She has profound leadership skills and life science experience, which will secure steadfast focus during BICO’s further development and create shareholder value”, says Rolf Classon, Chairman of the Board, BICO Group AB. “I would also like to thank Erik Gatenholm for his vision and dedication to build a strong life science company. During his tenure the company has evolved into a Group which is built on a market leading commercial portfolio.” In order to enable a seamless transition, Erik Gatenholm will remain in his current position until Maria Forss assumes as new President and CEO. To secure continuity Erik Gatenholm will, as major shareholder, also remain in his role as board member of BICO. ..
Schmonti, 21.08.2023 18:25 Uhr

Sorry aber du bist wohl echt nicht informiert, letztes Quartal operativ 60 Mio sek an free Cashflow und durch den Gebäude verkauft kommen jetzt nochmal 200 mio sek dazu. Und wenn etwas erwartet wird, kann es nicht negativ überraschen

ToTheMoonAndBack, 21.08.2023 18:23 Uhr

Der freie Cashflow schmilzt immer weiter, allein letztes Jahr wurden ca. 60 Millionen cash verbrannt, es wird erwartet das der Umsatz unter den Erwartungen liegen wird, da letztes Jahr Ginolis noch sehr viel zum Umsatz beigetragen hat. Der Markt geht davon aus, dass allein die tatsache das der Umsatz in diesem Q niedriger sein könnte als letztes Jahr zu enormen Kurseinbrüchen führen könnte.

Sorry aber du bist wohl echt nicht informiert, letztes Quartal operativ 60 Mio sek an free Cashflow und durch den Gebäude verkauft kommen jetzt nochmal 200 mio sek dazu. Und wenn etwas erwartet wird, kann es nicht negativ überraschen
Jumbopeitsche, 21.08.2023 17:11 Uhr
Der freie Cashflow schmilzt immer weiter, allein letztes Jahr wurden ca. 60 Millionen cash verbrannt, es wird erwartet das der Umsatz unter den Erwartungen liegen wird, da letztes Jahr Ginolis noch sehr viel zum Umsatz beigetragen hat. Der Markt geht davon aus, dass allein die tatsache das der Umsatz in diesem Q niedriger sein könnte als letztes Jahr zu enormen Kurseinbrüchen führen könnte.
PausM, 21.08.2023 16:42 Uhr
Danke wie begründest du deine Annahme? Wo liegen aktuell die Probleme?
Teamplayer, 21.08.2023 11:07 Uhr
Bico wird seinen Weg gehen, aber dieses Quartal und nächstes bzw. Die nächsten Quartale wird weiterhin massig Geld verbrannt werden. D.h. der Kurs wird weiter unter Druck sein. Ich rechne mit einem weiteren Abschwung. Aber nächstes Jahr könnte es dann endlich wieder bergauf gehen.
PaulR90, 12.08.2023 10:10 Uhr
Bin mal auf den 22. August gespannt
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