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Aker Carbon Capture WKN: A2QBSN ISIN: NO0010890304 Kürzel: ACC Forum: Aktien User: MrVistos

0,4999 EUR
±0,00 %±0,0000
17. Nov, 18:58:24 Uhr, Lang & Schwarz
Kommentare 7.859
1000prozentig!!!, 15.02.2023 8:39 Uhr
Umsatz plus 85% , Verlust abgebaut, Auftrags-Pipeline voll .......hört sich sehr gut an
Epopiet, 15.02.2023 8:38 Uhr

Financial results Aker Carbon Capture saw continued revenue growth through the fourth quarter. Revenues reached NOK 239 million in the period, which was up 85% compared to the same period last year. The increase in revenues was mainly driven by progress on the Brevik CCS project, Twence CCU project, UK FEED projects, and the CO2 Hub Nord MTU campaign with Elkem. EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization) in the fourth quarter was negative NOK 47 million, compared with negative NOK 66 million in the same period last year. The Twence CCU project started to recognize profit in the period. Both the Brevik CCS project and Twence CCU project are now recognizing profit and are expected to continue to deliver positive results through 2023. The overall negative EBITDA continued to be driven by high sales and tender activity and ongoing investment into technology and innovation, including digitalization. Aker Carbon Capture ended the fourth quarter with a solid cash position at NOK 1.1 billion, and equity remained strong at NOK 0.9 billion. The order backlog closed at NOK 1.3 billion

Wau stark 👍 und Moin ☕
ptk1401, 15.02.2023 8:32 Uhr

Financial results Aker Carbon Capture saw continued revenue growth through the fourth quarter. Revenues reached NOK 239 million in the period, which was up 85% compared to the same period last year. The increase in revenues was mainly driven by progress on the Brevik CCS project, Twence CCU project, UK FEED projects, and the CO2 Hub Nord MTU campaign with Elkem. EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization) in the fourth quarter was negative NOK 47 million, compared with negative NOK 66 million in the same period last year. The Twence CCU project started to recognize profit in the period. Both the Brevik CCS project and Twence CCU project are now recognizing profit and are expected to continue to deliver positive results through 2023. The overall negative EBITDA continued to be driven by high sales and tender activity and ongoing investment into technology and innovation, including digitalization. Aker Carbon Capture ended the fourth quarter with a solid cash position at NOK 1.1 billion, and equity remained strong at NOK 0.9 billion. The order backlog closed at NOK 1.3 billion

Dann hoffen wie mal das es heute nach oben geht
mar_lo, 15.02.2023 7:33 Uhr
Financial results Aker Carbon Capture saw continued revenue growth through the fourth quarter. Revenues reached NOK 239 million in the period, which was up 85% compared to the same period last year. The increase in revenues was mainly driven by progress on the Brevik CCS project, Twence CCU project, UK FEED projects, and the CO2 Hub Nord MTU campaign with Elkem. EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization) in the fourth quarter was negative NOK 47 million, compared with negative NOK 66 million in the same period last year. The Twence CCU project started to recognize profit in the period. Both the Brevik CCS project and Twence CCU project are now recognizing profit and are expected to continue to deliver positive results through 2023. The overall negative EBITDA continued to be driven by high sales and tender activity and ongoing investment into technology and innovation, including digitalization. Aker Carbon Capture ended the fourth quarter with a solid cash position at NOK 1.1 billion, and equity remained strong at NOK 0.9 billion. The order backlog closed at NOK 1.3 billion
Denmich, 14.02.2023 21:56 Uhr

Kann hier jemand was zur Monetarisierung des twence Projektes sagen? Verstehe ich das richtig, ab dem Zeitpunkt der Fertigstellung läuft quasi ein Abo Modell je Tonne CO2?

Hatte mal mit dem Investor Relations Team geschrieben, anscheinend gibt es so etwas wie ein Abo Modell noch nicht
Epopiet, 14.02.2023 18:57 Uhr
Vielen dank
Bravecap, 14.02.2023 18:48 Uhr
Hier der Text der LinkedIn Meldung: Milestone alert! Last weekend, all three columns were successfully lifted in place at Twence’s waste-to-energy facility in the Netherlands. “With now the absorber, desorber and direct contact cooler lifted in place, we’ve reached another important milestone on schedule at #TwenceCCU. Most importantly, together with the Twence team, we’ve managed to deliver on this challenge without any incidents. The safety of our employees is our top priority while developing this flagship #CCU project,” said Erik Langholm, Chief Project Officer at Aker Carbon Capture. By the end of 2023, the #carboncapture plant will start capturing 100,000 tonnes CO2 per year
Epopiet, 14.02.2023 18:25 Uhr
Kann den link nicht öffnen kann das einer mal mit seinen worten beschreiben was da geschrieben steht 🤷‍♂️ danke
mar_lo, 14.02.2023 18:24 Uhr
Kann hier jemand was zur Monetarisierung des twence Projektes sagen? Verstehe ich das richtig, ab dem Zeitpunkt der Fertigstellung läuft quasi ein Abo Modell je Tonne CO2?
luciman, 14.02.2023 17:45 Uhr
Immer wieder erstaunlich wie eng dieser Wert mit den amerikanischen Indizes läuft.
GeorgPS, 14.02.2023 17:22 Uhr
https://www.linkedin.com/posts/aker-carbon-capture_installation-of-columns-at-ccu-project-at-activity-7031291094881452032-Myyi?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios Es geht voran!
mar_lo, 14.02.2023 17:17 Uhr
Ich hab da so ein grünes Gefühl;)
SnackWidow, 14.02.2023 12:55 Uhr
Zur Info: Morgen kommen Q4 Zahlen.
1000prozentig!!!, 10.02.2023 19:06 Uhr
Kann noch bis 14,67 runtergehen
Baker121, 07.02.2023 22:16 Uhr
@ Hannes23 1,225 € Einstiegskurs hät ich auch gern, bei 1,73 € liegt meiner :-(. Nachkaufen? Wie bei meinem Lieblings MMORG (Mostly men online ruleplaying girls) EVE online gilt. Fliege kein Schiff dessen Verlust Du Dir nicht leisten kannst. In anderen Worten wenn Du 500.000 € auf dem Konto hast davon für 5.000 ACC und sonst auch gut diversifiziert bist, kauf gerne noch mal 5000 Stück nach. Wenn Du hingegen bei einer ordentlichen Sparrate ein paar Jahre früher im Rente gehen kannst, eher nicht. So zumindest meine Ansicht. (Wenn Du hingegen fast nichts hast kann man auch alles auf eine Karte setzten. ((Wozu ich aber ausdrücklich nicht rate.))) Ich halte ACC für eine gute Firma aber keinesfalls für einen Erfolgsgaranten. In einer solchen Höhe bezogen auf mein vermögen habe ich auch investiert.
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