Der nächste Lithium-Gigant?
Rio Tinto setzt 44,4 Mio. Dollar auf das Potenzial dieser Junior-Aktie!

AQUA METALS WKN: A14X9L ISIN: US03837J1016 Forum: Aktien Thema: Hauptdiskussion

Kommentare 1.601
Tobsucht28, 16.05.2024 19:23 Uhr

Das hier hab ich aus einem report gefunden.... wenn man das liest wird einem ganz anders... For the quarters ended March 31, 2024 and 2023, the Company reported a net loss of $5.8 million and $4.6 million, respectively, and negative cash from operations of $4.3 million and $2.9 million, respectively. As of March 31, 2024, the Company had cash and cash equivalents of approximately $8.3 million, current liabilities of $8.5 million and an accumulated deficit of $229.0 million. The Company's current liabilities of $8.5 million include the note payable with Summit Investment Services, LLC in the amount of approximately $3 million due on February 1, 2025 as disclosed in Note 10. The Company has not generated revenues from commercial operations and expects to continue incurring losses for the foreseeable future. Management believes that the Company does not have sufficient capital resources to sustain operations through at least the next twelve months from the date of this filing. Additionally, in view of the Company’s expectation to incur significant losses for the foreseeable future it will be required to raise additional capital resources in order to fund its operations, although the availability of, and the Company’s access to such resources, is not assured. Accordingly, management believes that there is substantial doubt regarding the Company’s ability to continue operating as a going concern through the next twelve months from the date of this filing. The accompanying condensed consolidated financial statements have been prepared under the assumption the Company will continue to operate as a going concern, which contemplates the realization of assets and the settlement of liabilities in the normal course of business. The condensed consolidated financial statements do not include any adjustments to reflect the possible future effects on the recoverability and classification of assets or the amounts of liabilities that may result from uncertainty related to the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern.

Aus welchem Report? Aktuelle Quartalszahlen?
Magish01, 16.05.2024 19:04 Uhr
Wie gesagt ... Mein Anlagehorizont war Ende 2026 . Das es aber mit dem Kurs wieder unter 0,50€ gehen könnte , hatte ich niemals gedacht . Bleibe trotzdem optimistisch . Die Story ist schlüssig . Es wird gearbeitet und zu guter Letzt ist die Idee für die Zukunft super . Jetzt muss das Ding dieses Jahr noch zum laufen kommen.
Schneetrade, 16.05.2024 13:09 Uhr
Das hier hab ich aus einem report gefunden.... wenn man das liest wird einem ganz anders... For the quarters ended March 31, 2024 and 2023, the Company reported a net loss of $5.8 million and $4.6 million, respectively, and negative cash from operations of $4.3 million and $2.9 million, respectively. As of March 31, 2024, the Company had cash and cash equivalents of approximately $8.3 million, current liabilities of $8.5 million and an accumulated deficit of $229.0 million. The Company's current liabilities of $8.5 million include the note payable with Summit Investment Services, LLC in the amount of approximately $3 million due on February 1, 2025 as disclosed in Note 10. The Company has not generated revenues from commercial operations and expects to continue incurring losses for the foreseeable future. Management believes that the Company does not have sufficient capital resources to sustain operations through at least the next twelve months from the date of this filing. Additionally, in view of the Company’s expectation to incur significant losses for the foreseeable future it will be required to raise additional capital resources in order to fund its operations, although the availability of, and the Company’s access to such resources, is not assured. Accordingly, management believes that there is substantial doubt regarding the Company’s ability to continue operating as a going concern through the next twelve months from the date of this filing. The accompanying condensed consolidated financial statements have been prepared under the assumption the Company will continue to operate as a going concern, which contemplates the realization of assets and the settlement of liabilities in the normal course of business. The condensed consolidated financial statements do not include any adjustments to reflect the possible future effects on the recoverability and classification of assets or the amounts of liabilities that may result from uncertainty related to the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern.
Schneetrade, 16.05.2024 8:18 Uhr

Immerhin beschaffen Sie sich anscheinend auch Geld außerhalb des Aktienmarktes. Trotzdem hätte ich eine geringe Verwässrung bevorzugt. Wo hast du das mit Q3 gelesen?

Im q1 Bericht. Commercial plant starting q3 2024
Tobsucht28, 16.05.2024 6:38 Uhr
Immerhin beschaffen Sie sich anscheinend auch Geld außerhalb des Aktienmarktes. Trotzdem hätte ich eine geringe Verwässrung bevorzugt. Wo hast du das mit Q3 gelesen?
Schneetrade, 15.05.2024 22:25 Uhr
China haette die kompletten 3 phasen in 3 wochen hochgezogen....bei den amis ziehts maximal zwischen den Ohren 👂👂. Aber man hat ja alle zeit der Welt 😆
Schneetrade, 15.05.2024 22:19 Uhr
Jetzt faseln die was von q3 solls losgehen. Amis und bauen 🙈. Ein hoch auf die deutsche Pünktlichkeit 😆.
Consti22, 15.05.2024 21:54 Uhr

Steht der termin am 23.5 eigentlich noch?

Laut Onvista, ja.
Tobsucht28, 15.05.2024 21:07 Uhr
Steht der termin am 23.5 eigentlich noch?
Schneetrade, 15.05.2024 18:36 Uhr
Übersetz dir mal meine msg von 16:14 uhr ins deutsche, dann verstehste es 😉
Consti22, 15.05.2024 18:25 Uhr

Glaub ich nicht...sie haben sich ja gerade weitere 180 tage erkauft 😆.

Achso, wie erkauft? Das habe ich nicht ganz verstanden.
Schneetrade, 15.05.2024 18:24 Uhr

Ich hoffe nicht das die einen RS zur Hauptversammlung verkünden. Das wäre noch die Kirsche auf der Torte. 😰

Glaub ich nicht...sie haben sich ja gerade weitere 180 tage erkauft 😆.
Consti22, 15.05.2024 18:19 Uhr
Ich hoffe nicht das die einen RS zur Hauptversammlung verkünden. Das wäre noch die Kirsche auf der Torte. 😰
Schneetrade, 15.05.2024 16:47 Uhr
Hab nochmal 2000 stk zu 0,35 nachgekauft.....hab jetzt 20k zu 0,54 im schnitt. Wollte ich eigentlich nicht machen, aber wat solls 🤣
Schneetrade, 15.05.2024 16:20 Uhr
17,5 mio zu 0,39 erwerblich plus jeder bekommt optionen die als anreiz dienen zu investieren. Haette schlimmeres erwartet nach der Hiobsbotschaft gestern. Wer weiss was nachbörslich heute passiert. Aber das delisting sollte erstmal verschoben sein, zumindest versteh ich rs so. Sehr mühsam sich die ganzen sec berichte durchzulesen
Schneetrade, 15.05.2024 16:14 Uhr
The Common Stock is registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Exchange Act and is listed on the NASDAQ Capital Market and the Company has taken no action designed to, or likely to have the effect of, terminating the registration of the Common Stock under the Exchange Act or delisting the Common Stock from the NASDAQ Capital Market. The Company has not received any notification that the Commission is contemplating terminating such registration. The Company received notification from NASDAQ on November 24, 2023, that it was not in compliance with respect to the continued listing standard set forth in Rule 5550(a)(2) of the Nasdaq Listing Rules because the closing bid price of the Company’s common stock over the previous 30 consecutive trading-day period had fallen below $1.00 per share. To the Company’s knowledge, it has complied in all material respects with all the other applicable requirements of the NASDAQ Capital Market for maintenance of inclusion of the Common Stock on the NASDAQ Capital Market.
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2 Security der nächsten Generation ±0,00 %
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Alle Diskussionen
1 Solo -6,77 %
2 Security der nächsten Generation ±0,00 %
3 Cleanspark Hauptdiskussion -0,19 %
4 ATOS Hauptdiskussion ±0,00 %
5 PLUG POWER Hauptdiskussion +0,78 %
6 XIAOMI CORP. CL.B Hauptdiskussion ±0,00 %
7 Brainchip Klassengruppe ±0,00 %
8 MicroStrategy -0,05 %
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10 OCEAN POWER Hauptdiskussion ±0,00 %
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